## Process this file with Automake to create Makefile.in. LDFLAGS = -version-info "1:0:1" lib_LTLIBRARIES = @WWWSSL@ EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES = \ libwwwssl.la SUBDIRS = windows # .h files are distributed but originally are made from the # self-documenting hypertext files. SUFFIXES = .h .html .txt .html.h: ifdef WWW $(WWW) -w90 -na -p -to text/x-c $(srcdir)/$(*F).html -o $(srcdir)/$(*F).h else @echo "**************************************************" @echo "Need to regenerate one or more .h files but can't find the libwww" @echo "Line Mode Browser (www). Attempting to generate them using the" @echo "winConfigure.pl script - it may generate a few warnings." @echo "**************************************************" perl $(top_srcdir)/config/winConfigure.pl $(srcdir) endif inc: $(BUILT_SOURCES) @echo Generated built sources libwwwssl_la_SOURCES = \ WWWSSL.h \ HTSSL.h \ HTSSLMan.h \ HTSSL.c \ HTSSLReader.h \ HTSSLReader.c \ HTSSLWriter.h \ HTSSLWriter.c \ HTSSLhttps.h \ HTSSLhttps.c libwwwssl_la_LDFLAGS = -rpath $(libdir) LDADD = \ libwwwssl.la INCLUDES = \ -I/usr/local/include \ -I${top_srcdir}/modules/md5 \ -I${top_srcdir}/modules/expat/xmlparse \ -I$(top_srcdir)/Library/src \ @SSLINC@ BUILT_SOURCES = \ WWWSSL.h \ HTSSL.h \ HTSSLMan.h \ HTSSLReader.h \ HTSSLWriter.h \ HTSSLhttps.h pkginclude_HEADERS = $(BUILT_SOURCES) DOCS := $(wildcard *.html) EXTRA_DIST = \ $(BUILT_SOURCES) \ $(DOCS)