# DOS files syntax by Olegarch # GPL v2 # # (c) 2003 # context default keyword whole 0\{xX\}\[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789\] magenta # Internal commands supported by Command.com keyword whole BREAK brightred keyword whole CHCP white keyword whole CHDIR white keyword whole CD white keyword whole CLS white keyword whole COPY white keyword whole CTTY white keyword whole DATE white keyword whole DEL white keyword whole DIR white keyword whole ERASE white keyword whole EXIT white keyword whole LOADHIGH white keyword whole LH white keyword whole MD white keyword whole MKDIR white keyword whole PATH white keyword whole TEMP white keyword whole PROMPT white keyword whole REN white keyword whole RENAME white keyword whole RD white keyword whole RMDIR white keyword whole TIME white keyword whole TYPE white keyword whole VER white keyword whole VERIFY white keyword whole VOL white keyword whole \{Bb\}reak brightred keyword whole \{Cc\}h\{Cc\}p white keyword whole \{Cc\}h\{Dd\}ir white keyword whole \{Cc\}d white keyword whole \{Cc\}ls white keyword whole \{Cc\}opy white keyword whole \{Cc\}\{Tt\}\{Tt\}\{Yy\} white keyword whole \{Dd\}ate white keyword whole \{Dd\}el white keyword whole \{Dd\}ir white keyword whole \{Ee\}rase white keyword whole \{Ee\}xit white keyword whole \{Ll\}oad\{Hh\}igh white keyword whole \{Ll\}h white keyword whole \{Mm\}d white keyword whole \{Mm\}k\{Dd\}ir white keyword whole \{Pp\}ath white keyword whole \{Tt\}emp white keyword whole \{Pp\}prompt white keyword whole \{Rr\}en white keyword whole \{Rr\}ename white keyword whole \{Rr\}d white keyword whole \{Rr\}m\{Dd\}ir white keyword whole \{Tt\}ime white keyword whole \{Tt\}ype white keyword whole \{Vv\}er white keyword whole \{Vv\}erify white keyword whole \{Vv\}ol white # Commands related to Batch files and the Config.sys file keyword whole DOS brightgreen keyword whole HIGH green keyword whole UMB red keyword whole BUFFERS brightgreen keyword whole CALL brightmagenta keyword whole CHOICE brightmagenta keyword whole COUNTRY brightmagenta keyword whole DEVICE brightmagenta keyword whole DEVICEHIGH brightmagenta keyword whole DO brightmagenta keyword whole ECHO brightmagenta keyword whole ERRORLEVEL brightred keyword whole EXIST brightred keyword whole FOR yellow keyword whole FCBS brightmagenta keyword whole FILES brightgreen keyword whole GOTO white keyword whole IF white keyword whole IN brightmagenta keyword whole INCLUDE brightmagenta keyword whole LASTDRIVE brightgreen keyword whole MENUCOLOR yellow keyword whole MENUDEFAULT red keyword whole MENUITEM green keyword whole NUMLOCK brightmagenta keyword whole NOT brightred keyword whole PAUSE brightred keyword whole SET brightmagenta keyword whole SHELL brightgreen keyword whole SHIFT brightmagenta keyword whole STACKS brightgreen keyword whole SUBMENU brightblue keyword whole SWITCHES brightmagenta keyword whole \{Bb\}uffers brightgreen keyword whole \{Cc\}all brightmagenta keyword whole \{Cc\}hoice brightmagenta keyword whole \{Cc\}ountry brightmagenta keyword whole \{Dd\}evice brightmagenta keyword whole \{Dd\}evice\{Hh\}igh brightmagenta keyword whole \{Dd\}o brightmagenta keyword whole \{Dd\}os brightmagenta keyword whole \{Ee\}cho brightmagenta keyword whole \{Ee\}rror\{Ll\}evel brightred keyword whole \{Ee\}xist brightred keyword whole \{Ff\}or yellow keyword whole \{Ff\}\{Cc\}\{Bb\}\{Ss\} brightmagenta keyword whole \{Ff\}iles brightgreen keyword whole \{Gg\}o\{Tt\}o white keyword whole \{Ii\}f white keyword whole \{Ii\}n brightmagenta keyword whole \{Ii\}nclude brightmagenta keyword whole \{Ll\}LAST\{Dd\}DRIVE brightgreen keyword whole \{Mm\}enu\{Cc\}olor yellow keyword whole \{Mm\}enu\{Dd\}efault red keyword whole \{Mm\}enu\{Ii\}tem green keyword whole \{Nn\}um\{Ll\}ock brightmagenta keyword whole \{Nn\}ot brightred keyword whole \{Pp\}ause brightred keyword whole \{Ss\}et brightmagenta keyword whole \{Ss\}hell brightgreen keyword whole \{Ss\}hift brightmagenta keyword whole \{Ss\}tacks brightgreen keyword whole \{Ss\}ub\{Mm\}enu brightblue keyword whole \{Ss\}witches brightmagenta # External commands, they are just exe & com files keyword whole ANSI yellow keyword whole APPEND yellow keyword whole ATTRIB yellow keyword whole CHCP yellow keyword whole CHKDSK yellow keyword whole CHKSTATE yellow keyword whole COMMAND yellow keyword whole DEBUG yellow keyword whole DEFRAG yellow keyword whole DELTREE yellow keyword whole DISKCOMP yellow keyword whole DISKCOPY yellow keyword whole DISPLAY yellow keyword whole DOSKEY yellow keyword whole DOSSHELL yellow keyword whole DRIVER yellow keyword whole DRIVPARM yellow keyword whole DRVSPACE yellow keyword whole EDIT yellow keyword whole EGA yellow keyword whole EMM386 yellow keyword whole EXPAND yellow keyword whole FASTHELP yellow keyword whole FASTOPEN yellow keyword whole FC yellow keyword whole FDISK yellow keyword whole FIND yellow keyword whole FORMAT yellow keyword whole GRAPHICS yellow keyword whole HELP yellow keyword whole MOVE yellow keyword whole HIMEM yellow keyword whole INSTALL yellow keyword whole INSTALLHIGH yellow keyword whole INTERLNK yellow keyword whole INTERSVR yellow keyword whole KEYB yellow keyword whole LABEL yellow keyword whole LOADFIX yellow keyword whole MEM yellow keyword whole MEMMAKER yellow keyword whole MORE yellow keyword whole MSCDEX yellow keyword whole MSD yellow keyword whole NLSFUNC yellow keyword whole POWER yellow keyword whole PRINT yellow keyword whole QBASIC yellow keyword whole RAMDRIVE yellow keyword whole REPLACE yellow keyword whole RESTORE yellow keyword whole SCANDISK yellow keyword whole SETVER yellow keyword whole SHARE yellow keyword whole SMARTDRV yellow keyword whole SORT yellow keyword whole SUBST yellow keyword whole SYS yellow keyword whole EXE yellow keyword whole COM yellow keyword whole TREE yellow keyword whole UNDELETE yellow keyword whole UNFORMAT yellow keyword whole XCOPY yellow keyword \\ cyan keyword :\\ cyan keyword / cyan keyword :/ cyan keyword whole \%\* brightgreen keyword whole \%\$ brightgreen keyword whole \%\[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789\]+\% brightgreen keyword whole \%\[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789@~\]+ brightgreen keyword >> brightred keyword | brightred keyword > brightred keyword < brightred keyword \+ brightred keyword - brightred keyword \* brightred keyword % brightred keyword = brightred keyword { white keyword } white keyword ( white keyword ) white # keyword [*] cyan keyword . cyan keyword ' green keyword , cyan keyword ; yellow context " " green #context ' ' brightgreen context :: \n magenta keyword $+:*$ black green context linestart : \n white brown context linestart [*] \n white brown context linestart @ \n gray context exclusive /\* \*/ brown context linestart rem \n brown context linestart REM \n brown