/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Century Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the PIXIL Operating Environment * * The use, copying and distribution of this file is governed by one * of two licenses, the PIXIL Commercial License, or the GNU General * Public License, version 2. * * Licensees holding a valid PIXIL Commercial License may use this file * in accordance with the PIXIL Commercial License Agreement provided * with the Software. Others are governed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License version 2. * * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included * in the packaging of this file. * * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING * THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND * * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to * restriction as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(b) of the Rights in * Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DAR 7-104.9(a). * * See http://embedded.centurysoftware.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing * information. * * See http://embedded.centurysoftware.com/license.html or * email cetsales@centurysoftware.com for information about the PIXIL * Commercial License Agreement, or if any conditions of this licensing * are not clear to you. */ #include "nxapp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef NANOX #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include "nxbutton.h" #include "nxbox.h" #include "nxoutput.h" #include "nxwindow.h" #ifdef CONFIG_SYNC #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM extern "C" { #include } #endif #ifdef DEBUG #define DPRINT(str, args...) printf("DEBUG: " str, ## args) #else #define DPRINT(args...) #endif #define OPTIONS "k:d:m:p:" NxApp * NxApp::_instance = 0; Fl_Widget * NxApp::g_PasteTarget; Fl_Widget * NxApp::undoTarget; int NxApp::fl_editor_type; bool NxApp::paste_ok_; Fl_Color NxApp::global_colors[MAX_CLR_ATTRIB]; //extern int noguisearch_flag; NxApp * NxApp::Instance() { if (_instance == 0) { printf("_instance() is really messed up. Bail!"); exit(-1); } return _instance; } NxApp::NxApp(char *app) { _instance = this; noguisearch_flag = 0; saveX = saveY = saveW = saveH = 0; // Set fd to err fd = -1; nextSyncState = -1; appSyncState = -1; cur_db = -1; cur_row = -1; cur_table_size = -1; cur_table = -1; total_rows = -1; c_db_struct = NULL; agent_ipc = -1; app_ipc = -1; winTitle = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; if (app != NULL) { strcpy(winTitle, app); } exitOnSearch = 0; // Initialize Object Pointer Array for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WIN; i++) window[i] = 0; // Memory Management appName = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) clientList[i] = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; nextClient = 0; cur_size = 0; catlist_window = NULL; title_running = false; keyboard_running = false; paste_ok_ = false; keyboard_path_ = "/usr/nanox/bin/nxkeyboard"; keyboard_maps_ = "/usr/nanox/keymaps"; keyboard_size_ = "mid"; #ifdef CONFIG_PAR if (colorsFromPAR() < 0) { #endif global_colors[APP_BG] = FL_WHITE; global_colors[APP_FG] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[APP_SEL] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[BUTTON_FACE] = FL_WHITE; global_colors[BUTTON_TEXT] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[BUTTON_PUSH] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[BUTTON_3D_LITE] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[BUTTON_3D_DARK] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[HILIGHT] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[HILIGHT_LITE] = FL_WHITE; global_colors[HILIGHT_DARK] = FL_WHITE; global_colors[TITLE_FG] = FL_WHITE; global_colors[TITLE_BG] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[SCROLL_FACE] = FL_WHITE; global_colors[SCROLL_LITE] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[SCROLL_DARK] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[SCROLL_TRAY] = FL_BLACK; global_colors[RADIO_FILL] = FL_RED; #ifdef CONFIG_PAR } #endif } NxApp::~NxApp() { // Memory Management delete[]appName; appName = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { delete[]clientList[i]; clientList[i] = NULL; } delete[]winTitle; winTitle = NULL; for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < v_SyncDB.size(); idx++) { sync_db_struct s; s = v_SyncDB[idx]; if (s.file_fields) { delete[]s.file_fields; s.file_fields = NULL; } } if (c_db_struct) free(c_db_struct); } /* Load up default colors from the PAR database */ /* #FFFFFF #000000 #FFFFFF #000000 #000000 #000000 #000000 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #000000 #FFFFFF #000000 #000000 #000000 #FF0000 */ Fl_Color NxApp::GlobalColor(NxApp_Color nc) { if ((nc < 0) || (nc >= MAX_CLR_ATTRIB)) return FL_WHITE; return (global_colors[nc]); } Fl_Color NxApp::getGlobalColor(NxApp_Color nc) { if ((nc < 0) || (nc >= MAX_CLR_ATTRIB)) return FL_WHITE; return (global_colors[nc]); } Fl_Color NxApp::globalColor(unsigned long c) { int r = 0, b = 0, g = 0; r = (c >> 16) & 0xFF; g = (c >> 8) & 0xFF; b = c & 0xFF; Fl_Color tmp = fl_color_cube(r * FL_NUM_RED / 256, g * FL_NUM_GREEN / 256, b * FL_NUM_BLUE / 256); //printf("%d, %d, %d, cc(%d)\n", r, g, b, (int)tmp); return tmp; } #ifdef CONFIG_PAR int NxApp::colorsFromPAR() { db_handle *db; unsigned long c = 0; /* Dum, dah, dum, dum, dummmmmm! */ /* PAR to the rescue */ /* Fire up the PAR database */ db = db_openDB(db_getDefaultDB(), PAR_DB_MODE_RDONLY); if (db < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - Could not open par database %s\n", db_getDefaultDB()); return -1; } par_getGlobalColor(db, "appbg", &c); global_colors[APP_BG] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "appfg", &c); global_colors[APP_FG] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "appsel", &c); global_colors[APP_SEL] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "buttonface", &c); global_colors[BUTTON_FACE] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "buttontext", &c); global_colors[BUTTON_TEXT] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "buttonpush", &c); global_colors[BUTTON_PUSH] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "button3dlite", &c); global_colors[BUTTON_3D_LITE] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "button3ddark", &c); global_colors[BUTTON_3D_DARK] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "hilight", &c); global_colors[HILIGHT] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "hilighttext", &c); global_colors[HILIGHT_TEXT] = globalColor(c); //printf("hilight_text: %d\n", (int)global_colors[HILIGHT_TEXT]); par_getGlobalColor(db, "hilightlite", &c); global_colors[HILIGHT_LITE] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "hilightdark", &c); global_colors[HILIGHT_DARK] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "titlefg", &c); global_colors[TITLE_FG] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "titlebg", &c); global_colors[TITLE_BG] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "scrollface", &c); global_colors[SCROLL_FACE] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "scrolllite", &c); global_colors[SCROLL_LITE] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "scrolldark", &c); global_colors[SCROLL_DARK] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "scrolltray", &c); global_colors[SCROLL_TRAY] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "radiofill", &c); global_colors[RADIO_FILL] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "editorbg", &c); global_colors[EDITOR_BG] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "editorfg", &c); global_colors[EDITOR_FG] = globalColor(c); par_getGlobalColor(db, "editorsel", &c); global_colors[EDITOR_SEL] = globalColor(c); return 1; } #endif /* Error codes from Colosseum */ void NxApp::IPCError(int err, char *errMsg) { #ifndef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM strcpy(errMsg, "No IPC server available\n"); #else switch (err) { case CL_E_NONE: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_NONE or CL_CLIENT_SUCCESS"); break; case CL_E_NOAPP: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_NOAPP"); break; case CL_E_BADCMD: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_BADCMD"); break; case CL_E_TIMEOUT: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_TIMEOUT"); break; case CL_E_NACTIVE: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_NACTIVE"); break; case CL_E_APPERR: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_APPERR"); break; case CL_E_DESTFULL: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_DESTFULL"); break; case CL_E_NODEST: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_NODEST"); break; case CL_E_EMPTY: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_EMPTY"); break; case CL_E_NOSTART: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_NOSTART"); break; case CL_E_APPEXISTS: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_APPEXISTS"); break; case CL_E_APPUNKWN: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_APPUNKWN"); break; case CL_E_APPACTIVE: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_E_APPACTIVE"); break; case CL_CLIENT_ERROR: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_ERROR"); break; case CL_CLIENT_SOCK_ERROR: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_SOCK_ERROR"); break; case CL_CLIENT_NOSRVR: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_NOSRVR"); break; case CL_CLIENT_TIMEOUT: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_TIMEOUT"); break; case CL_CLIENT_NODATA: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_NODATA"); break; case CL_CLIENT_NOCONN: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_NOCONN"); break; case CL_CLIENT_INVALID: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_INVALID"); break; case CL_CLIENT_CONNECTED: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_CONNECTED"); break; case CL_CLIENT_BADNAME: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_BADNAME"); break; case CL_CLIENT_NOTFOUND: strcpy(errMsg, "CL_CLIENT_NOTFOUND"); break; } #endif } int NxApp::ExecuteShow() { Fl_Window *w = get_shown_window(); if (w == NULL) return 0; while (w->parent() != NULL) w = (Fl_Window *) w->parent(); w->show(); show_window(get_shown_window()); #ifdef NANOX GR_WINDOW_ID wid = fl_xid(w); GR_WINDOW_INFO info; GrGetWindowInfo(wid, &info); GrMapWindow(info.parent); GrRaiseWindow(info.parent); #endif return 0; } int NxApp::ExecuteNoGui() { DPRINT("******* noguisearch_flag = 1\n It won't exit!"); noguisearch_flag = 1; DPRINT("******* exitOnSearch = 1!\n"); exitOnSearch = 1; return 0; } int NxApp::Add_Fd(char *_appName, void (*cb) (int, void *), void *o) { #ifndef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM return -1; #else strcpy(appName, _appName); int flags = 0; fd = ClRegister((unsigned char *) appName, &flags); ClFindApp((unsigned char *) appName); //DPRINT("IPC ID is: [%d]\n", ipcId); // If you can't register with the Colosseum, // then don't try to register with FLNX. DPRINT("NxApp::Add_Fd \t COLOSSEUM RETURNED A %d\n", fd); if (fd < 0) { char errMsg[255]; IPCError(fd, &errMsg[0]); DPRINT("ClRegister() returned %s. Showing anyway!\n", errMsg); ExecuteShow(); return -1; } Fl::add_fd(fd, cb, NULL); switch (flags) { case 2: DPRINT("EXECUTE NO GUI SEARCH\n"); ExecuteNoGui(); break; default: DPRINT("TRYING to EXECUTE SHOW\n"); ExecuteShow(); break; } _ClientIPCHandler(fd, NULL); return fd; #endif } void NxApp::Remove_Fd(int fd) { if (fd == -1) return; #ifdef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM Fl::remove_fd(fd); ClClose(); #endif } int NxApp::Find_Fd(char *_appName) { #ifndef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM return -1; #else int ipcId = ClFindApp((unsigned char *) _appName); if (ipcId < 0) { char errMsg[255]; IPCError(ipcId, &errMsg[0]); DPRINT("ClFindApp() returned %s.\n", errMsg); } return ipcId; #endif } int NxApp::Read_Fd(char *readMsg, int *length) { #ifndef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM return -1; #else unsigned short src; int err = ClGetMessage(readMsg, length, &src); if (err < 0) { char errMsg[255]; IPCError(err, &errMsg[0]); DPRINT("ClGetMessage() returned %s.\n", errMsg); } DPRINT("Read_Fd(): From = %d, readMsg = (%s) and length = (%i)\n", err, readMsg, *length); return err; #endif } int NxApp::Write_Fd(int fd, char *writeMsg, int length) { #ifndef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM return -1; #else int err = ClSendMessage(fd, writeMsg, length); DPRINT("Write_Fd(): To = %d, writeMsg = (%s) and length = (%i)\n", fd, writeMsg, length); // if ( err < 0 ) { char errMsg[255]; IPCError(err, &errMsg[0]); // } return err; #endif } int NxApp::StartApp(char *_appName, unsigned char *args, int flags, int timeout) { #ifndef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM return -1; #else int err = ClStartApp((unsigned char *) _appName, args, flags, timeout); // if ( err < 0 ) // { char errMsg[255]; IPCError(err, &errMsg[0]); DPRINT("ClStart() returned %s for application %s\n", errMsg, _appName); // } return err; #endif } int NxApp::VerifyClient(char *client) { if (client == NULL) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < nextClient; i++) { if (strstr(clientList[i], client)) { //DPRINT("VerifyClient() successfully validated client.\n"); return 1; } } DPRINT("VerifyClient() unsuccesfuly validated client.\n"); return 0; } int NxApp::GetKey(NxDb * db, char *db_name, int key_field) { int recs = db->NumRecs(db_name); int *rec_array = new int[recs]; int hi_key = 0; int temp_key = 0; char str_key[16]; db->Select(db_name, rec_array, recs, true); for (int idx = 0; idx < recs; idx++) { db->Extract(db_name, rec_array[idx], key_field, str_key); temp_key = atoi(str_key); if (temp_key > hi_key) hi_key = temp_key; } return hi_key; } #ifdef CONFIG_COLOSSEUM void NxApp::_ClientIPCHandler(int fd, void *o) { int length = MAX_LENGTH - 1; int ipc_id = 0; char *passMsg = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; memset(passMsg, 0, MAX_LENGTH); while(1) { ipc_id = NxApp::Instance()->Read_Fd(passMsg, &length); if (ipc_id == CL_CLIENT_NODATA) continue; else if (ipc_id <= 0) break; NxApp::Instance()->ClientIPCHandler(fd, passMsg, ipc_id); } DPRINT("_ClientIPCHandler ipc_id: [%d]\n", ipc_id); delete[]passMsg; passMsg = NULL; } void NxApp::ServerIPCHandler(int fd, int ipc_id, void *o) { char *ack_msg = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; // Explode msg char *service = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; char *msg_cmd = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; char *data_item = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; char *sync_msg = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; char *new_msg = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; // Reset memset(service, 0, MAX_LENGTH); memset(msg_cmd, 0, MAX_LENGTH); memset(data_item, 0, MAX_LENGTH); memset(sync_msg, 0, MAX_LENGTH); memset(new_msg, 0, MAX_LENGTH); // Copy sent message from void* o into new_msg and sync_msg memcpy(new_msg, (char *) o, MAX_LENGTH); memcpy(sync_msg, (char *) o, MAX_LENGTH); DPRINT("ServerIPCHandler(): sync_msg = %s\n", sync_msg); // SERVICE char *tmp = strtok(new_msg, TOKEN); if (NULL != tmp) strcpy(service, tmp); // CMD_MSG tmp = strtok(NULL, TOKEN); if (NULL != tmp) strcpy(msg_cmd, tmp); // DATA_ITEM tmp = strtok(NULL, TOKEN); if (NULL != tmp) strcpy(data_item, tmp); // Memory Management. Cleanup passMsg from ClientIPCHandler delete[]new_msg; new_msg = NULL; DPRINT("ServerIPCHandler(): Expoding Message... %s, %s, %s\n", service, msg_cmd, data_item); // If exitApp gets set, then the PIM bails // after it has cleaned up all its memory. exitApp = 0; if (strcmp(msg_cmd, "INITIATE") == 0) { // send acknowledgement strcpy(ack_msg, appName); strcat(ack_msg, "^ACK^INITIATE^"); strcpy(clientList[nextClient], service); nextClient++; if (!VerifyClient(service)) { DPRINT("Error INITIATE communication with server.\n"); exit(-1); } } else if (strcmp(msg_cmd, "EXECUTE") == 0) { // verify client if (!VerifyClient(service)) return; // send acknowledgement strcpy(ack_msg, appName); strcat(ack_msg, "^ACK^EXECUTE^"); int err = 0; // = Write_Fd(ipc_id, ack_msg, MAX_LENGTH); if (err == -1) { // now what? } do { if (strcmp(data_item, "move_keyboard") == 0) { #ifdef NANOX keyboard_running = false; GR_WINDOW_ID wid = check_for_keyboard(GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID); if (keyboard_running) { int x = atoi(strtok(NULL, TOKEN)); int y = atoi(strtok(NULL, TOKEN)); GrMoveWindow(wid, x, y); } #endif } else if (strcmp(data_item, "resize_win") == 0) { int x = atoi(strtok(NULL, TOKEN)); int y = atoi(strtok(NULL, TOKEN)); int width = atoi(strtok(NULL, TOKEN)); int h = atoi(strtok(NULL, TOKEN)); /* Fl_Window *w = get_shown_window(); while ( w->parent() != NULL ) { // Make sure widgets fit within x, y, width, & h int nKids = w->Fl_Group::children(); for ( int i=0; i < nKids; i++ ) { Fl_Widget* kid = w->Fl_Group::child(i); // Let's just try the dh if ( kid->y() > h ) { //printf("resize(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", kid->x(), (h-kid->h()), kid->w(), kid->h()); kid->resize(kid->x(), h-kid->h(), kid->w(), kid->h()); } kid->redraw(); } w->damage(FL_DAMAGE_ALL); w = (Fl_Window*)w->parent(); } */ Fl_Window *w = get_shown_window(); w->resize(x, y, width, h); while (w->parent() != NULL) w = (Fl_Window *) w->parent(); #ifdef NANOX GR_WINDOW_ID wid = fl_xid(w); GR_WINDOW_INFO info; GrGetWindowInfo(wid, &info); GrMoveWindow(info.parent, x, y); GrResizeWindow(info.parent, width, h); #endif } else if (strcmp(data_item, "noguisearch") == 0) { ExecuteNoGui(); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "show") == 0) { ExecuteShow(); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "hide") == 0) { Fl_Window *w = get_shown_window(); while (w->parent() != NULL) w = (Fl_Window *) w->parent(); if (w->shown()) { #ifdef NANOX GR_WINDOW_ID wid = fl_xid(w); GR_WINDOW_INFO info; GrGetWindowInfo(wid, &info); GrUnmapWindow(info.parent); #endif } } else if (strcmp(data_item, "search") == 0) { printf("date_item\n"); if (exitOnSearch) { DPRINT("exitApp = 1\n"); exitApp = 1; } } else if (strcmp(data_item, "datesearch") == 0) { printf("datesearch\n"); if (exitOnSearch) { exitApp = 1; } } else if (strcmp(data_item, "exit") == 0) { exitApp = 1; } } while ((data_item = strtok(NULL, TOKEN))); } else if (strcmp(msg_cmd, "REQUEST") == 0) { // verify client if (!VerifyClient(service)) return; // send acknowledgement strcpy(ack_msg, appName); strcat(ack_msg, "^ACK^REQUEST^"); int length = MAX_LENGTH; int err = Write_Fd(ipc_id, ack_msg, strlen(ack_msg)); if (err == -1) { // now what? } char *buf = new char[4]; char *msg = new char[MAX_LENGTH]; strcpy(msg, appName); strcat(msg, "^DATA^"); if (strcmp(data_item, "all_clients") == 0) { // Send message to everybody. ipc_id = 255; memset(msg, 0, MAX_LENGTH); strcpy(msg, appName); // Tell all listening clients to... // char *data = strtok(NULL, TOKEN); if (strcmp(data, "show") == 0) { strcpy(msg, "^EXECUTE^show^"); } else if (strcpy(data, "hide") == 0) { strcpy(msg, "^EXECUTE^hide^"); } else if (strcpy(data, "exit") == 0) { strcpy(msg, "^EXECUTE^exit^"); } else if (strcpy(data, "initiate") == 0) { strcpy(msg, "^INITIATE^0^"); } else if (strcmp(data, "terminate") == 0) { strcpy(msg, "^TERMINATE^0^"); } } else if (strcmp(data_item, "default_win_x") == 0) { sprintf(buf, "%d", W_X); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "default_win_y") == 0) { sprintf(buf, "%d", W_Y); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "default_win_w") == 0) { sprintf(buf, "%d", W_W); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "default_win_h") == 0) { sprintf(buf, "%d", W_H); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "show_win_x") == 0) { Fl_Window *w = get_shown_window(); sprintf(buf, "%d", w->x()); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "show_win_y") == 0) { Fl_Window *w = get_shown_window(); sprintf(buf, "%d", w->y()); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "show_win_w") == 0) { Fl_Window *w = get_shown_window(); while (w->parent() != NULL) w = (Fl_Window *) w->parent(); sprintf(buf, "%d", w->w()); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "show_win_h") == 0) { Fl_Window *w = get_shown_window(); sprintf(buf, "%d", w->h()); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); } else if (strcmp(data_item, "keyboard_running") == 0) { #ifdef NANOX DPRINT("keyboard_running %d\n", keyboard_running); keyboard_running = false; check_for_keyboard(GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID); sprintf(buf, "%d", keyboard_running); strcat(msg, buf); strcat(msg, "^"); #endif } length = MAX_LENGTH; err = Write_Fd(ipc_id, msg, strlen(msg)); if (err == -1) { // now what? } delete[]buf; delete[]msg; buf = msg = NULL; } else if ((strcmp(msg_cmd, "TERMINATE") == 0)) { // verify client if (!VerifyClient(service)) return; int position = -1; // find client in client list for (int i = 0; i < nextClient; i++) { if (strcmp(clientList[i], service) == 0) { position = i; break; } } // rearrange client list if (position != -1) { for (int j = position; j < nextClient; j++) { strcpy(clientList[j], ""); if (j != (nextClient - 1)) strcpy(clientList[j], clientList[j + 1]); } nextClient--; } DPRINT("Connected Clients: \n"); for (int i = 0; i < nextClient; i++) DPRINT("%d: %s\n", i, clientList[i]); } #ifdef CONFIG_SYNC else { if (0 != strcmp("nxsync", appName)) { SyncDb(sync_msg); } } #endif // Memory Management delete[]ack_msg; delete[]service; delete[]msg_cmd; delete[]data_item; delete[]sync_msg; sync_msg = ack_msg = service = msg_cmd = data_item = NULL; DPRINT("exitApp = %d\n", exitApp); if (exitApp) { DPRINT("********* Exiting Address Application.\n"); //exit(33); noguisearch_flag = 0; hide_all_windows(); } DPRINT("IPC Server Done.\n"); } #endif /* CONFIG_COLOSSEUM */ #ifdef CONFIG_SYNC bool NxApp::ValidMsgId(short int msg_id) { bool ret = false; switch (msg_id) { case ERR: case ABORT: case OK: case INFO: case BP: case EP: case STATUS: case BS: case ES: case TS: case RD: case ET: case EOT: case FLIP: case COMMIT: ret = true; break; default: ret = false; break; } return ret; } void NxApp::GetTableSchema(vector < char >&col_type, vector < int >&col_size) { int idx = 0; bool added = false; //DPRINT("GetTableSchema(): c_db_struct [%p]\n", c_db_struct); //DPRINT("sizeof field [%d]\n", sizeof(field)); for (field * p_field = c_db_struct->pField; p_field->type != 0; p_field = &(c_db_struct->pField[++idx])) { //DPRINT("GetTableScehma() idx [%d] p_field->type [%c] p_field->size [%d] p_field [%p]\n", idx, p_field->type, p_field->size, p_field); added = false; //DPRINT("GetTableSchema(): p_field %p\n", p_field); //DPRINT("GetTableSchema(): p_field->type %c\n", p_field->type); for (int jdx = 0; jdx < c_db_struct->size; jdx++) { //DPRINT("GetTableSchema() field [%d]\n", c_db_struct->file_fields[jdx]); if (idx == c_db_struct->file_fields[jdx]) { //DPRINT("GetTableSchema () file field [%d]\n", idx); col_type.push_back('t'); col_size.push_back(p_field->size); added = true; break; } } if (added == false) { if (p_field->type != 'c') { //DPRINT("GetTableSchema() push_back [1]\n"); col_size.push_back(1); } else { //DPRINT("GetTableScehma() push_back [%d]\n", p_field->size); col_size.push_back(p_field->size); } //DPRINT("GetTableSchema() push_back [%c]\n", p_field->type); col_type.push_back(p_field->type); } } } void NxApp::GetRowData(int &flags, vector < string > &data, string & key) { MsgCoder coder; // need to handle fields that have a file name // these field numbers are stored in v_SyncDB as the // file_fields member in the sync_db_struct char f_str[16]; if (NULL != c_db_struct) { DPRINT("!!!!! cur_row [%d] is [%d]!!!!!\n", cur_row, rows[cur_row - 1]); c_db_struct->db->GetFlags(c_db_struct->str_dbName, rows[cur_row - 1], flags); DPRINT("!!!!!! flags [%d] db_Name [%s]!!!!!!!!\n", flags, c_db_struct->str_dbName.c_str()); if (NxDb::DELETED == flags) { char *ret_buf = new char[MAXRECSIZ]; c_db_struct->db->ExtractDeleted(c_db_struct->str_dbName, rows[cur_row - 1], 0, ret_buf); key = string(ret_buf); DPRINT("!!!!!! GetRowData key [%s] !!!!!!!!!!\n", key.c_str()); delete[]ret_buf; ret_buf = 0; cur_row++; return; } int f_size = 1; int idx = 0; bool got_data = false; char *file_buf = 0; FILE *file = 0; char *file_name = 0; for (field * p_field = c_db_struct->pField; p_field->type != 0; p_field = &(c_db_struct->pField[++idx])) { got_data = false; if (0 < c_db_struct->size) { for (int jdx = 0; jdx < c_db_struct->size; jdx++) { if (idx == c_db_struct->file_fields[jdx]) { // get data from the file //DPRINT("Getting file contents\n"); f_size = p_field->size; got_data = true; file_name = new char[f_size]; struct stat stat_buf; bool err = false; c_db_struct->db->Extract(c_db_struct->str_dbName, rows[cur_row - 1], idx, file_name); fprintf(stderr, "got filename [%s]\n", file_name); if (stat(file_name, &stat_buf) != 0) { err = true; } int file_size = 0; if (false == err) { if (stat_buf.st_size > 2048) file_size = 2048; else file_size = stat_buf.st_size; file_buf = new char[file_size]; file = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (NULL == file) { err = true; } if (false == err) { int f_pos = 0; char c; memset(file_buf, 0, file_size); while ((c = getc(file)) != EOF) { if (f_pos >= file_size) break; file_buf[f_pos] = c; //DPRINT("f_pos [%d] c[%c]\n", f_pos, c); f_pos++; } fclose(file); } } sprintf(f_str, "%d", idx); //DPRINT("pushing [%s] on data\n", f_str); data.push_back(f_str); //DPRINT("Going to push file contents *file_buf[%p]\n", file_buf); //DPRINT("File buf [%s]\n", file_buf); if (0 == file_size || err) { //DPRINT("pushed blank\n"); data.push_back(""); } else { //DPRINT("pushed [%s]\n", file_buf); data.push_back(string(file_buf)); } if (file_buf) { delete[]file_buf; file_buf = 0; } if (file_name) { delete[]file_name; file_name = 0; } } } } if (false == got_data) { switch (p_field->type) { case 'c': case 'n': f_size = p_field->size; break; case 'd': case 'i': f_size = p_field->size * sizeof(short); break; case 'l': f_size = p_field->size * sizeof(long); break; } char *ret_buf = new char[f_size]; sprintf(f_str, "%d", idx); fprintf(stderr, "pushing [%s] on data\n", f_str); data.push_back(f_str); c_db_struct->db->Extract(c_db_struct->str_dbName, rows[cur_row - 1], idx, ret_buf); if (0 == idx) { // this is the key field key = ret_buf; //DPRINT("!!!Setting the key!!! [%s]\n", key.c_str()); } //DPRINT("!!Got [%s] for ret_buf\n", ret_buf); fprintf(stderr, "pushing [%s] on data\n", ret_buf); data.push_back(ret_buf); delete[]ret_buf; ret_buf = 0; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "c_db_struct is NULL\n"); } cur_row++; } bool NxApp::SaveRowData(const vector < string > &vmessages) { int vdx = 1; sync_db_struct db_; char str_value[16]; int size = vmessages. size(); int status = atoi(vmessages[vdx++].c_str()); string key = vmessages[2]; if (size < 3) { DPRINT("Failure on size size[%d] cur_table_size[%d]\n", size, cur_table_size); return false; } if (cur_table_size != (size - 3) / 2 && status != NxDb::DELETED) { DPRINT("Failure on size size[%d] cur_table_size[%d]\n", size, cur_table_size); return false; } // find the cur_table for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < v_SyncDB.size(); idx++) { db_ = v_SyncDB[idx]; if (cur_table == db_.table_num) { break; } } if (NULL != db_.db) { NxDb * db = db_. db; if (0 < cur_table_size) { if (status == NxDb::DELETED) { // delete int data[1]; int rows = db-> Select(db_.str_dbName, (char *) key.c_str(), 0, data, 1); if (0 < rows) { // delete the file if their is one with this record char file_name[255]; bool file_data = false; for (int idx = 0; idx < cur_table_size; idx++) { for (int jdx = 0; jdx < db_.size; jdx++) { file_data = false; if (idx == db_.file_fields[jdx]) { file_data = true; } if (true == file_data) { memset(file_name, 0, sizeof(file_name)); db->Extract(db_.str_dbName, data[0], idx, file_name); if (strlen(file_name) > 0) { unlink(file_name); } } } } db->EraseRec(db_.str_dbName, data[0]); } return true; } DPRINT("Key [%s]\n", key.c_str()); char * rec = new char[MAXRECSIZ]; memset(rec, 0, MAXRECSIZ); field * pField = db_. pField; short short_num = 0; int num = 0; bool file_data = false; //DPRINT("cur table size [%d]\n", cur_table_size); for (int idx = 0; idx < cur_table_size; idx++) { file_data = false; if (&pField[idx] == NULL) { //DPRINT("returing false on pField\n"); return false; } if (vdx > size) { //DPRINT("returning false on size\n"); return false; } if (atoi(vmessages[++vdx].c_str()) != idx) { delete[]rec; rec = 0; //DPRINT("returning false on col num != idx vdx[%d] idx[%d]\n", vdx, idx); return false; } for (int jdx = 0; jdx < db_.size; jdx++) { if (idx == db_.file_fields[jdx]) { //DPRINT("set file_data to true idx [%d]\n", idx); file_data = true; } } if (file_data == true) { //DPRINT("Field Type [%c]\n", pField[idx].type); if (pField[idx].type == 'c') { char * path = db-> GetPath(); char * new_app_name = 0; char new_name[4]; char * file_name = new char[pField[idx].size]; memset(file_name, 0, sizeof(pField[idx].size)); memset(new_name, 0, sizeof(new_name)); if (appName != NULL) { new_app_name = strdown(appName, strlen(appName)); strncpy(new_name, new_app_name, 3); strcpy(file_name, tempnam(path, new_name)); } else { strcpy(file_name, tempnam(path, "pim")); } vdx++; if (vmessages[vdx] != "") { //DPRINT("copy [%s] to rec\n", file_name); strcpy(&rec[pField[idx].offset], file_name); //DPRINT("Opening file [%s]\n", file_name); FILE * file = fopen(file_name, "w+"); if (NULL == file) { //DPRINT("Unable to open file [%s] file_name\n", file_name); } else { //DPRINT("Write [%s] to [%s] vdx[%d]\n", vmessages[vdx].c_str(), file_name, vdx); size_t byte_w = fwrite(vmessages[vdx].c_str(), 1, vmessages[vdx].size(), file); if (byte_w != vmessages[vdx].size()); { //DPRINT("Unable to write [%s] to file [%s]\n", vmessages[vdx].c_str(), // file_name); } //DPRINT("closing file\n"); fclose(file); delete[]file_name; file_name = 0; } } } else { DPRINT ("Returning false on wrong field type for file\n"); return false; } } else { switch (pField[idx].type) { case 'i': DPRINT("case 'i'\n"); strcpy(str_value, vmessages[++vdx].c_str()); //DPRINT("case 'i' str_value[%s]\n", str_value); short_num = atoi(str_value); //DPRINT("case 'i' short_num [%d]\n", short_num); put16(&rec[pField[idx].offset], short_num); //DPRINT("put 16\n"); break; case 'l': //DPRINT("case 'l'\n"); strcpy(str_value, vmessages[++vdx].c_str()); //DPRINT("case 'l' str_value[%s]\n", str_value); num = atoi(str_value); //DPRINT("case 'l' num [%d]\n", num); put32(&rec[pField[idx].offset], num); //DPRINT("put 32\n"); break; case 'c': //DPRINT("case 'c'\n"); //DPRINT("case 'c' value[%s] idx[%d] vdx[%d]\n", vmessages[vdx + 1].c_str(), //idx, vdx); //DPRINT("case 'c' doing strcpy\n"); strcpy(&rec[pField[idx].offset], vmessages[++vdx].c_str()); //DPRINT("case 'c' after strcpy\n"); break; default: delete[]rec; rec = 0; //DPRINT("returning false on default\n"); return false; break; } } } if (status == NxDb::NONE) { DPRINT("Got a NONE status\n"); } else if (status == NxDb::CHANGED) { int data[1]; data[0] = -1; int rows = db-> Select(db_.str_dbName, (char *) key.c_str(), 0, data, 1, true); DPRINT("rows [%d] data[0] [%d]\n", rows, data[0]); if (rows > 0) { DPRINT("Doing an edit!\n"); db->Edit(db_.str_dbName, data[0], rec); db->SetFlags(db_.str_dbName, data[0], NxDb::NONE); } delete[]rec; rec = 0; } else if (status == NxDb::NEW) { DPRINT("Going to insert\n"); // save the record and reset the flag to none int data[1]; data[0] = -1; int rows = db-> Select(db_.str_dbName, (char *) key.c_str(), 0, data, 1); DPRINT("rows [%d] data[0] [%d]\n", rows, data[0]); if (rows > 0) { // should not happen? return true; } int recno = - 1; db->Insert(db_.str_dbName, rec, recno); delete[]rec; rec = 0; if (-1 == recno) { //DPRINT("returnig false on insert\n"); return false; } DPRINT("Inserted on recno [%d]\n", recno); db->SetFlags(db_.str_dbName, recno, NxDb::NONE); } else { DPRINT("Got an Unknown status. Bail Out!!!\n"); return false; } } } return true; } bool NxApp::CheckTableSchema(const vector < string > &vmessages) { // find the pointer to the pField from the cur_table num field * pField = NULL; for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < v_SyncDB.size(); idx++) { sync_db_struct db_; db_ = v_SyncDB[idx]; if (cur_table == db_.table_num) { //DPRINT("Checking db [%d]\n", cur_table); pField = db_.pField; } } if (pField != NULL) { int num_cols = 0; int idx = 0; int vdx = 3; string num_col_str = vmessages[2]; cur_table_size = num_cols = atoi(num_col_str.c_str()); //DPRINT("num_cols [%d]\n", num_cols); for (idx = 0; idx < num_cols; idx++, vdx++) { //verify the types //DPRINT("vmessages[%d] [%s]\n", vdx, vmessages[vdx].c_str()); //DPRINT("pField[%d].type[%c] pField[%d].size[%d]\n", idx, pField[idx].type, //idx, pField[idx].size); if ("i" == vmessages[vdx]) { if (pField[idx].type != 'i') { //DPRINT("failed on i idx[%d]\n", idx); return false; } } else if ("l" == vmessages[vdx]) { if (pField[idx].type != 'l') { //DPRINT("failed on l idx[%d]\n", idx); return false; } } else if ("c" == vmessages[vdx] || "t" == vmessages[vdx]) { if (pField[idx].type != 'c') { //DPRINT("failed on c or t idx[%d]\n", idx); return false; } } // check the size if ("t" != vmessages[vdx]) { string size_str = vmessages[vdx + num_cols]; int size = atoi(size_str.c_str()); if (pField[idx].size != size) { //DPRINT("failed on size check idx[%d]\n", idx); return false; } } } if (num_cols == idx) return true; } else cur_table_size = 0; return false; } void NxApp::UpdateFlags() { int data[1024]; int jdx; for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < v_SyncDB.size(); idx++) { sync_db_struct db_ = v_SyncDB[idx]; NxDb *db = db_.db; int rows = db->Select(db_.str_dbName, data, 1024, false, NxDb::CHANGED | NxDb::NEW); for (jdx = 0; jdx < rows; jdx++) { db->SetFlags(db_.str_dbName, data[jdx], NxDb::NONE); } rows = db->Select(db_.str_dbName, data, 1024, false, NxDb::DELETED); for (jdx = 0; jdx < rows; jdx++) { db->EraseRec(db_.str_dbName, data[jdx]); } } } void NxApp::ResetSync(void) { nextSyncState = -1; appSyncState = -1; cur_db = -1; cur_row = -1; cur_table_size = -1; cur_table = -1; total_rows = -1; c_db_struct = NULL; if (exitOnSearch) exitApp = 1; } void NxApp::DoError(int err, int ipc) { MsgCoder coder; string msg = coder.Err(err); Write_Fd(ipc, (char *) msg.c_str(), msg.length()); } void NxApp::SyncDb(char *new_msg) { short msg_id; // CODE of the message MsgCoder coder; // Class to encode/decode message string msg(new_msg); // convert char* to string string next_msg; // Message to send in reponse to msg printf("DEBUG: [%s]\n", new_msg); if (app_ipc == -1) app_ipc = Find_Fd("nxsync"); if (agent_ipc == -1) agent_ipc = Find_Fd("syncagent"); if (agent_ipc < 0) { if (app_ipc > 0) DoError(NO_AGENT, app_ipc); else printf("ERROR - No application present\n"); ResetSync(); return; } coder.vmessages.clear(); coder.DecodeMsg(msg); msg_id = atoi((char *) coder.vmessages[0].c_str()); if (!ValidMsgId(msg_id)) { printf("ERROR - Invalid id %d\n", msg_id); return; } printf("##### STARTING SYNC #####\n"); if (total_rows == -1) { if (0 == v_SyncDB.size()) { /* No databases */ printf("STATE->COMMIT\n"); nextSyncState = COMMIT; DoError(NO_DB_REG, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } else { cur_db++; if (cur_db < (int) v_SyncDB.size()) { sync_db_struct db_struct = v_SyncDB[cur_db]; if (!c_db_struct) c_db_struct = (sync_db_struct *) malloc(sizeof(sync_db_struct)); memcpy(c_db_struct, &db_struct, sizeof(sync_db_struct)); total_rows = 0; cur_row = 1; } } } /* Handle error conditions */ if (ERR == msg_id) { if (DT_BUSY == atoi((char *) coder.vmessages[1].c_str())) { DoError(DT_BUSY, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } if (CLOSE_CONN == atoi((char *) coder.vmessages[1].c_str())) { DoError(CLOSE_CONN, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } if (AGENT_NS == atoi((char *) coder.vmessages[1].c_str())) { DoError(AGENT_NS, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } } /* Handle messages from the application */ if (BS == msg_id || ES == msg_id || STATUS == msg_id || ABORT == msg_id) { if (msg_id == ABORT) { printf("STATE->-1\n"); nextSyncState = -1; appSyncState = -1; cur_db = -1; cur_row = -1; cur_table_size = -1; cur_table = -1; total_rows = -1; c_db_struct = NULL; msg = coder.Err(USER_ABORT); Write_Fd(agent_ipc, (char *) msg.c_str(), msg.length()); return; } switch(msg_id) { case BS: if (appSyncState != -1) { DoError(UNEXP_ERROR, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } next_msg = coder.BeginPimSync(appName); nextSyncState = BP; printf("STATE->BP\n"); printf("WRITING [%s] to [%d]\n", next_msg.c_str(), agent_ipc); Write_Fd(agent_ipc, (char *) next_msg.c_str(), next_msg.length()); appSyncState = OK; break; default: if (appSyncState == -1) DoError(EXP_BS, app_ipc); else DoError(UNEXP_ERROR, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } /* Respond to the app */ next_msg = coder.Ok(); Write_Fd(app_ipc, (char *) next_msg.c_str(), next_msg.length()); return; } /* Handle the sync engine */ switch (nextSyncState) { case ERR: printf("GOT AN ERROR FROM THE OTHER SIDE"); ResetSync(); return; case OK: printf("nextSyncState == OK\n"); switch(msg_id) { case RD: if (SaveRowData(coder.vmessages)) { next_msg = coder.Ok(); printf("STATE->OK\n"); nextSyncState = OK; } else { DoError(SAVE_RD, agent_ipc); DoError(SAVE_RD, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } break; case ET: next_msg = coder.Ok(); nextSyncState = OK; printf("STATE->OK\n"); break; case EOT: cur_table = -1; next_msg = coder.Ok(); nextSyncState = OK; printf("STATE->OK\n"); break; case FLIP: next_msg = coder.Commit(); nextSyncState = COMMIT; printf("STATE->COMMIT\n"); break; case TS: { string t_num = coder.vmessages[cur_table = atoi(t_num.c_str())]; if (CheckTableSchema(coder.vmessages)) { printf("STATE->INFO\n"); nextSyncState = INFO; next_msg = coder.Info(0); } else { DoError(BAD_TS, agent_ipc); DoError(BAD_TS, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } } break; case ERR: break; } break; case INFO: printf("nextSyncState == INFO\n"); switch(msg_id) { case RD: if (SaveRowData(coder.vmessages)) { next_msg = coder.Ok(); printf("STATE->OK\n"); nextSyncState = OK; } else { DoError(SAVE_RD, agent_ipc); DoError(SAVE_RD, app_ipc); ResetSync(); } return; case ET: next_msg = coder.Ok(); nextSyncState = OK; printf("STATE->OK\n"); break; default: DoError(EXP_RD, agent_ipc); DoError(EXP_RD, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } break; case BP: printf("nextSyncState == BP\n"); if (msg_id == OK) { vector < char >col_type; vector < int >col_size; GetTableSchema(col_type, col_size); printf("STATE->TS\n"); nextSyncState = TS; next_msg = coder.TableSchema(c_db_struct->table_num, col_type, col_size); } else { DoError(EXP_OK, agent_ipc); DoError(EXP_OK, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } break; case EP: printf("nextSyncState == EP\n"); /* If we get an EP and no OK, what should we do? */ printf("STATE->-1\n"); nextSyncState = -1; return; case TS: printf("nextSyncState == TS\n"); if (msg_id == INFO) { int flags = -1; int i_key = 0; vector < string > data; string key; int sync_type = atoi(coder.vmessages[1].c_str()); NxDb *db = c_db_struct->db; switch(sync_type) { case MERGE: total_rows = db->Select(c_db_struct->str_dbName, rows, 1, false, NxDb::CHANGED | NxDb::DELETED | NxDb::NEW); break; case PDAOVR: total_rows =db->Select(c_db_struct->str_dbName, rows, 1, true); break; case DTOVR: default: total_rows = 0; } if (!total_rows) { nextSyncState = ET; printf("STATE->ET\n"); next_msg = coder.EndTable(); total_rows = -1; cur_row = -1; } else { nextSyncState = RD; printf("STATE->RD\n"); GetRowData(flags, data, key); i_key = atoi(key.c_str()); next_msg = coder.RowData(flags, i_key, data); } } else { DoError(EXP_INFO, agent_ipc); DoError(EXP_INFO, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } break; case ET: printf("nextSyncState == ET\n"); if (msg_id == OK) { if (cur_db == (int) v_SyncDB.size()) { next_msg = coder.EndOfTables(); printf("STATE->EOT\n"); nextSyncState = EOT; cur_db = -1; total_rows = -1; } else { printf("STATE->TS\n"); nextSyncState = TS; vector < char >col_type; vector < int >col_size; GetTableSchema(col_type, col_size); next_msg = coder.TableSchema(c_db_struct->table_num, col_type, col_size); } } else { DoError(EXP_OK, agent_ipc); DoError(EXP_OK, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } break; case EOT: printf("nextSyncState == EOT\n"); if (msg_id == OK) { printf("STATE->FLIP\n"); nextSyncState = FLIP; next_msg = coder.Flip(); } else { DoError(EXP_OK, agent_ipc); DoError(EXP_OK, app_ipc); ResetSync(); } break; case RD: printf("nextSyncState == RD\n"); if (msg_id == OK) { if ((cur_row - 1) == total_rows) { if (cur_db == (int) v_SyncDB.size()) { cur_db = -1; } cur_row = -1; total_rows = -1; next_msg = coder.EndTable(); printf("STATE->ET\n"); nextSyncState = ET; } else { int flags = -1; int i_key = 0; vector < string > data; string key; printf("STATE->RD\n"); nextSyncState = RD; GetRowData(flags, data, key); i_key = atoi(key.c_str()); next_msg = coder.RowData(flags, i_key, data); } } else { DoError(EXP_OK, agent_ipc); DoError(EXP_OK, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } break; case FLIP: printf("nextSyncState == FLIP\n"); if (msg_id == TS) { string t_num = coder.vmessages[1]; cur_table = atoi(t_num.c_str()); printf("STATE->INFO\n"); nextSyncState = INFO; next_msg = coder.Info(0); if (CheckTableSchema(coder.vmessages)) { printf("STATE->INFO\n"); nextSyncState = INFO; next_msg = coder.Info(0); } else { DoError(BAD_TS, agent_ipc); DoError(BAD_TS, app_ipc); ResetSync(); } return; } else { DoError(EXP_TS, agent_ipc); DoError(EXP_TS, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; case COMMIT: printf("nextSyncState == COMMIT\n"); if (msg_id == OK) { UpdateFlags(); Refresh(); next_msg = coder.EndPimSync(); Write_Fd(app_ipc, (char *) next_msg.c_str(), next_msg.length()); Write_Fd(agent_ipc, (char *) next_msg.c_str(), next_msg.length()); ResetSync(); return; } else { DoError(EXP_OK, agent_ipc); DoError(EXP_OK, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } break; default: printf("Unexpected error!"); DoError(UNEXP_ERROR, agent_ipc); DoError(UNEXP_ERROR, app_ipc); ResetSync(); return; } printf("appSyncState == %d\n"); printf("Sending message [%s]\n"); if (appSyncState != -1) Write_Fd(agent_ipc, (char *) next_msg.c_str(), next_msg.length()); } } #endif void NxApp::resize_notify(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { //printf("\t+++ NxApp::resize_notify()\n"); #ifdef NANOX for (int i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { if ((window[i]->x() != X) || (window[i]->y() != Y) || (window[i]->w() != W) || (window[i]->h() != H)) { window[i]->resize_notify(X, Y, W, H); } } #endif //printf("\t+++ done.\n"); } void NxApp::hide_all_windows() { //printf("hide_all_windows()\n"); for (int i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "hide_all_windows:w[%p]\n", window[i]); window[i]->hide(); } } void NxApp::show_window(Fl_Window * w, int type, Fl_Window * w_target) { //fprintf(stderr, "show_window:w[%p] w_target[%p]\n", w, w_target); if (w == 0) w = window[0]; bool activated = false; for (int i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { // Hide all windows except w and DEACTIVATE if (window[i] != w) { // This is not the window to show() if (type == DEACTIVATE) { w_target->deactivate(); } else { window[i]->hide(); } } else { if (false == activated) { w->activate(); w->show(); set_shown_window(w); activated = true; } } } } void NxApp::add_window(Fl_Window * w) { if ((cur_size < MAX_WIN) && (window[cur_size + 1] == 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < cur_size; i++) { if (window[i] == w) return; } window[cur_size] = w; cur_size++; } else { //cerr << "Maximum Window Limit Reached: " << MAX_WIN << ". Exiting Application.\n"; hide_all_windows(); } } void NxApp::set_catlist_window(Fl_Window * w) { for (int idx = 0; idx < MAX_WIN; idx++) { if (window[idx] == catlist_window && catlist_window != NULL) { window[idx] = w; catlist_window = w; return; } } catlist_window = w; add_window(catlist_window); } Fl_Window * NxApp::get_catlist_window() { return catlist_window; } // // Cut and Paste code // void NxApp::copy_callback(Fl_Widget * fl, void *o) { printf("copy_callback\n"); Fl_Widget *w = Fl::selection_owner(); if (fl_editor_type && dynamic_cast < Fl_Editor * >(w)) { // printf("Fl_Editor->Copy() w = %p\n", w); ((Fl_Editor *) w)->Copy(); } else { if (!fl_editor_type && dynamic_cast < Fl_Input * >(w)) { ((Fl_Input_ *) w)->copy(); } } paste_ok_ = true; } void NxApp::cut_callback(Fl_Widget * fl, void *o) { Fl_Widget *w = Fl::selection_owner(); undoTarget = w; if (fl_editor_type && dynamic_cast < Fl_Editor * >(w)) { ((Fl_Editor *) w)->Cut(); } else { if (!fl_editor_type && dynamic_cast < Fl_Input * >(w)) { ((Fl_Input *) w)->cut(); } } paste_ok_ = true; } void NxApp::pasteTarget_callback(Fl_Widget * fl, void *o) { // printf("pasteTarget_callback() Fl::selection_owner = %p\n", fl); Fl::selection_owner(fl); g_PasteTarget = fl; int temp = (int) o; fl_editor_type = temp; } void NxApp::paste_callback(Fl_Widget * fl, void *o) { // printf("NxApp::paste_callback() start.\n"); if (g_PasteTarget) undoTarget = g_PasteTarget; if (paste_ok_) { if (g_PasteTarget && !fl_editor_type) { Fl::paste(*(Fl_Input *) g_PasteTarget); } else { // printf("\telse !Fl_Input\n\t\tg_PasteTarget=%p, fl_editor_type=%d\n", g_PasteTarget, fl_editor_type); if (g_PasteTarget && fl_editor_type) { // Fl::paste(*(Fl_Editor*)g_PasteTarget); // printf("\t\tFl_Editor's g_PasteTarget->Paste()\n"); ((Fl_Editor *) g_PasteTarget)->Paste(); } } } // printf("NxApp::paste_callback() end.\n"); } void NxApp::undo_callback(Fl_Widget * fl, void *o) { if ((undoTarget)) { ((Fl_Input_ *) undoTarget)->undo(); } } void NxApp::set_about(about about_this) { memcpy(&about_app, &about_this, sizeof(about)); } void NxApp::hide_about_cb(Fl_Widget * fl, void *o) { NxApp *this_app = (NxApp *) o; Fl_Window *about_win = this_app->get_about_window(); about_win->hide(); this_app->get_shown_window()->activate(); } void NxApp::show_about(Fl_Widget * fl, void *o) { int x = 10; int y = W_H / 3; int w = W_W - 20; int h = 114; about about_app = NxApp::Instance()->get_about(); char tempBuf[100]; NxPimPopWindow *win = new NxPimPopWindow("About", NxApp::Instance()-> NxApp::getGlobalColor(APP_FG), x, y, w, h); NxApp::Instance()->set_about_window(win->GetWindowPtr()); { NxBox *o = new NxBox(0, 0, w, (h)); o->color(NxApp::Instance()->getGlobalColor(APP_BG)); o->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); win->add((Fl_Widget *) o); } { NxOutput *o = new NxOutput(2, 2, (w - 4), 15, ""); o->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); o->color(NxApp::Instance()->getGlobalColor(TITLE_BG)); o->textcolor(NxApp::Instance()->getGlobalColor(TITLE_FG)); o->value(about_app.title); win->add((Fl_Widget *) o); } { NxButton *o = new NxButton(BUTTON_X, h - 24, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "Close"); o->callback(hide_about_cb, NxApp::Instance()); win->add((Fl_Widget *) o); } { sprintf(tempBuf, "%s", about_app.copyright); Fl_Output *o = new Fl_Output(BUTTON_X, 20, w - BUTTON_X - 5, BUTTON_HEIGHT, ""); o->color(NxApp::Instance()->getGlobalColor(APP_BG)); o->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); o->value(tempBuf); NxApp::Instance()->def_font(o); win->add((Fl_Widget *) o); } /****** { sprintf(tempBuf, "Author: %s", about_app.author); Fl_Output *o = new Fl_Output(BUTTON_X, 35, w - BUTTON_X - 15, BUTTON_HEIGHT, ""); o->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); o->color(FL_GRAY); o->value(tempBuf); } *******/ { // sprintf(tempBuf, "%s", about_app.date); sprintf(tempBuf, "10/30/2001"); Fl_Output *o = new Fl_Output(BUTTON_X, 35, w - BUTTON_X - 15, BUTTON_HEIGHT, ""); o->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); o->color(NxApp::Instance()->getGlobalColor(APP_BG)); o->value(tempBuf); NxApp::Instance()->def_font(o); win->add((Fl_Widget *) o); } { // sprintf(tempBuf, "Version %s", about_app.version); sprintf(tempBuf, "Version 1.1"); Fl_Output *o = new Fl_Output(BUTTON_X, 50, w - BUTTON_X - 15, BUTTON_HEIGHT, ""); o->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); o->color(NxApp::Instance()->getGlobalColor(APP_BG)); o->value(tempBuf); NxApp::Instance()->def_font(o); win->add((Fl_Widget *) o); } Fl_Window **win_list; win_list = NxApp::Instance()->get_window_list(); for (int i = 0; i < NxApp::Instance()->get_cur_size(); i++) { if (win_list[i]->shown()) { NxApp::Instance()->set_shown_window(win_list[i]); break; } } for (int jdx = 0; jdx < NxApp::Instance()->get_cur_size(); jdx++) { if (NxApp::Instance()->get_shown_window() == win_list[jdx]) { win_list[jdx]->deactivate(); } else { win_list[jdx]->hide(); } } Fl_Widget *par_window = (Fl_Widget *) NxApp::Instance()->get_shown_window()->parent(); ((Fl_Window *) par_window)->add(NxApp::Instance()->get_about_window()); win->GetWindowPtr()->show(); } void NxApp::keyboard_callback(Fl_Widget *, void *o) { // FIXME // eventully the app should be moved or resized so // the keyboard will fit at the bottom of the screen????? NxApp::Instance()->launch_keyboard(0, 0, 0, 0); } void NxApp::set_keyboard(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'k': keyboard_path_ = optarg; break; case 'd': keyboard_maps_ = optarg; break; case 'm': keyboard_size_ = optarg; break; default: break; } } } #ifdef NANOX GR_WINDOW_ID NxApp::check_for_keyboard(GR_WINDOW_ID wid) { GR_WM_PROPERTIES child_props; GR_WM_PROPERTIES sib_props; GR_WINDOW_INFO info; GrGetWindowInfo(wid, &info); if (info.child) { GrGetWMProperties(info.child, &child_props); if (child_props.title) { if (0 == strcmp("Popup Keyboard", (char *) child_props.title) || 0 == strcmp("Soft Keyboard", (char *) child_props.title)) { keyboard_running = true; GrMapWindow(wid); GrRaiseWindow(wid); return info.wid; } } check_for_keyboard(info.child); } if (info.sibling) { GrGetWMProperties(info.sibling, &sib_props); check_for_keyboard(info.sibling); } return 0; } #endif /* NANO_X */ int NxApp::launch_keyboard(int x, int y, int w, int h) { #ifdef NANOX pid_t childpid; keyboard_running = false; check_for_keyboard(GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID); if (!keyboard_running) { if ((childpid = fork()) == -1) { perror("NxApp::launch_keyboard (FORK FAILED)"); return (-1); } else if (childpid == 0) { int ret = execlp(keyboard_path_.c_str(), keyboard_path_.c_str(), "-d", keyboard_maps_.c_str(), "-m", keyboard_size_.c_str(), NULL); if (ret == -1) { perror("NxApp::launch_keyboard (EXEC FAILED)"); return (-1); } } } #endif return 0; } char * NxApp::strdown(const char *str1, int size) { char *str2 = new char[size + 1]; memset(str2, 0, size); char c; for (int idx = 0; idx < size + 1; idx++) { c = str1[idx]; str2[idx] = (char) tolower(c); } return str2; } char * NxApp::strup(const char *str1, int size) { char *str2 = new char[size + 1]; memset(str2, 0, size); char c; for (int idx = 0; idx < size + 1; idx++) { c = str1[idx]; str2[idx] = (char) toupper(c); } return str2; } int NxApp::GetDateString(char *buf, const struct tm *tm, int size, int format) { char day[4]; char *new_buf = NULL; int ret = 0; strftime(day, 3, "%d", tm); if ('0' == day[0]) { day[0] = day[1]; day[1] = '\0'; } ret += strftime(buf, size - 1, "%b", tm); strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, day); new_buf = (char *) calloc(size, sizeof(char)); if (NULL == new_buf) return errno; strcpy(new_buf, buf); ret += strftime(buf, size - 1, "%Y", tm); strcat(new_buf, ", "); strcat(new_buf, buf); strcpy(buf, new_buf); free(new_buf); if (0 == ret) return ret; ret += 3; return ret; } bool NxApp::searchFile(const char *str, const char *file) { char block[SMALL_BLK]; char big_block[BIG_BLK]; size_t bytes_read; char * needle = strup(str, strlen(str)); long pos = 0; long tmp_pos = 0; if (strlen(str) == 0 || 0 == strcmp(str, "")) { delete[]needle; return false; } FILE * fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) { delete[]needle; return false; } memset(block, 0, sizeof(block)); memset(big_block, 0, sizeof(big_block)); while ((bytes_read = fread(block, 1, SMALL_BLK - 1, fp)) > 0) { pos += bytes_read; tmp_pos = pos; char * haystack = strup(block, bytes_read); if (strstr(haystack, needle)) { delete[]needle; delete[]haystack; needle = 0; haystack = 0; fclose(fp); return true; } if (pos > (SMALL_BLK - 1)) memmove(big_block, big_block + SMALL_BLK - 1, SMALL_BLK - 1); memcpy(big_block + SMALL_BLK - 1, haystack, bytes_read); if (strstr(big_block, needle)) { delete[]needle; delete[]haystack; needle = 0; haystack = 0; fclose(fp); return true; } delete[]haystack; haystack = 0; memset(block, 0, sizeof(block)); } delete[]needle; needle = 0; fclose(fp); return false; } void NxApp::DefaultFont(Fl_Widget * widget) { widget->labelfont(DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); widget->labelsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_font(Fl_Widget * widget) { widget->labelfont(DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); widget->labelsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_font(Fl_Input * input) { input->labelfont(DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); input->labelsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); input->textfont(DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT); input->textsize(DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_font(Fl_Output * output) { output->labelfont(DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); output->labelsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); output->textfont(DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT); output->textsize(DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE); } void NxApp::big_font(Fl_Output * output) { output->textfont(DEFAULT_BIG_FONT); output->textsize(DEFAULT_BIG_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_font(Fl_Menu_Bar * mb) { mb->labelfont(DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); mb->labelsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); mb->textfont(DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT); mb->textsize(DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_font(Fl_Menu_Button * mb) { mb->labelfont(DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); mb->labelsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); mb->textfont(DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT); mb->textsize(DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_font(Fl_Hold_Browser * hb) { hb->labelfont(DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); hb->labelsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); hb->textfont(DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT); hb->textsize(DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE); } void NxApp::DefaultFont(Fl_Toggle_Tree * tree) { tree->textfont((Fl_Font) DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); tree->textsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_font(Fl_Toggle_Tree * tree) { tree->textfont((Fl_Font) DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT); tree->textsize(DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE); } void NxApp::DefaultFont(void) { fl_font(DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT, DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_font() { fl_font(DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT, DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE); } void NxApp::def_small_font() { #ifdef NANOX fl_font(DEFAULT_SMALL_FONT, DEFAULT_SMALL_SIZE); #else fl_font(DEFAULT_TEXT_FONT, DEFAULT_SMALL_SIZE); #endif } /* I don't know where else this should go */ #ifdef CONFIG_PAR static db_handle * openPar() { db_handle *db = db_openDB(db_getDefaultDB(), PAR_DB_MODE_RDONLY); return db; } static db_handle *par_db = openPar(); int getGblParInt(char *cat, char *pref) { int s; par_getGlobalPref(par_db, cat, pref, PAR_INT, &s, sizeof(int)); return s; } void getGblParStr(char *cat, char *pref, char *text, int len) { par_getGlobalPref(par_db, cat, pref, PAR_TEXT, text, len); } #endif