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StvLb PhFSu LbQj zLbZPut Vye[^]Ít&U<WVS } ]ut695cu"c9SP:uc5c8t. Hb Quu  LbRhFP utV5LbShFVt]EP LbSQv4t! 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Bytes received: %7ld/%7ld BPS:%-6ld %s/%s: %ld Bytes, %ld BPS%s: ready to receive %sw%s/%s: cannot open: %m Bytes received: %7ld BPS:%-6ld no.name%s/%s: got error %s: %s removed. ?Pathname fetch returned EOTReceived dup SectorSync ErrorCRCChecksumSector number garbledSender CancelledTIMEOUTGot 0%o sector headercannot fstat open file: %sgot ZCANfile name ends with a /, skipped: %s file name ends with a /, skipped: %szmanag=%d, Lzmanag=%d zconv=%d ar+$time$.t$tcp$.t%ld%lo%orfile exists, skipped: %s cannot fstat open file %s: %sskipping %s: newer file existsskipping %s: longer+newer file exists%dTIMESYNC: here %ld, remote %ld, diff %ld seconds TIMESYNC: cannot set time: %s cannot tmpfile() for tcp protocol synchronization%s %sBINASCIITopipe%s: %s %s Receiving: %s /dev/nullcannot open %s%s: cannot open: %sMade directory %s Blocks received: %d%s: %s exists ../%s: Security Violation/.remote command execution requestednot executedrexec denied: %srexec allowed: %sgot ZRINITPPPPPPPPPPPPSkipped%s/%s: skipped%s/%s: error?%s/%s: procheader errorusing saved out-of-sync-paket %lx, len %ldremoving unneeded saved out-of-sync-paket %lx, len %ld%s/%s: error: zgethdr returned %drzfile: zgethdr returned %dZNAK%s/%s: error: zgethdr returned %s%s/%s: error: closeit return <>0rzfile: closeit returned <> 0rzfile: normal EOF%s/%s: error: sender skippedrzfile: Sender SKIPPED filerzfile: out of sync%s/%s: error: out of syncsaving out-of-sync-block %lx, len %lurzfile: bps rate %ld below min %ld%s/%s: bps rate low: %ld < %ldrzfile: reached stop time%s/%s: reached stop time Bytes received: %7ld/%7ld BPS:%-6ld ETA %02d:%02d rzfile: zrdata returned %d%s/%s: zrdata returned ZCAN%s/%s: zrdata returned ERROR%s/%s: zrdata returned TIMEOUT?%`Cfgets for tcp protocol synchronization failed: file close errorackbibi:ackbibi complete-csh/bin/shexecl.ARetry %d: %s: : %s Calling read: alarm=%d Readnum=%d Calling read: Readnum=%d Read returned %d bytes errno=%d:%s %02x out of memorymode:%dxxxxxZSTDERRZCOMMANDZFREECNTZCANZCOMPLZCHALLENGEZCRCZFERRZEOFZDATAZRPOSZFINZABORTZNAKZSKIPZFILEZACKZSINITZRINITZRQINITERRORTIMEOUTCarrier Lostzgethex: %02XBad escape sequence %xzsbhdr: %s %lxzshhdr: %s %lxZCRCWZCRCQZCRCGZCRCEzsdata: %lu %szsdat32: %d %sBad CRCzrdata: %lu %sSender CanceledBad data subpacketData subpacket too longzrdat32: %lu %sGarbage count exceededGot %szgethdr: %s %lxzgethdr: %d %lxq``q``` ` ````qppbPPbPPPPPPPPb2  2        2``@@2  2        200zputhex: %02XXMODEMYMODEMZMODEMsocketsetsockopt (reuse address)bindgetsockname[%s] <%d> listenaccepttcp_connect: illegal format1 tcp_connect: illegal format2 tcp_connect: illegal format3 tcp_connect: illegal format4 tcp_connect: illegal format5 connect#%lu[%s] %sEhEvversionhelp+_AOA@A | @`%s: : %s%s:%s:%d: _`  xx!B c0@P`p)Jk1s2R"RBrb9{ZӜb$C4 dtDTjK( ōS6r&0vfVF[z8׼HXhx@a(#8َHi +ZJzjqP 3:*˿yX;l|L\",<` A* hI~n^N>2.Qp:Yxʱ -No0 P%@Fpg`ڳ=^"25BRwbVr˥nO, 4$ftGd$TDۧ_~<&6WfvvF4VLm/ș鉊DXeHx'h8(}\?؛uJTZ7jz *:.lMͪɍ&|ld\EL<, >]|ߛُn6~UNt^.>0w,aQ mjp5c飕d2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqgjm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&c윣ju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0򽽊º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-n,X `  % KKd@@@@@@@@@@@@}@w@r@l@g@\@U@P@G@>@6@0@+A%AAA0123456789abcdefaZjzʔڔ *:JZjzʕڕ *:JZjzʖږ *:JZjzʗڗ *:JZjzʘژ *:JZjzʙڙ *:JZ  (tt  _ ̐@ooo.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.sbss.bss# 1((L7 tt?tt 7GoTo@c ̐l Ԑ8u    ~/DD ppl ܠ!% V ____a4b@@b@# @