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1hour to large (0..23)unparsable stop time minute to large (0..59)stop time to smalltimeout out of range 10..1000security violation: can't do that under restricted shell window sizeoffnocannot turnoff syslogstartup delayout of memorythis program was never intended to be used setuid need at least one file to sendCan't send command in restricted mode %s %s hostname too long connect with lrz --tcp-client "%s:%s" illegal server address [%s] <%s> connecting to %s -can read only one file from stdinrz Transfer incomplete Transfer complete pԬhuǬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬ ԬԬԬԬԬԬ0ԬԬԬ@`ԬԬԬԬԬԬԬԬ1ԬPԬԬ)ԬԬԬУФԬԬAԬԬ`ԬԬԬԬԬԬמ &@,Ԭ`ԬpQ pЧӨ 0ԬTMPDIRTMP/tmpsend_pseudo %s: cannot open tmpfile %s: %s%s.%lu.%dsend_pseudo %s: cannot lstat tmpfile %s: %ssend_pseudo %s: avoiding symlink trapsend_pseudo %s: cannot write to tmpfile %s: %ssend_pseudo %s: failedsend_pseudo %s: ok/$tcp$.ttcp protocol init failed %H:%M:%SAnswering TIMESYNC at %s%ld timezone (%s %ld) /$time$.tCan't open any requested files.../security violation: not allowed to upload from %sONAMEs%lu.lszrcannot open %sis not a file: %s%s/%s: error occuredskipped: %s%s/%s: skippedBytes Sent:%7ld BPS:%-8ld %s/%s: %ld Bytes, %ld BPS?Sending %s, %ld blocks: Give your local XMODEM receive command now.getnak failedno.name%s/%s: getnak failed%lu %lo %o 0 %d %ldSending: %s wcputsec failed%s/%s: wcputsec failedTimeout on pathnamewctx:file length=%ldReceiver CancelledNo ACK on EOTXmodem sectors/kbytes sent: %3d/%2dkYmodem sectors/kbytes sent: %3d/%2dkCancelledTimeout on sector ACKNAK on sectorGot burst for sector ACKGot %02x for sector ACKRetry Count Exceeded%s: %s Try `%s --help' for more information. %s version %s Usage: %s [options] file ... or: %s [options] -{c|i} COMMAND Send file(s) with ZMODEM/YMODEM/XMODEM protocol (X) = option applies to XMODEM only (Y) = option applies to YMODEM only (Z) = option applies to ZMODEM only -+, --append append to existing destination file (Z) -2, --twostop use 2 stop bits -4, --try-4k go up to 4K blocksize --start-4k start with 4K blocksize (doesn't try 8) -8, --try-8k go up to 8K blocksize --start-8k start with 8K blocksize -a, --ascii ASCII transfer (change CR/LF to LF) -b, --binary binary transfer -B, --bufsize N buffer N bytes (N==auto: buffer whole file) -c, --command COMMAND execute remote command COMMAND (Z) -C, --command-tries N try N times to execute a command (Z) -d, --dot-to-slash change '.' to '/' in pathnames (Y/Z) --delay-startup N sleep N seconds before doing anything -e, --escape escape all control characters (Z) -E, --rename force receiver to rename files it already has -f, --full-path send full pathname (Y/Z) -i, --immediate-command CMD send remote CMD, return immediately (Z) -h, --help print this usage message -k, --1k send 1024 byte packets (X) -L, --packetlen N limit subpacket length to N bytes (Z) -l, --framelen N limit frame length to N bytes (l>=L) (Z) -m, --min-bps N stop transmission if BPS below N -M, --min-bps-time N for at least N seconds (default: 120) -n, --newer send file if source newer (Z) -N, --newer-or-longer send file if source newer or longer (Z) -o, --16-bit-crc use 16 bit CRC instead of 32 bit CRC (Z) -O, --disable-timeouts disable timeout code, wait forever -p, --protect protect existing destination file (Z) -r, --resume resume interrupted file transfer (Z) -R, --restricted restricted, more secure mode -q, --quiet quiet (no progress reports) -s, --stop-at {HH:MM|+N} stop transmission at HH:MM or in N seconds --tcp build a TCP connection to transmit files --tcp-server open socket, wait for connection -u, --unlink unlink file after transmission -U, --unrestrict turn off restricted mode (if allowed to) -v, --verbose be verbose, provide debugging information -w, --windowsize N Window is N bytes (Z) -X, --xmodem use XMODEM protocol -y, --overwrite overwrite existing files -Y, --overwrite-or-skip overwrite existing files, else skip --ymodem use YMODEM protocol -Z, --zmodem use ZMODEM protocol short options use the same arguments as the long ones Rxbuflen=%d Tframlen=%dRxbuflen=%dRxbuflen=%d blklen=%dTxwindow = %u Txwspac = %dqA'qgot ZRQINIT%s/%s: got ZRQINIT - sz talks to szgot ZCAN%s/%s: got ZCAN - receiver canceled%s/%s: got TIMEOUT%s/%s: got ZABORT%s/%s: got ZFINreceiver skipped%s/%s: receiver skippedfseek failed: %s%s/%s: fseek failed: %s"pPR%s/%s: got %d%s/%s: got ZCAN%s/%s: got ZSKIPblklen now %d e=ZCRCE/eof seene=ZCRCW/junkcount > 3e=ZCRCW/bytcnt == Lastsync == %lde=ZCRCQ/Windowe=ZCRCGzsendfdata: bps rate %ld below min %ld%s/%s: bps rate low: %ld <%ldzsendfdata: reached stop time%s/%s: reached stop timeBytes Sent:%7ld/%7ld BPS:%-8ld ETA %02d:%02d %ld (%ld,%ld) window >= %uwindow = %ld@calc_blklen: reduced to %d due to error calc_blklen: returned old value %d due to low bpe diff calc_blklen: old %ld, new %ld, d %ld calc_blklen: calc total_bytes=%ld, bpe=%ld, ec=%ld calc_blklen: blklen %d, ok %ld, failed %ld -> %lu calc_blklen: returned %d as best R0R******** RZ *******rz******** SZ *******1  Countem: %03d %s %ld countem: Total %d %ld .ARetry %d: %s: : %s Calling read: alarm=%d Readnum=%d Calling read: Readnum=%d Read returned %d bytes errno=%d:%s %02x out of memorymode:%dxxxxxZSTDERRZCOMMANDZFREECNTZCANZCOMPLZCHALLENGEZCRCZFERRZEOFZDATAZRPOSZFINZABORTZNAKZSKIPZFILEZACKZSINITZRINITZRQINITERRORTIMEOUTCarrier Lostzgethex: %02XBad escape sequence %xzsbhdr: %s %lxzshhdr: %s %lxZCRCWZCRCQZCRCGZCRCEzsdata: %lu %szsdat32: %d %sBad CRCzrdata: %lu %sSender CanceledBad data subpacketData subpacket too longzrdat32: %lu %sGarbage count exceededGot %szgethdr: %s %lxzgethdr: %d %lxq``q``` ` ````qppbPPbPPPPPPPPb2  2        2``@@2  2        200zputhex: %02XXMODEMYMODEMZMODEMsocketsetsockopt (reuse address)bindgetsockname[%s] <%d> listenaccepttcp_connect: illegal format1 tcp_connect: illegal format2 tcp_connect: illegal format3 tcp_connect: illegal format4 tcp_connect: illegal format5 connect#%lu[%s] %sShSvversionhelp+_AOA@A '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''''''' 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