dhclient.leases(5) dhclient.leases(5) NNAAMMEE dhclient.leases - DHCP client lease database DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The Internet Software Consortium DHCP client keeps a per- sistent database of leases that it has acquired that are still valid. The database is a free-form ASCII file con- taining one valid declaration per lease. If more than one declaration appears for a given lease, the last one in the file is used. The file is written as a log, so this is not an unusual occurrance. The format of the lease declarations is described in ddhhcclliieenntt..ccoonnff((55)).. FFIILLEESS //vvaarr//ddbb//ddhhcclliieenntt..lleeaasseess SSEEEE AALLSSOO dhclient(8), dhcp-options(5), dhclient.conf(5), dhcpd(8), dhcpd.conf(5), RFC2132, RFC2131. AAUUTTHHOORR ddhhcclliieenntt((88)) was written by Ted Lemon under a contract with Vixie Labs. Funding for this pro- ject was provided by the Internet Software Corporation. Information about the Internet Software Consortium can be found at hhttttpp::////wwwwww..iisscc..oorrgg//iisscc.. 1