Note to the *BSD users. Nessus uses the pcap library, which uses the berkeley packet filter (bpf) to do its job. Since Nessus used multiple processes, several pcap-aware plugins will need to access the the bpf at the same time. This means that you need to recompile your kernel with the following option : pseudo-device bpfilter NUM (or pseudo-device bpf NUM) Where 'NUM' is the number of bpf you want -- it should be equal to the 'max hosts number' option you enter in nessusd x the 'max plugins' option. If for instance you want to have 10 nessusd running at the same time, each running 5 plugins in parallel, you should create 50 (10 * 5) bpfs (as nessusd is extremely lightweight, you can expect to have this amount of processes running at the same time) If you plan to scan a whole network, we recommand you create at least 100 of them. Once your kernel has been rebuilt, get root, cd to /dev and do : i=0; while [ $i -lt 100]; do ./MAKEDEV bpf$i let i=$i+1 done On FreeBSD, you can directly do : ./MAKEDEV bpf+100 If you can not recompile your kernel, you can try to run the configure script with the option --enable-bpf-sharing. In this case, nessusd will try to share one /dev/bpf among multiple processes and do the filtering in userland. NOTE THAT THIS OPTION IS HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL AND WE DO NOT RECOMMAND ENABLING IT.