# # (C) Renaud Deraison # if (description) { script_id(11597); script_bugtraq_id(7381, 7922, 7925); script_version ("$Revision$"); script_name(english:"Snitz Forums 2000 Password Reset and XSS "); desc["english"] = " The remote host is using Snitz Forum 2000 This set of CGI is vulnerable to a cross-site-scripting issue that may allow attackers to steal the cookies of your users. In addition to this flaw, a user may use the file Password.ASP to reset arbitrary passwords, therefore gaining administrative access on this web system. Solution: Upgrade to a newer version. Risk factor : Serious"; script_description(english:desc["english"]); script_summary(english:"Determine if Snitz forums is vulnerable to xss attack"); script_category(ACT_GATHER_INFO); script_family(english:"CGI abuses", francais:"Abus de CGI"); script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2003 Renaud Deraison"); script_dependencie("find_service.nes", "no404.nasl", "cross_site_scripting.nasl"); script_require_ports("Services/www", 80); exit(0); } include("http_func.inc"); include("http_keepalive.inc"); port = get_kb_item("Services/www"); if (!port) port = 80; if(!get_port_state(port))exit(0); if(get_kb_item(string("www/", port, "/generic_xss"))) exit(0); dir = make_list("/forum", cgi_dirs(), ""); foreach d (dir) { url = string(d, '/search.asp'); req = http_get(item:url, port:port); buf = http_keepalive_send_recv(port:port, data:req); if( buf == NULL ) exit(0); # Ex: Powered By: Snitz Forums 2000 Version 3.4.03 if("Powered By: Snitz Forums 2000" >< buf ) { security_hole(port); exit(0); } }