# # This script was written by Renaud Deraison # # See the Nessus Scripts License for details # if(description) { script_id(10365); script_version ("$Revision$"); script_bugtraq_id(1073); script_cve_id("CAN-2000-0242"); name["english"] = "Windmail.exe allows any user to execute arbitrary commands"; name["francais"] = "Windmail.exe allows any user to execute arbitrary comands"; script_name(english:name["english"], francais:name["francais"]); desc["english"] = "The 'windmail.exe' CGI is installed. Some versions of this CGI script have a security flaw that lets an attacker execute arbitrary commands on the remote server. To test this, make the following request : GET /cgi-bin/windmail.exe?-n%20c:\boot.ini%20you@youraddress.com (replace you@youraddress.com by your real email address). If you receive the content of the file boot.ini, then your server is vulnerable. Solution : remove it from /cgi-bin. See www.geocel.com for a new version. Risk factor : Serious"; desc["francais"] = "Le cgi 'windmail.exe' est installé. Celui-ci possède un problème de sécurité qui permet à n'importe qui de faire executer des commandes arbitraires au daemon http. Pour déterminer si vous etes vulnérable, alors faites la requete : GET /cgi-bin/windmail.exe?-n%20c:\boot.ini%20you@youraddress.com (remplacez you@youraddress.com par votre vraie adresse email). Si vous recevez le contenu du fichier boot.ini, alors vous etes vulnérable. Solution : retirez-le de /cgi-bin. Allez sur www.geocel.com pour obtenir une nouvelle version. Facteur de risque : Sérieux"; script_description(english:desc["english"], francais:desc["francais"]); summary["english"] = "Checks for the presence of /cgi-bin/windmail.exe"; summary["francais"] = "Vérifie la présence de /cgi-bin/windmail.exe"; script_summary(english:summary["english"], francais:summary["francais"]); script_category(ACT_GATHER_INFO); script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2000 Renaud Deraison", francais:"Ce script est Copyright (C) 2000 Renaud Deraison"); family["english"] = "CGI abuses"; family["francais"] = "Abus de CGI"; script_family(english:family["english"], francais:family["francais"]); script_dependencie("find_service.nes", "no404.nasl"); script_require_ports("Services/www", 80); exit(0); } # # The script code starts here # port = is_cgi_installed("windmail.exe"); if(port)security_hole(port);