In order to use the BitKeeper repository version of NTP you will have to have the following tools installed: autoconf 2.50 or later (we use 2.52) automake (we use 1.5) lynx Lynx is used to generate the COPYRIGHT file. Don't ask. You can get bitkeeper by visiting: We are using bitkeeper under their free license program. You can use bitkeeper for free to access NTP, too. If you have questions about this, please ask. The license is pretty easy to read. Once you have installed bitkeeper, you can clone any NTP repository. You can get the ntp-stable repository by either of the following commands: bk clone bk:// ntp-stable bk clone bk:// ntp-stable You can get the ntp-dev repository by either of the following commands: bk clone bk:// ntp-dev bk clone bk:// ntp-dev The IPV6 patch has been applied: bk clone bk:// ntp-dev-ipv6 bk clone bk:// ntp-dev-ipv6 The ntp-dev-ipv6 repository will be merged back in to the ntp-dev repo as soon as the code is stable. If you are stuck behind a firewall that blocks access to the default port used by bitkeeper (14690) but you can use port 80 instead, you can use http as a bk transport mechanism. Just use: bk clone REPO Finally, it's possible to use SMTP as a bk transport mechanism. So far, we haven't tried this. Once you have obtained the sources, do the following: cd REPO bk -r edit to check out the files autoreconf -f -i generates configure and's and you should be ready to go. You will get some warning messages from autoreconf. Ignore these messages. You can update your repository by incanting: cd REPO bk pull