#!/usr/bin/perl $| = 1; # Don't buffer output sub indent { my($str) = @_; $str =~ s/\n(.)/\n \1/g; return " $str"; } sub irq_count { my($irq) = @_; my($s) = `grep " $irq:" /proc/interrupts`; return $1 if ($s =~ /^ +\d+:\s+(\d+)/); } sub cvt_addr { my($addr) = @_; $addr =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/; return ($1<<24)+($2<<16)+($3<<8)+$4; } sub checkout { my($dev,$driver,$card) = @_; print "\nChecking network interface $dev ($driver driver):\n\n"; $log = `dmesg | grep $dev | tail`; if ($log) { print " Kernel messages for $dev:\n", indent($log), "\n"; } $conf = `/sbin/ifconfig $dev`; $conf =~ s/\n$//; print " Current ifconfig settings:\n", indent($conf), "\n"; @line = split(/\n/, $conf); ($x,$ipaddr,$bcast,$netmask) = split(/ [a-zA-Z ]+:/, $line[1]); $ip = cvt_addr($ipaddr); $bc = cvt_addr($bcast); $nm = cvt_addr($netmask); if ((($bc | $nm) != 0xffffffff) || (($ip & $nm) != ($bc & $nm))) { print " The broadcast address and netmask are inconsistent!\n"; } if ($conf !~ /Mask/) { print " The interface is not configured!\n"; } elsif ($conf !~ /RUNNING/) { print " The interface is not running!\n"; } else { print " The interface is configured and running.\n"; } $irq = $1 if ($conf =~ /Interrupt:(\d+)/); @rx = split(/ [a-zA-Z ]+:/, $1) if ($conf =~ /RX(.*)\n/); @tx = split(/ [a-zA-Z ]+:/, $1) if ($conf =~ /TX(.*)\n/); shift(@rx); shift(@tx); $rx_ok = ($rx[0] > 5*($rx[1]+$rx[2]+$rx[3]+$rx[4])+1); $tx_ok = ($tx[0] > 5*($tx[1]+$tx[2]+$tx[3]+$tx[4])+1); $rx_any = $rx[0]+$rx[1]+$rx[2]+$rx[3]+$rx[4]; $tx_any = $tx[0]+$rx[1]+$rx[2]+$rx[3]+$rx[4]; if ($conf =~ /RUNNING/) { if ($rx_ok && $tx_ok) { print " RX and TX traffic both look ok.\n"; } elsif ($rx_ok) { print " RX looks ok, but there seems to be a TX problem.\n"; } elsif ($tx_ok) { print " TX looks ok, but there seems to be an RX problem.\n"; } elsif ($rx_err+$tx_err > 1) { print " RX and TX traffic both look bad.\n"; } else { print " There hasn't been any traffic on this interface!\n"; } } $addr = ""; $dflt = ""; open(RT, "route -n |"); while () { chop; @s = split; $dflt = $s[7] if ($s[0] eq ""); next if (!/$dev/); if ($s[1] ne "") { print "\n There is a route to a gateway at $s[1].\n"; if ($s[1] eq $ipaddr) { print " Your gateway address is set to your IP address!\n"; } else { $addr = $s[1]; } last; } } close(RT); if ($addr eq "") { if ($dflt ne "") { print "\n Your default route is pointed to interface $dflt.\n"; } else { print "\n You have not configured a gateway or default route.\n"; } while (1) { print "\n Enter a numeric IP address to ping: "; $addr = ; chop($addr); if ($addr !~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) { print " That is not a valid address!\n"; } elsif ($addr eq $ipaddr) { print " Sorry, pinging yourself is not informative!\n"; } elsif (system("/sbin/ifuser $dev $addr")) { print " There is no route to $addr through $dev!\n"; } else { last; } } } print "\n Pinging $addr ..."; $start = irq_count($irq); open(PING, "ping -c 1 $addr|"); $rx = 0; while () { if (/(\d) packets received/) { $rx = $1; last; } } close(PING); $stop = irq_count($irq); print (($rx) ? " response received!\n" : " timed out!\n"); print " The device interrupt "; print (($stop - $start) ? "seems" : "does not seem"); print " to be incrementing normally.\n"; } foreach $f ("/var/state/pcmcia/stab", "/var/lib/pcmcia/stab", "/var/run/stab") { if (-f $f) { $stab = $f; last; } } if (!$stab) { print "Socket status file (stab) not found! Is PCMCIA running??\n"; exit 1; } $net = `cat /etc/pcmcia/network 2>/dev/null`; $opts = `cat /etc/pcmcia/network.opts`; $rh = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0"; print "PCMCIA network settings are coming from "; if ($net =~ /ifup / || $opts =~ /ifup /) { print "linuxconf.\n"; print " $rh does not exist!\n" if (!-e $rh); } else { print "/etc/pcmcia/network.opts.\n"; if (!$opts) { print " /etc/pcmcia/network.opts is empty??\n"; } elsif (($opts !~ /\w+=[^\n]*y/) && ($opts !~ /IPADDR[^\n]*\d/)) { print " /etc/pcmcia/network.opts is not configured??\n"; } print " $rh also exists??\n" if (-e $rh); } $ns = 0; open(IN, $stab); while ($_ = ) { chop; if (/^Socket (\d+): (.*)/) { ($sock,$card) = ($1,$2); } else { @f = split; next if ($f[1] ne "network"); $ns++; checkout($f[4], $f[2], $card); } } close(IN); exit 0 if ($ns); print "No PCMCIA network interfaces are configured.\n"; $s = `cat $stab`; open(IN, "/sbin/cardctl ident |"); while () { $sock = $1 if (/^Socket (\d+)/); if (/function: 6/) { print "\nThere is a network device in socket $sock:\n"; $tag = $1 if ($s =~ /Socket $sock: ([^\n]+)/); print " $tag\n"; } } close(IN); $log = `dmesg | grep '_c[bs]:' | tail`; print "\nKernel messages from client drivers:\n", indent($log) if ($log);