# Makefile.SH # This file is derived from Makefile.SH. Any changes made here will # be lost the next time you run Configure. # Makefile is used to generate makefile. The only difference # is that makefile has the dependencies filled in at the end. # # # I now supply perly.c with the kits, so don't remake perly.c without byacc BYACC = byacc #CC = gcc #LD = cc #CFLAGS = #LDFLAGS = #LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib #CLDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib mallocsrc = mallocobj = LNS = /bin/ln -s # NOTE: some systems don't grok "cp -f". XXX Configure test needed? CPS = cp RMS = rm -f ranlib = : # The following are mentioned only to make metaconfig include the # appropriate questions in Configure. If you want to change these, # edit config.sh instead, or specify --man1dir=/wherever on # installman commandline. bin = /usr/bin scriptdir = /usr/bin shrpdir = /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/linux/CORE privlib = /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1 sitelib = /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl man1dir = /usr/man/man1 man1ext = 1 man3dir = /usr/man/man3 man3ext = 3 # The following are used to build and install shared libraries for # dynamic loading. LDDLFLAGS = -shared -L/usr/local/lib SHRPLDFLAGS = $(LDDLFLAGS) CCDLFLAGS = -rdynamic DLSUFFIX = .so PLDLFLAGS = LIBPERL = libperl.a LLIBPERL= $(LIBPERL) SHRPENV = # The following is used to include the current directory in # the dynamic loader path you are building a shared libperl. LDLIBPTH = dynamic_ext = lib/auto/attrs/attrs.so lib/auto/B/B.so lib/auto/ByteLoader/ByteLoader.so lib/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.so lib/auto/Devel/DProf/DProf.so lib/auto/Devel/Peek/Peek.so lib/auto/Fcntl/Fcntl.so lib/auto/File/Glob/Glob.so lib/auto/IO/IO.so lib/auto/IPC/SysV/SysV.so lib/auto/Opcode/Opcode.so lib/auto/POSIX/POSIX.so lib/auto/re/re.so lib/auto/SDBM_File/SDBM_File.so lib/auto/Socket/Socket.so lib/auto/Sys/Hostname/Hostname.so lib/auto/Sys/Syslog/Syslog.so static_ext = nonxs_ext = ext/Errno/pm_to_blib ext = $(dynamic_ext) $(static_ext) $(nonxs_ext) DYNALOADER = lib/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader$(LIB_EXT) libs = -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt -lutil public = perl utilities translators shellflags = # This is set to MAKE=make if your make command doesn't # do it for you. # # These variables may need to be manually set for non-Unix systems. AR = /usr/bin/ar EXE_EXT = LIB_EXT = .a OBJ_EXT = .o PATH_SEP = FIRSTMAKEFILE = makefile # Any special object files needed by this architecture, e.g. os2/os2.obj ARCHOBJS = .SUFFIXES: .c $(OBJ_EXT) # grrr SHELL = /bin/sh # how to tr(anslate) newlines TRNL = '\n' CCCMD = `sh $(shellflags) cflags $(LIBPERL) $@` private = preplibrary lib/ExtUtils/Miniperl.pm lib/Config.pm # Files to be built with variable substitution before miniperl # is available. sh = Makefile.SH cflags.SH config_h.SH makeaperl.SH makedepend.SH \ makedir.SH myconfig.SH writemain.SH pod/Makefile.SH shextract = Makefile cflags config.h makeaperl makedepend \ makedir myconfig writemain pod/Makefile # Files to be built with variable substitution after miniperl is # available. Dependencies handled manually below (for now). pl = pod/pod2html.PL pod/pod2latex.PL pod/pod2man.PL pod/pod2text.PL \ pod/pod2usage.PL pod/podchecker.PL pod/podselect.PL \ pod/buildtoc.PL plextract = pod/pod2html pod/pod2latex pod/pod2man pod/pod2text \ pod/pod2usage pod/podchecker pod/podselect \ pod/buildtoc addedbyconf = UU $(shextract) $(plextract) pstruct h1 = EXTERN.h INTERN.h XSUB.h av.h config.h cop.h cv.h dosish.h h2 = embed.h form.h gv.h handy.h hv.h keywords.h mg.h op.h h3 = opcode.h patchlevel.h perl.h perlapi.h perly.h pp.h proto.h regcomp.h h4 = regexp.h scope.h sv.h unixish.h util.h iperlsys.h thread.h h5 = utf8.h warnings.h h = $(h1) $(h2) $(h3) $(h4) $(h5) c1 = $(mallocsrc) av.c scope.c op.c doop.c doio.c dump.c hv.c mg.c c2 = perl.c perly.c pp.c pp_hot.c pp_ctl.c pp_sys.c regcomp.c regexec.c utf8.c c3 = gv.c sv.c taint.c toke.c util.c deb.c run.c universal.c xsutils.c c4 = globals.c perlio.c perlapi.c c = $(c1) $(c2) $(c3) $(c4) miniperlmain.c perlmain.c obj1 = $(mallocobj) gv$(OBJ_EXT) toke$(OBJ_EXT) perly$(OBJ_EXT) op$(OBJ_EXT) regcomp$(OBJ_EXT) dump$(OBJ_EXT) util$(OBJ_EXT) mg$(OBJ_EXT) obj2 = hv$(OBJ_EXT) av$(OBJ_EXT) run$(OBJ_EXT) pp_hot$(OBJ_EXT) sv$(OBJ_EXT) pp$(OBJ_EXT) scope$(OBJ_EXT) pp_ctl$(OBJ_EXT) pp_sys$(OBJ_EXT) obj3 = doop$(OBJ_EXT) doio$(OBJ_EXT) regexec$(OBJ_EXT) utf8$(OBJ_EXT) taint$(OBJ_EXT) deb$(OBJ_EXT) universal$(OBJ_EXT) xsutils$(OBJ_EXT) globals$(OBJ_EXT) perlio$(OBJ_EXT) perlapi$(OBJ_EXT) obj = $(obj1) $(obj2) $(obj3) $(ARCHOBJS) # Once perl has been Configure'd and built ok you build different # perl variants (Debugging, Embedded, Multiplicity etc) by saying: # make clean; make LIBPERL=libperl.a # where is some combination of 'd' and(or) 'e' or 'm'. # See cflags to understand how this works. # # This mechanism is getting clunky and might not even work any more. # EMBEDDING is on by default, and MULTIPLICITY doesn't work. # lintflags = -hbvxac .c$(OBJ_EXT): $(CCCMD) $(PLDLFLAGS) $*.c all: config.sh $(FIRSTMAKEFILE) miniperl extra.pods $(private) $(public) $(dynamic_ext) $(nonxs_ext) @echo " "; @echo " Everything is up to date. 'make test' to run test suite." config.sh: config.sh.template @echo "Updating configuration in config.sh" cflags=`echo $(CFLAGS) | sed "s/\\//\\\\\\\\\\//g"` ; \ ldflags=`echo $(LDFLAGS) | sed "s/\\//\\\\\\\\\\//g"` ; \ ldlibs=`echo $(LDLIBS) | sed "s/\\//\\\\\\\\\\//g"` ; \ inclibc=`echo $(INCLIBC) | sed "s/\\//\\\\\\\\\\//g"` ; \ cc=`echo $(CC) | sed "s/\\//\\\\\\\\\\//g"` ; \ ar=`echo $(AR) | sed "s/\\//\\\\\\\\\\//g"` ; \ sed -e "s/^ccflags=.*$$/ccflags='-fno-strict-aliasing $$cflags'/g" \ -e "s/^cppflags=.*$$/cppflags='-fno-strict-aliasing $$cflags'/g" \ -e "s/^cc=.*$$/cc='$$cc'/g" \ -e "s/^cpprun=.*$$/cpprun='$$cc -E'/g" \ -e "s/^cppstdin=.*$$/cppstdin='$$cc -E'/g" \ -e "s/^ld=.*$$/ld='$$cc'/g" \ -e "s/^full_ar=.*$$/full_ar='$$ar'/g" \ -e "s/^lddlflags=.*$$/lddlflags='-shared $$ldflags'/g" \ -e "s/^ldflags=.*$$/ldflags='$$ldflags'/g" \ -e "s/^libs=.*$$/libs='$$ldlibs'/g" \ -e "s/^libsfound=.*$$/libsfound=''/g" \ -e "s/^libspath=.*$$/libspath=''/g" \ -e "s/^libsdirs=.*$$/libsdirs=''/g" \ -e "s/^libsfiles=.*$$/libsfiles=''/g" \ -e "s/^locincpth=.*$$/locincpth=''/g" \ -e "s/^loclibpth=.*$$/loclibpth=''/g" \ -e "s/^perllibs=.*$$/loclibpth='$$ldlibs'/g" \ -e "s/^strings=.*$$/strings='$$inclibc\/string.h'/g" \ -e "s/^timeincl=.*$$/timeincl='$$inclibc\/sys\/time.h $$inclibc\/time.h'/g" \ < config.sh.template > config.sh romfs: strip perl $(ROMFSINST) /usr/bin/perl mkdir -p $(ROMFSDIR)$(privlib) mkdir -p $(ROMFSDIR)$(sitelib) compile: all echo "testing compilation" > testcompile; cd utils; $(MAKE) compile; cd x2p; $(MAKE) compile; cd pod; $(MAKE) compile; translators: miniperl lib/Config.pm FORCE @echo " "; echo " Making x2p stuff"; cd x2p; $(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) all utilities: miniperl lib/Config.pm $(plextract) FORCE @echo " "; echo " Making utilities"; cd utils; $(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) all # This is now done by installman only if you actually want the man pages. # @echo " "; echo " Making docs"; cd pod; $(MAKE) all; # Phony target to force checking subdirectories. # Apparently some makes require an action for the FORCE target. FORCE: @sh -c true opmini$(OBJ_EXT): op.c config.h $(RMS) opmini.c $(CPS) op.c opmini.c $(CCCMD) $(PLDLFLAGS) -DPERL_EXTERNAL_GLOB opmini.c $(RMS) opmini.c miniperlmain$(OBJ_EXT): miniperlmain.c patchlevel.h $(CCCMD) $(PLDLFLAGS) $*.c perlmain.c: miniperlmain.c config.sh $(FIRSTMAKEFILE) sh writemain $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) > writemain.tmp sh mv-if-diff writemain.tmp perlmain.c perlmain$(OBJ_EXT): perlmain.c $(CCCMD) $(PLDLFLAGS) $*.c # The file ext.libs is a list of libraries that must be linked in # for static extensions, e.g. -lm -lgdbm, etc. The individual # static extension Makefile's add to it. ext.libs: $(static_ext) -@test -f ext.libs || touch ext.libs $(LIBPERL): $& perl$(OBJ_EXT) $(obj) $(LIBPERLEXPORT) rm -f $(LIBPERL) $(AR) rcu $(LIBPERL) perl$(OBJ_EXT) $(obj) @$(ranlib) $(LIBPERL) # How to build executables. # The $& notation tells Sequent machines that it can do a parallel make, # and is harmless otherwise. # The miniperl -w -MExporter line is a basic cheap test to catch errors # before make goes on to run preplibrary and then MakeMaker on extensions. # This is very handy because later errors are often caused by miniperl # build problems but that's not obvious to the novice. # The Module used here must not depend on Config or any extensions. miniperl: $& miniperlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(LIBPERL) opmini$(OBJ_EXT) $(LDLIBPTH) $(CC) $(CLDFLAGS) -o miniperl \ miniperlmain$(OBJ_EXT) opmini$(OBJ_EXT) $(LLIBPERL) $(libs) $(LDLIBPTH) ./miniperl -w -Ilib -MExporter -e '' || $(MAKE) minitest perl: $& perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(LIBPERL) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) ext.libs $(PERLEXPORT) $(SHRPENV) $(LDLIBPTH) $(CC) -o perl $(CLDFLAGS) $(CCDLFLAGS) perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) $(LLIBPERL) `cat ext.libs` $(libs) pureperl: $& perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(LIBPERL) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) ext.libs $(PERLEXPORT) $(SHRPENV) $(LDLIBPTH) purify $(CC) -o pureperl $(CLDFLAGS) $(CCDLFLAGS) perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) $(LLIBPERL) `cat ext.libs` $(libs) purecovperl: $& perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(LIBPERL) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) ext.libs $(PERLEXPORT) $(SHRPENV) $(LDLIBPTH) purecov $(CC) -o purecovperl $(CLDFLAGS) $(CCDLFLAGS) perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) $(LLIBPERL) `cat ext.libs` $(libs) quantperl: $& perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(LIBPERL) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) ext.libs $(PERLEXPORT) $(SHRPENV) $(LDLIBPTH) quantify $(CC) -o quantperl $(CLDFLAGS) $(CCDLFLAGS) perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) $(LLIBPERL) `cat ext.libs` $(libs) # This version, if specified in Configure, does ONLY those scripts which need # set-id emulation. Suidperl must be setuid root. It contains the "taint" # checks as well as the special code to validate that the script in question # has been invoked correctly. suidperl: $& sperl$(OBJ_EXT) perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) $(LIBPERL) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) ext.libs $(PERLEXPORT) $(SHRPENV) $(LDLIBPTH) $(CC) -o suidperl $(CLDFLAGS) $(CCDLFLAGS) perlmain$(OBJ_EXT) sperl$(OBJ_EXT) $(DYNALOADER) $(static_ext) $(LLIBPERL) `cat ext.libs` $(libs) sperl$(OBJ_EXT): perl.c $(h) $(RMS) sperl.c $(LNS) perl.c sperl.c $(CCCMD) -DIAMSUID sperl.c $(RMS) sperl.c # We have to call our ./makedir because Ultrix 4.3 make can't handle the line # test -d lib/auto || mkdir lib/auto # preplibrary: miniperl lib/Config.pm @sh ./makedir lib/auto @echo " AutoSplitting perl library" $(LDLIBPTH) ./miniperl -Ilib -e 'use AutoSplit; \ autosplit_lib_modules(@ARGV)' lib/*.pm lib/*/*.pm # Take care to avoid modifying lib/Config.pm without reason # (If trying to create a new port and having problems with the configpm script, # try 'make minitest' and/or commenting out the tests at the end of configpm.) lib/Config.pm: config.sh miniperl configpm lib/re.pm $(LDLIBPTH) ./miniperl configpm configpm.tmp sh mv-if-diff configpm.tmp $@ lib/ExtUtils/Miniperl.pm: miniperlmain.c miniperl minimod.pl lib/Config.pm $(LDLIBPTH) ./miniperl minimod.pl > minimod.tmp sh mv-if-diff minimod.tmp $@ lib/re.pm: ext/re/re.pm rm -f $@ cat ext/re/re.pm > $@ $(plextract): miniperl lib/Config.pm $(LDLIBPTH) ./miniperl -Ilib $@.PL extra.pods: miniperl -@test -f extra.pods && rm -f `cat extra.pods` -@rm -f extra.pods -@for x in `grep -l '^=[a-z]' README.* | grep -v README.vms` ; do \ nx=`echo $$x | sed -e "s/README\.//"`; \ cd pod ; $(LNS) ../$$x "perl"$$nx".pod" ; cd .. ; \ echo "pod/perl"$$nx".pod" >> extra.pods ; \ done -@test -f vms/perlvms.pod && cd pod && $(LNS) ../vms/perlvms.pod perlvms.pod && cd .. && echo "pod/perlvms.pod" >> extra.pods install-strip: $(MAKE) STRIPFLAGS=-s install install: $(MAKE) install.perl install.man STRIPFLAGS=$(STRIPFLAGS) install-verbose: $(MAKE) install.perl install.man STRIPFLAGS=$(STRIPFLAGS) INSTALLFLAGS=-V install-silent: $(MAKE) install.perl install.man STRIPFLAGS=$(STRIPFLAGS) INSTALLFLAGS=-S no-install: $(MAKE) install.perl install.man STRIPFLAGS=$(STRIPFLAGS) INSTALLFLAGS=-n install.perl: all installperl if [ -n "$(COMPILE)" ]; \ then \ cd utils; $(MAKE) compile; \ cd ../x2p; $(MAKE) compile; \ cd ../pod; $(MAKE) compile; \ else :; \ fi $(LDLIBPTH) ./perl installperl $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(STRIPFLAGS) install.man: all installman $(LDLIBPTH) ./perl installman $(INSTALLFLAGS) # XXX Experimental. Hardwired values, but useful for testing. # Eventually Configure could ask for some of these values. install.html: all installhtml -@test -f README.vms && cd vms && $(LNS) ../README.vms README_vms.pod && cd .. $(LDLIBPTH) ./perl installhtml \ --podroot=. --podpath=. --recurse \ --htmldir=$(privlib)/html \ --htmlroot=$(privlib)/html \ --splithead=pod/perlipc \ --splititem=pod/perlfunc \ --libpods=perlfunc:perlguts:perlvar:perlrun:perlop \ --verbose # I now supply perly.c with the kits, so the following section is # used only if you force byacc to run by saying # make run_byacc # Since we patch up the byacc output, the perly.fixer script needs # to run with precisely the same version of byacc as I use. You # normally shouldn't remake perly.[ch]. run_byacc: FORCE $(BYACC) -d perly.y -chmod 664 perly.c perly.h sh $(shellflags) ./perly.fixer y.tab.c perly.c sed -e 's/fprintf *( *stderr *,/PerlIO_printf(Perl_debug_log,/g' \ -e 's/y\.tab/perly/g' perly.c >perly.tmp && mv perly.tmp perly.c sed -e '/^extern YYSTYPE yy/D' y.tab.h >yh.tmp && mv yh.tmp y.tab.h cmp -s y.tab.h perly.h && rm -f y.tab.h || mv y.tab.h perly.h chmod 664 vms/perly_c.vms vms/perly_h.vms perl vms/vms_yfix.pl perly.c perly.h vms/perly_c.vms vms/perly_h.vms # We don't want to regenerate perly.c and perly.h, but they might # appear out-of-date after a patch is applied or a new distribution is # made. perly.c: perly.y -@sh -c true perly.h: perly.y -@sh -c true # No compat3.sym here since and including the 5.004_50. # No interp.sym since 5.005_03. SYM = global.sym globvar.sym perlio.sym pp.sym SYMH = perlvars.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h CHMOD_W = chmod +w # The following files are generated automatically # keywords.pl: keywords.h # opcode.pl: opcode.h opnames.h pp_proto.h pp.sym # [* embed.pl needs pp.sym generated by opcode.pl! *] # embed.pl: proto.h embed.h embedvar.h global.sym objXSUB.h # perlapi.h perlapi.c pod/perlintern.pod # pod/perlapi.pod # bytecode.pl: ext/ByteLoader/byterun.h ext/ByteLoader/byterun.c # ext/B/B/Asmdata.pm # regcomp.pl: regnodes.h # warnings.pl: warnings.h lib/warnings.pm # The correct versions should be already supplied with the perl kit, # in case you don't have perl available. # To force them to be regenerated, type # make regen_headers AUTOGEN_FILES = keywords.h opcode.h opnames.h pp_proto.h pp.sym proto.h \ embed.h embedvar.h global.sym \ pod/perlintern.pod pod/perlapi.pod \ objXSUB.h perlapi.h perlapi.c ext/ByteLoader/byterun.h \ ext/ByteLoader/byterun.c ext/B/B/Asmdata.pm regnodes.h \ warnings.h lib/warnings.pm \ vms/perly_c.vms vms/perly_h.vms regen_headers: FORCE -$(CHMOD_W) $(AUTOGEN_FILES) -perl keywords.pl -perl opcode.pl -perl embed.pl -perl bytecode.pl -perl regcomp.pl -perl warnings.pl regen_pods: FORCE -cd pod; $(LDLIBPTH) make regen_pods regen_vms: FORCE -perl vms/vms_yfix.pl perly.c perly.h vms/perly_c.vms vms/perly_h.vms regen_all: regen_headers regen_pods regen_vms # Extensions: # Names added to $(dynamic_ext) or $(static_ext) or $(nonxs_ext) will # automatically get built. There should ordinarily be no need to change # any of this part of makefile. # # The dummy dependency is a place holder in case $(dynamic_ext) or # $(static_ext) is empty. # # DynaLoader may be needed for extensions that use Makefile.PL. $(DYNALOADER): miniperl preplibrary FORCE @$(LDLIBPTH) sh ext/util/make_ext static $@ MAKE=$(MAKE) LIBPERL_A=$(LIBPERL) d_dummy $(dynamic_ext): miniperl preplibrary $(DYNALOADER) FORCE @$(LDLIBPTH) sh ext/util/make_ext dynamic $@ MAKE=$(MAKE) LIBPERL_A=$(LIBPERL) s_dummy $(static_ext): miniperl preplibrary $(DYNALOADER) FORCE @$(LDLIBPTH) sh ext/util/make_ext static $@ MAKE=$(MAKE) LIBPERL_A=$(LIBPERL) n_dummy $(nonxs_ext): miniperl preplibrary $(DYNALOADER) FORCE @$(LDLIBPTH) sh ext/util/make_ext nonxs $@ MAKE=$(MAKE) LIBPERL_A=$(LIBPERL) clean: config.sh _tidy _mopup rm -f config.sh lib/Config.pm find . -name Makefile.old | xargs rm -f find . -name makefile | xargs rm -f find . -name "*.o" | xargs rm -f find . -name "*.so" | xargs rm -f find . -name "*.a" | xargs rm -f realclean: _realcleaner _mopup _clobber: rm -f config.sh cppstdin Policy.sh clobber: _realcleaner _mopup _clobber distclean: clobber # Like distclean but also removes emacs backups and *.orig. veryclean: _verycleaner _mopup _clobber -@rm -f Obsolete Wanted # Do not 'make _mopup' directly. _mopup: rm -f *$(OBJ_EXT) *$(LIB_EXT) all perlmain.c -@test -f extra.pods && rm -f `cat extra.pods` -@test -f vms/README_vms.pod && rm -f vms/README_vms.pod -rm -f perl.exp ext.libs extra.pods opmini.o -rm -f perl.export perl.dll perl.libexp perl.map perl.def -rm -f perl.loadmap miniperl.loadmap perl.prelmap miniperl.prelmap rm -f perl suidperl miniperl $(LIBPERL) libperl.* microperl # Do not 'make _tidy' directly. _tidy: -cd pod; $(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) clean -cd utils; $(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) clean -cd x2p; $(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) clean -@for x in $(DYNALOADER) $(dynamic_ext) $(static_ext) $(nonxs_ext) ; do \ $(LDLIBPTH) sh ext/util/make_ext clean $$x MAKE=$(MAKE) ; \ done rm -f testcompile compilelog _cleaner1: -cd os2; rm -f Makefile -cd pod; $(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) $(CLEAN) -cd utils; $(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) $(CLEAN) -cd x2p; $(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) $(CLEAN) -@for x in $(DYNALOADER) $(dynamic_ext) $(static_ext) $(nonxs_ext) ; do \ $(LDLIBPTH) sh ext/util/make_ext $(CLEAN) $$x MAKE=$(MAKE) ; \ done _cleaner2: rm -f core core.*perl.*.? *perl.core t/core t/core.perl.*.? t/*perl.core t/misctmp* t/forktmp* t/tmp* t/c t/perl t/rantests .?*.c so_locations $(LIBPERL_NONSHR) $(MINIPERL_NONSHR) rm -rf $(addedbyconf) rm -f $(FIRSTMAKEFILE) $(FIRSTMAKEFILE).old rm -f $(private) rm -rf lib/auto rm -f lib/.exists lib/*/.exists rm -f h2ph.man pstruct rm -rf .config rm -f testcompile compilelog -rmdir lib/B lib/Data lib/IO/Socket lib/IO lib/Sys lib/Thread _realcleaner: @$(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) _cleaner1 CLEAN=realclean @$(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) _cleaner2 _verycleaner: @$(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) _cleaner1 CLEAN=veryclean @$(LDLIBPTH) $(MAKE) _cleaner2 -rm -f *~ *.orig */*~ */*.orig */*/*~ */*/*.orig # The following lint has practically everything turned on. Unfortunately, # you have to wade through a lot of mumbo jumbo that can't be suppressed. # If the source file has a /*NOSTRICT*/ somewhere, ignore the lint message # for that spot. lint: $(c) lint $(lintflags) $(defs) perly.c $(c) > perl.fuzz # Need to unset during recursion to go out of loop. # The README below ensures that the dependency list is never empty and # that when MAKEDEPEND is empty $(FIRSTMAKEFILE) doesn't need rebuilding. MAKEDEPEND = Makefile makedepend $(FIRSTMAKEFILE): README $(MAKEDEPEND) $(MAKE) depend MAKEDEPEND= config.h: config_h.SH config.sh $(SHELL) config_h.SH # When done, touch perlmain.c so that it doesn't get remade each time. depend: makedepend sh ./makedepend MAKE=$(MAKE) - test -s perlmain.c && touch perlmain.c cd x2p; $(MAKE) depend # Cannot postpone this until $firstmakefile is ready ;-) makedepend: makedepend.SH config.sh sh ./makedepend.SH # Cannot delegate rebuilding of t/perl to make to allow interlaced # test and minitest test-prep: miniperl perl preplibrary utilities $(dynamic_ext) $(nonxs_ext) $(TEST_PERL_DLL) cd t && (rm -f perl$(EXE_EXT); $(LNS) ../perl$(EXE_EXT) perl$(EXE_EXT)) # Second branch is for testing without a tty or controling terminal. # See t/op/stat.t test check: test-prep if (true /dev/null 2>&1; then \ cd t && $(LDLIBPTH) ./perl TEST t/rantests utest ucheck: test-prep if (true /dev/null 2>&1; then \ cd t && $(LDLIBPTH) ./perl UTEST .clist hlist: $(h) echo $(h) | tr ' ' $(TRNL) >.hlist shlist: $(sh) echo $(sh) | tr ' ' $(TRNL) >.shlist pllist: $(pl) echo $(pl) | tr ' ' $(TRNL) >.pllist #Makefile: Makefile.SH ./config.sh # $(SHELL) Makefile.SH Makefile: distcheck: FORCE perl '-MExtUtils::Manifest=&fullcheck' -e 'fullcheck()' elc: emacs/cperl-mode.elc emacs/cperl-mode.elc: emacs/cperl-mode.el -cd emacs; emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -f batch-byte-compile cperl-mode.el etags: TAGS TAGS: emacs/cperl-mode.elc sh emacs/ptags ctags: tags # Let's hope make will not go into an infinite loop on case-unsensitive systems # This may also fail if . is in the head of the path, since perl will # require -Ilib tags: TAGS perl emacs/e2ctags.pl TAGS > tags # AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED MAKE DEPENDENCIES--PUT NOTHING BELOW THIS LINE # If this runs make out of memory, delete /usr/include lines.