/* * $Id$ * * cfg grammar * * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Fhg Fokus * * This file is part of ser, a free SIP server. * * ser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version * * For a license to use the ser software under conditions * other than those described here, or to purchase support for this * software, please contact iptel.org by e-mail at the following addresses: * info@iptel.org * * ser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * History: * --------- * 2003-01-29 src_port added (jiri) * 2003-01-23 mhomed added (jiri) * 2003-03-19 replaced all mallocs/frees with pkg_malloc/pkg_free (andrei) * 2003-03-19 Added support for route type in find_export (janakj) * 2003-03-20 Regex support in modparam (janakj) * 2003-04-01 added dst_port, proto , af (andrei) * 2003-04-05 s/reply_route/failure_route, onreply_route introduced (jiri) * 2003-04-12 added force_rport, chroot and wdir (andrei) * 2003-04-15 added tcp_children, disable_tcp (andrei) * 2003-04-22 strip_tail added (jiri) * 2003-07-03 tls* (disable, certificate, private_key, ca_list, verify, * require_certificate added (andrei) * 2003-07-06 more tls config. vars added: tls_method, tls_port_no (andrei) * 2003-10-02 added {,set_}advertised_{address,port} (andrei) * 2003-10-10 added <,>,<=,>=, != operators support * added msg:len (andrei) * 2003-10-11 if(){} doesn't require a ';' after it anymore (andrei) * 2003-11-20 added {tcp_connect, tcp_send, tls_*}_timeout (andrei) * 2004-07-05 src_ip & dst_ip will detect ip addresses between quotes * (andrei) */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "route_struct.h" #include "globals.h" #include "route.h" #include "dprint.h" #include "sr_module.h" #include "modparam.h" #include "ip_addr.h" #include "resolve.h" #include "name_alias.h" #include "ut.h" #include "config.h" #ifdef USE_TLS #include "tls/tls_config.h" #endif #ifdef DEBUG_DMALLOC #include #endif /* hack to avoid alloca usage in the generated C file (needed for compiler with no built in alloca, like icc*/ #undef _ALLOCA_H struct id_list{ char* s; struct id_list* next; }; extern int yylex(); static void yyerror(char* s); static char* tmp; static int i_tmp; static void* f_tmp; static struct id_list* lst_tmp; static int rt; /* Type of route block for find_export */ static str* str_tmp; static str s_tmp; static struct ip_addr* ip_tmp; static void warn(char* s); int yywrap() { return 1; } %} %union { long intval; unsigned long uval; char* strval; struct expr* expr; struct action* action; struct net* ipnet; struct ip_addr* ipaddr; struct id_list* idlst; } /* terminals */ /* keywords */ %token FORWARD %token FORWARD_TCP %token FORWARD_TLS %token FORWARD_UDP %token SEND %token SEND_TCP %token DROP %token LOG_TOK %token ERROR %token ROUTE %token ROUTE_FAILURE %token ROUTE_ONREPLY %token EXEC %token SET_HOST %token SET_HOSTPORT %token PREFIX %token STRIP %token STRIP_TAIL %token APPEND_BRANCH %token SET_USER %token SET_USERPASS %token SET_PORT %token SET_URI %token REVERT_URI %token FORCE_RPORT %token IF %token ELSE %token SET_ADV_ADDRESS %token SET_ADV_PORT %token URIHOST %token URIPORT %token MAX_LEN %token SETFLAG %token RESETFLAG %token ISFLAGSET %token METHOD %token URI %token SRCIP %token SRCPORT %token DSTIP %token DSTPORT %token PROTO %token AF %token MYSELF %token MSGLEN /* config vars. */ %token DEBUG %token FORK %token LOGSTDERROR %token LOGFACILITY %token LISTEN %token ALIAS %token DNS %token REV_DNS %token PORT %token STAT %token CHILDREN %token CHECK_VIA %token SYN_BRANCH %token MEMLOG %token SIP_WARNING %token FIFO %token FIFO_MODE %token SERVER_SIGNATURE %token REPLY_TO_VIA %token LOADMODULE %token MODPARAM %token MAXBUFFER %token USER %token GROUP %token CHROOT %token WDIR %token MHOMED %token DISABLE_TCP %token TCP_CHILDREN %token TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT %token TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT %token DISABLE_TLS %token TLSLOG %token TLS_PORT_NO %token TLS_METHOD %token TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT %token TLS_SEND_TIMEOUT %token SSLv23 %token SSLv2 %token SSLv3 %token TLSv1 %token TLS_VERIFY %token TLS_REQUIRE_CERTIFICATE %token TLS_CERTIFICATE %token TLS_PRIVATE_KEY %token TLS_CA_LIST %token ADVERTISED_ADDRESS %token ADVERTISED_PORT /* operators */ %nonassoc EQUAL %nonassoc EQUAL_T %nonassoc GT %nonassoc LT %nonassoc GTE %nonassoc LTE %nonassoc DIFF %nonassoc MATCH %left OR %left AND %left NOT /* values */ %token NUMBER %token ID %token STRING %token IPV6ADDR /* other */ %token COMMA %token SEMICOLON %token RPAREN %token LPAREN %token LBRACE %token RBRACE %token LBRACK %token RBRACK %token SLASH %token DOT %token CR /*non-terminals */ %type exp exp_elem /*, condition*/ %type action actions cmd if_cmd stm %type ipv4 ipv6 ip %type ipnet %type host %type listen_id %type id_lst %type equalop strop intop /*%type rules; %type rule; */ %% cfg: statements ; statements: statements statement {} | statement {} | statements error { yyerror(""); YYABORT;} ; statement: assign_stm | module_stm | {rt=REQUEST_ROUTE;} route_stm | {rt=FAILURE_ROUTE;} failure_route_stm | {rt=ONREPLY_ROUTE;} onreply_route_stm | CR /* null statement*/ ; listen_id: ip { tmp=ip_addr2a($1); if(tmp==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser: bad ip " "addresss.\n"); $$=0; }else{ $$=pkg_malloc(strlen(tmp)+1); if ($$==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser: out of " "memory.\n"); }else{ strncpy($$, tmp, strlen(tmp)+1); } } } | STRING { $$=pkg_malloc(strlen($1)+1); if ($$==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser: out of " "memory.\n"); }else{ strncpy($$, $1, strlen($1)+1); } } | host { $$=pkg_malloc(strlen($1)+1); if ($$==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser: out of " "memory.\n"); }else{ strncpy($$, $1, strlen($1)+1); } } ; id_lst: listen_id { $$=pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct id_list)); if ($$==0){ LOG(L_CRIT,"ERROR: cfg. parser: out of memory.\n"); }else{ $$->s=$1; $$->next=0; } } | listen_id id_lst { $$=pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct id_list)); if ($$==0){ LOG(L_CRIT,"ERROR: cfg. parser: out of memory.\n"); }else{ $$->s=$1; $$->next=$2; } } ; assign_stm: DEBUG EQUAL NUMBER { debug=$3; } | DEBUG EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | FORK EQUAL NUMBER { dont_fork= ! $3; } | FORK EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | LOGSTDERROR EQUAL NUMBER { if (!config_check) log_stderr=$3; } | LOGSTDERROR EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | LOGFACILITY EQUAL ID { if ( (i_tmp=str2facility($3))==-1) yyerror("bad facility (see syslog(3) man page)"); if (!config_check) log_facility=i_tmp; } | LOGFACILITY EQUAL error { yyerror("ID expected"); } | DNS EQUAL NUMBER { received_dns|= ($3)?DO_DNS:0; } | DNS EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | REV_DNS EQUAL NUMBER { received_dns|= ($3)?DO_REV_DNS:0; } | REV_DNS EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | PORT EQUAL NUMBER { port_no=$3; if (sock_no>0) sock_info[sock_no-1].port_no=port_no; } | STAT EQUAL STRING { #ifdef STATS stat_file=$3; #endif } | MAXBUFFER EQUAL NUMBER { maxbuffer=$3; } | MAXBUFFER EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | PORT EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | CHILDREN EQUAL NUMBER { children_no=$3; } | CHILDREN EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | CHECK_VIA EQUAL NUMBER { check_via=$3; } | CHECK_VIA EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | SYN_BRANCH EQUAL NUMBER { syn_branch=$3; } | SYN_BRANCH EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | MEMLOG EQUAL NUMBER { memlog=$3; } | MEMLOG EQUAL error { yyerror("int value expected"); } | SIP_WARNING EQUAL NUMBER { sip_warning=$3; } | SIP_WARNING EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | FIFO EQUAL STRING { fifo=$3; } | FIFO EQUAL error { yyerror("string value expected"); } | FIFO_MODE EQUAL NUMBER { fifo_mode=$3; } | FIFO_MODE EQUAL error { yyerror("int value expected"); } | USER EQUAL STRING { user=$3; } | USER EQUAL ID { user=$3; } | USER EQUAL error { yyerror("string value expected"); } | GROUP EQUAL STRING { group=$3; } | GROUP EQUAL ID { group=$3; } | GROUP EQUAL error { yyerror("string value expected"); } | CHROOT EQUAL STRING { chroot_dir=$3; } | CHROOT EQUAL ID { chroot_dir=$3; } | CHROOT EQUAL error { yyerror("string value expected"); } | WDIR EQUAL STRING { working_dir=$3; } | WDIR EQUAL ID { working_dir=$3; } | WDIR EQUAL error { yyerror("string value expected"); } | MHOMED EQUAL NUMBER { mhomed=$3; } | MHOMED EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | DISABLE_TCP EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TCP tcp_disable=$3; #else warn("tcp support not compiled in"); #endif } | DISABLE_TCP EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | TCP_CHILDREN EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TCP tcp_children_no=$3; #else warn("tcp support not compiled in"); #endif } | TCP_CHILDREN EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TCP tcp_connect_timeout=$3; #else warn("tcp support not compiled in"); #endif } | TCP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TCP tcp_send_timeout=$3; #else warn("tcp support not compiled in"); #endif } | TCP_SEND_TIMEOUT EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | DISABLE_TLS EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_disable=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | DISABLE_TLS EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | TLSLOG EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_log=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLSLOG EQUAL error { yyerror("int value expected"); } | TLS_PORT_NO EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_port_no=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_PORT_NO EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | TLS_METHOD EQUAL SSLv23 { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_method=TLS_USE_SSLv23; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_METHOD EQUAL SSLv2 { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_method=TLS_USE_SSLv2; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_METHOD EQUAL SSLv3 { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_method=TLS_USE_SSLv3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_METHOD EQUAL TLSv1 { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_method=TLS_USE_TLSv1; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_METHOD EQUAL error { #ifdef USE_TLS yyerror("SSLv23, SSLv2, SSLv3 or TLSv1" " expected"); #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_VERIFY EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_verify_cert=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_VERIFY EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | TLS_REQUIRE_CERTIFICATE EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_require_cert=$3; #else warn( "tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_REQUIRE_CERTIFICATE EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value" " expected"); } | TLS_CERTIFICATE EQUAL STRING { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_cert_file=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_CERTIFICATE EQUAL error { yyerror("string value expected"); } | TLS_PRIVATE_KEY EQUAL STRING { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_pkey_file=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_PRIVATE_KEY EQUAL error { yyerror("string value expected"); } | TLS_CA_LIST EQUAL STRING { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_ca_file=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_CA_LIST EQUAL error { yyerror("string value expected"); } | TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_handshake_timeout=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | TLS_SEND_TIMEOUT EQUAL NUMBER { #ifdef USE_TLS tls_send_timeout=$3; #else warn("tls support not compiled in"); #endif } | TLS_SEND_TIMEOUT EQUAL error { yyerror("number expected"); } | SERVER_SIGNATURE EQUAL NUMBER { server_signature=$3; } | SERVER_SIGNATURE EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | REPLY_TO_VIA EQUAL NUMBER { reply_to_via=$3; } | REPLY_TO_VIA EQUAL error { yyerror("boolean value expected"); } | LISTEN EQUAL id_lst { for(lst_tmp=$3; lst_tmp; lst_tmp=lst_tmp->next){ if (sock_no < MAX_LISTEN){ sock_info[sock_no].name.s=(char*) pkg_malloc(strlen(lst_tmp->s)+1); if (sock_info[sock_no].name.s==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser:" " out of memory.\n"); break; }else{ strncpy(sock_info[sock_no].name.s, lst_tmp->s, strlen(lst_tmp->s)+1); sock_info[sock_no].name.len= strlen(lst_tmp->s); sock_info[sock_no].port_no=port_no; sock_no++; } }else{ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser: " "too many listen addresses" "(max. %d).\n", MAX_LISTEN); break; } } } | LISTEN EQUAL error { yyerror("ip address or hostname" "expected"); } | ALIAS EQUAL id_lst { for(lst_tmp=$3; lst_tmp; lst_tmp=lst_tmp->next) add_alias(lst_tmp->s, strlen(lst_tmp->s), 0); } | ALIAS EQUAL error { yyerror(" hostname expected"); } | ADVERTISED_ADDRESS EQUAL listen_id { default_global_address.s=$3; default_global_address.len=strlen($3); } |ADVERTISED_ADDRESS EQUAL error {yyerror("ip address or hostname " "expected"); } | ADVERTISED_PORT EQUAL NUMBER { tmp=int2str($3, &i_tmp); if ((default_global_port.s=pkg_malloc(i_tmp)) ==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser:" " out of memory.\n"); default_global_port.len=0; }else{ default_global_port.len=i_tmp; memcpy(default_global_port.s, tmp, default_global_port.len); }; } |ADVERTISED_PORT EQUAL error {yyerror("ip address or hostname " "expected"); } | error EQUAL { yyerror("unknown config variable"); } ; module_stm: LOADMODULE STRING { DBG("loading module %s\n", $2); if (load_module($2)!=0){ yyerror("failed to load module"); } } | LOADMODULE error { yyerror("string expected"); } | MODPARAM LPAREN STRING COMMA STRING COMMA STRING RPAREN { if (set_mod_param_regex($3, $5, STR_PARAM, $7) != 0) { yyerror("Can't set module parameter"); } } | MODPARAM LPAREN STRING COMMA STRING COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { if (set_mod_param_regex($3, $5, INT_PARAM, (void*)$7) != 0) { yyerror("Can't set module parameter"); } } | MODPARAM error { yyerror("Invalid arguments"); } ; ip: ipv4 { $$=$1; } |ipv6 { $$=$1; } ; ipv4: NUMBER DOT NUMBER DOT NUMBER DOT NUMBER { $$=pkg_malloc( sizeof(struct ip_addr)); if ($$==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. " "parser: out of memory.\n" ); }else{ memset($$, 0, sizeof(struct ip_addr)); $$->af=AF_INET; $$->len=4; if (($1>255) || ($1<0) || ($3>255) || ($3<0) || ($5>255) || ($5<0) || ($7>255) || ($7<0)){ yyerror("invalid ipv4" "address"); $$->u.addr32[0]=0; /* $$=0; */ }else{ $$->u.addr[0]=$1; $$->u.addr[1]=$3; $$->u.addr[2]=$5; $$->u.addr[3]=$7; /* $$=htonl( ($1<<24)| ($3<<16)| ($5<<8)|$7 ); */ } } } ; ipv6: IPV6ADDR { $$=pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct ip_addr)); if ($$==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser: out of memory.\n"); }else{ memset($$, 0, sizeof(struct ip_addr)); $$->af=AF_INET6; $$->len=16; #ifdef USE_IPV6 if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, $1, $$->u.addr)<=0){ yyerror("bad ipv6 address"); } #else yyerror("ipv6 address & no ipv6 support compiled in"); YYABORT; #endif } } ; route_stm: ROUTE LBRACE actions RBRACE { push($3, &rlist[DEFAULT_RT]); } | ROUTE LBRACK NUMBER RBRACK LBRACE actions RBRACE { if (($3=0)){ push($6, &rlist[$3]); }else{ yyerror("invalid routing" "table number"); YYABORT; } } | ROUTE error { yyerror("invalid route statement"); } ; failure_route_stm: ROUTE_FAILURE LBRACK NUMBER RBRACK LBRACE actions RBRACE { if (($3=1)){ push($6, &failure_rlist[$3]); } else { yyerror("invalid reply routing" "table number"); YYABORT; } } | ROUTE_FAILURE error { yyerror("invalid failure_route statement"); } ; onreply_route_stm: ROUTE_ONREPLY LBRACK NUMBER RBRACK LBRACE actions RBRACE { if (($3=1)){ push($6, &onreply_rlist[$3]); } else { yyerror("invalid reply routing" "table number"); YYABORT; } } | ROUTE_ONREPLY error { yyerror("invalid failure_route statement"); } ; /* rules: rules rule { push($2, &$1); $$=$1; } | rule {$$=$1; } | rules error { $$=0; yyerror("invalid rule"); } ; rule: condition actions CR { $$=0; if (add_rule($1, $2, &$$)<0) { yyerror("error calling add_rule"); YYABORT; } } | CR { $$=0;} | condition error { $$=0; yyerror("bad actions in rule"); } ; condition: exp {$$=$1;} */ exp: exp AND exp { $$=mk_exp(AND_OP, $1, $3); } | exp OR exp { $$=mk_exp(OR_OP, $1, $3); } | NOT exp { $$=mk_exp(NOT_OP, $2, 0); } | LPAREN exp RPAREN { $$=$2; } | exp_elem { $$=$1; } ; equalop: EQUAL_T {$$=EQUAL_OP; } | DIFF {$$=DIFF_OP; } ; intop: equalop {$$=$1; } | GT {$$=GT_OP; } | LT {$$=LT_OP; } | GTE {$$=GTE_OP; } | LTE {$$=LTE_OP; } ; strop: equalop {$$=$1; } | MATCH {$$=MATCH_OP; } ; exp_elem: METHOD strop STRING {$$= mk_elem( $2, STRING_ST, METHOD_O, $3); } | METHOD strop ID {$$ = mk_elem( $2, STRING_ST, METHOD_O, $3); } | METHOD strop error { $$=0; yyerror("string expected"); } | METHOD error { $$=0; yyerror("invalid operator," "== , !=, or =~ expected"); } | URI strop STRING {$$ = mk_elem( $2, STRING_ST, URI_O, $3); } | URI strop host {$$ = mk_elem( $2, STRING_ST, URI_O, $3); } | URI equalop MYSELF { $$=mk_elem( $2, MYSELF_ST, URI_O, 0); } | URI strop error { $$=0; yyerror("string or MYSELF expected"); } | URI error { $$=0; yyerror("invalid operator," " == , != or =~ expected"); } | SRCPORT intop NUMBER { $$=mk_elem( $2, NUMBER_ST, SRCPORT_O, (void *) $3 ); } | SRCPORT intop error { $$=0; yyerror("number expected"); } | SRCPORT error { $$=0; yyerror("==, !=, <,>, >= or <= expected"); } | DSTPORT intop NUMBER { $$=mk_elem( $2, NUMBER_ST, DSTPORT_O, (void *) $3 ); } | DSTPORT intop error { $$=0; yyerror("number expected"); } | DSTPORT error { $$=0; yyerror("==, !=, <,>, >= or <= expected"); } | PROTO intop NUMBER { $$=mk_elem( $2, NUMBER_ST, PROTO_O, (void *) $3 ); } | PROTO intop error { $$=0; yyerror("number expected"); } | PROTO error { $$=0; yyerror("equal/!= operator expected"); } | AF intop NUMBER { $$=mk_elem( $2, NUMBER_ST, AF_O, (void *) $3 ); } | AF intop error { $$=0; yyerror("number expected"); } | AF error { $$=0; yyerror("equal/!= operator expected"); } | MSGLEN intop NUMBER { $$=mk_elem( $2, NUMBER_ST, MSGLEN_O, (void *) $3 ); } | MSGLEN intop MAX_LEN { $$=mk_elem( $2, NUMBER_ST, MSGLEN_O, (void *) BUF_SIZE); } | MSGLEN intop error { $$=0; yyerror("number expected"); } | MSGLEN error { $$=0; yyerror("equal/!= operator expected"); } | SRCIP equalop ipnet { $$=mk_elem( $2, NET_ST, SRCIP_O, $3); } | SRCIP strop STRING { s_tmp.s=$3; s_tmp.len=strlen($3); ip_tmp=str2ip(&s_tmp); if (ip_tmp==0) ip_tmp=str2ip6(&s_tmp); if (ip_tmp){ $$=mk_elem( $2, NET_ST, SRCIP_O, mk_net_bitlen(ip_tmp, ip_tmp->len*8) ); }else{ $$=mk_elem( $2, STRING_ST, SRCIP_O, $3); } } | SRCIP strop host { $$=mk_elem( $2, STRING_ST, SRCIP_O, $3); } | SRCIP equalop MYSELF { $$=mk_elem( $2, MYSELF_ST, SRCIP_O, 0); } | SRCIP strop error { $$=0; yyerror( "ip address or hostname" "expected" ); } | SRCIP error { $$=0; yyerror("invalid operator, ==, != or =~ expected");} | DSTIP equalop ipnet { $$=mk_elem( $2, NET_ST, DSTIP_O, $3); } | DSTIP strop STRING { s_tmp.s=$3; s_tmp.len=strlen($3); ip_tmp=str2ip(&s_tmp); if (ip_tmp==0) ip_tmp=str2ip6(&s_tmp); if (ip_tmp){ $$=mk_elem( $2, NET_ST, DSTIP_O, mk_net_bitlen(ip_tmp, ip_tmp->len*8) ); }else{ $$=mk_elem( $2, STRING_ST, DSTIP_O, $3); } } | DSTIP strop host { $$=mk_elem( $2, STRING_ST, DSTIP_O, $3); } | DSTIP equalop MYSELF { $$=mk_elem( $2, MYSELF_ST, DSTIP_O, 0); } | DSTIP strop error { $$=0; yyerror( "ip address or hostname" "expected" ); } | DSTIP error { $$=0; yyerror("invalid operator, ==, != or =~ expected");} | MYSELF equalop URI { $$=mk_elem( $2, MYSELF_ST, URI_O, 0); } | MYSELF equalop SRCIP { $$=mk_elem( $2, MYSELF_ST, SRCIP_O, 0); } | MYSELF equalop DSTIP { $$=mk_elem( $2, MYSELF_ST, DSTIP_O, 0); } | MYSELF equalop error { $$=0; yyerror(" URI, SRCIP or DSTIP expected"); } | MYSELF error { $$=0; yyerror ("invalid operator, == or != expected"); } | stm { $$=mk_elem( NO_OP, ACTIONS_ST, ACTION_O, $1 ); } | NUMBER {$$=mk_elem( NO_OP, NUMBER_ST, NUMBER_O, (void*)$1 ); } ; ipnet: ip SLASH ip { $$=mk_net($1, $3); } | ip SLASH NUMBER { if (($3<0) || ($3>$1->len*8)){ yyerror("invalid bit number in netmask"); $$=0; }else{ $$=mk_net_bitlen($1, $3); /* $$=mk_net($1, htonl( ($3)?~( (1<<(32-$3))-1 ):0 ) ); */ } } | ip { $$=mk_net_bitlen($1, $1->len*8); } | ip SLASH error { $$=0; yyerror("netmask (eg: or 8) expected"); } ; host: ID { $$=$1; } | host DOT ID { $$=(char*)pkg_malloc(strlen($1)+1+strlen($3)+1); if ($$==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser: memory allocation" " failure while parsing host\n"); }else{ memcpy($$, $1, strlen($1)); $$[strlen($1)]='.'; memcpy($$+strlen($1)+1, $3, strlen($3)); $$[strlen($1)+1+strlen($3)]=0; } pkg_free($1); pkg_free($3); } | host DOT error { $$=0; pkg_free($1); yyerror("invalid hostname"); } ; stm: cmd { $$=$1; } | if_cmd { $$=$1; } | LBRACE actions RBRACE { $$=$2; } ; actions: actions action {$$=append_action($1, $2); } | action {$$=$1;} | actions error { $$=0; yyerror("bad command"); } ; action: cmd SEMICOLON {$$=$1;} | if_cmd {$$=$1;} | SEMICOLON /* null action */ {$$=0;} | cmd error { $$=0; yyerror("bad command: missing ';'?"); } ; if_cmd: IF exp stm { $$=mk_action3( IF_T, EXPR_ST, ACTIONS_ST, NOSUBTYPE, $2, $3, 0); } | IF exp stm ELSE stm { $$=mk_action3( IF_T, EXPR_ST, ACTIONS_ST, ACTIONS_ST, $2, $3, $5); } ; cmd: FORWARD LPAREN host RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | FORWARD LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | FORWARD LPAREN ip RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, 0); } | FORWARD LPAREN host COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD LPAREN STRING COMMA NUMBER RPAREN {$$=mk_action(FORWARD_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD LPAREN ip COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD LPAREN URIHOST COMMA URIPORT RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_T, URIHOST_ST, URIPORT_ST, 0, 0); } | FORWARD LPAREN URIHOST COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_T, URIHOST_ST, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD LPAREN URIHOST RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_T, URIHOST_ST, NUMBER_ST, 0, 0); } | FORWARD error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | FORWARD LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad forward" "argument"); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN host RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_UDP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_UDP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN ip RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_UDP_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, 0); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN host COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_UDP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN STRING COMMA NUMBER RPAREN {$$=mk_action( FORWARD_UDP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN ip COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_UDP_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN URIHOST COMMA URIPORT RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_UDP_T, URIHOST_ST, URIPORT_ST, 0, 0); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN URIHOST COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_UDP_T, URIHOST_ST, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN URIHOST RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_UDP_T, URIHOST_ST, NUMBER_ST, 0, 0); } | FORWARD_UDP error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | FORWARD_UDP LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad forward_udp" "argument"); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN host RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TCP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TCP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN ip RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TCP_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, 0); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN host COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TCP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN STRING COMMA NUMBER RPAREN {$$=mk_action( FORWARD_TCP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN ip COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_TCP_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN URIHOST COMMA URIPORT RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_TCP_T, URIHOST_ST, URIPORT_ST, 0, 0); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN URIHOST COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_TCP_T, URIHOST_ST, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void*)$5); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN URIHOST RPAREN { $$=mk_action(FORWARD_TCP_T, URIHOST_ST, NUMBER_ST, 0, 0); } | FORWARD_TCP error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | FORWARD_TCP LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad forward_tcp" "argument"); } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN host RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN STRING RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN ip RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, 0); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN host COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN STRING COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN ip COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, (void*)$5); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN URIHOST COMMA URIPORT RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, URIHOST_ST, URIPORT_ST, 0, 0); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN URIHOST COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, URIHOST_ST, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void*)$5); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN URIHOST RPAREN { #ifdef USE_TLS $$=mk_action( FORWARD_TLS_T, URIHOST_ST, NUMBER_ST, 0, 0); #else $$=0; yyerror("tls support not " "compiled in"); #endif } | FORWARD_TLS error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | FORWARD_TLS LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad forward_tls" "argument"); } | SEND LPAREN host RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | SEND LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | SEND LPAREN ip RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, 0); } | SEND LPAREN host COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | SEND LPAREN STRING COMMA NUMBER RPAREN {$$=mk_action( SEND_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | SEND LPAREN ip COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, (void*)$5); } | SEND error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SEND LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad send" "argument"); } | SEND_TCP LPAREN host RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_TCP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | SEND_TCP LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_TCP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, 0); } | SEND_TCP LPAREN ip RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_TCP_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, 0); } | SEND_TCP LPAREN host COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_TCP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | SEND_TCP LPAREN STRING COMMA NUMBER RPAREN {$$=mk_action( SEND_TCP_T, STRING_ST, NUMBER_ST, $3, (void*)$5); } | SEND_TCP LPAREN ip COMMA NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SEND_TCP_T, IP_ST, NUMBER_ST, (void*)$3, (void*)$5); } | SEND_TCP error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SEND_TCP LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad send_tcp" "argument"); } | DROP LPAREN RPAREN {$$=mk_action(DROP_T,0, 0, 0, 0); } | DROP {$$=mk_action(DROP_T,0, 0, 0, 0); } | LOG_TOK LPAREN STRING RPAREN {$$=mk_action( LOG_T, NUMBER_ST, STRING_ST,(void*)4,$3); } | LOG_TOK LPAREN NUMBER COMMA STRING RPAREN {$$=mk_action( LOG_T, NUMBER_ST, STRING_ST, (void*)$3, $5); } | LOG_TOK error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | LOG_TOK LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad log" "argument"); } | SETFLAG LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN {$$=mk_action( SETFLAG_T, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void *)$3, 0 ); } | SETFLAG error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')'?"); } | RESETFLAG LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN {$$=mk_action( RESETFLAG_T, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void *)$3, 0 ); } | RESETFLAG error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')'?"); } | ISFLAGSET LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN {$$=mk_action( ISFLAGSET_T, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void *)$3, 0 ); } | ISFLAGSET error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')'?"); } | ERROR LPAREN STRING COMMA STRING RPAREN {$$=mk_action(ERROR_T, STRING_ST, STRING_ST, $3, $5); } | ERROR error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | ERROR LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad error" "argument"); } | ROUTE LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(ROUTE_T, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void*)$3, 0); } | ROUTE error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | ROUTE LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad route" "argument"); } | EXEC LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( EXEC_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0); } | SET_HOST LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action(SET_HOST_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0); } | SET_HOST error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SET_HOST LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "string expected"); } | PREFIX LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action(PREFIX_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0); } | PREFIX error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | PREFIX LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "string expected"); } | STRIP_TAIL LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(STRIP_TAIL_T, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void *) $3, 0); } | STRIP_TAIL error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | STRIP_TAIL LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "number expected"); } | STRIP LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN { $$=mk_action(STRIP_T, NUMBER_ST, 0, (void *) $3, 0); } | STRIP error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | STRIP LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "number expected"); } | APPEND_BRANCH LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( APPEND_BRANCH_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0) ; } | APPEND_BRANCH LPAREN RPAREN { $$=mk_action( APPEND_BRANCH_T, STRING_ST, 0, 0, 0 ) ; } | APPEND_BRANCH { $$=mk_action( APPEND_BRANCH_T, STRING_ST, 0, 0, 0 ) ; } | SET_HOSTPORT LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SET_HOSTPORT_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0); } | SET_HOSTPORT error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SET_HOSTPORT LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument," " string expected"); } | SET_PORT LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SET_PORT_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0); } | SET_PORT error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SET_PORT LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "string expected"); } | SET_USER LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SET_USER_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0); } | SET_USER error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SET_USER LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "string expected"); } | SET_USERPASS LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SET_USERPASS_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0); } | SET_USERPASS error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SET_USERPASS LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "string expected"); } | SET_URI LPAREN STRING RPAREN { $$=mk_action( SET_URI_T, STRING_ST, 0, $3, 0); } | SET_URI error { $$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SET_URI LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "string expected"); } | REVERT_URI LPAREN RPAREN { $$=mk_action( REVERT_URI_T, 0,0,0,0); } | REVERT_URI { $$=mk_action( REVERT_URI_T, 0,0,0,0); } | FORCE_RPORT LPAREN RPAREN {$$=mk_action(FORCE_RPORT_T,0, 0, 0, 0); } | FORCE_RPORT {$$=mk_action(FORCE_RPORT_T,0, 0, 0, 0); } | SET_ADV_ADDRESS LPAREN listen_id RPAREN { $$=0; if ((str_tmp=pkg_malloc(sizeof(str)))==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser:" " out of memory.\n"); }else{ str_tmp->s=$3; str_tmp->len=strlen($3); $$=mk_action(SET_ADV_ADDR_T, STR_ST, 0, str_tmp, 0); } } | SET_ADV_ADDRESS LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "string expected"); } | SET_ADV_ADDRESS error {$$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | SET_ADV_PORT LPAREN NUMBER RPAREN { $$=0; tmp=int2str($3, &i_tmp); if ((str_tmp=pkg_malloc(sizeof(str)))==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser:" " out of memory.\n"); }else{ if ((str_tmp->s=pkg_malloc(i_tmp))==0){ LOG(L_CRIT, "ERROR: cfg. parser:" " out of memory.\n"); }else{ memcpy(str_tmp->s, tmp, i_tmp); str_tmp->len=i_tmp; $$=mk_action(SET_ADV_PORT_T, STR_ST, 0, str_tmp, 0); } } } | SET_ADV_PORT LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad argument, " "string expected"); } | SET_ADV_PORT error {$$=0; yyerror("missing '(' or ')' ?"); } | ID LPAREN RPAREN { f_tmp=(void*)find_export($1, 0, rt); if (f_tmp==0){ if (find_export($1, 0, 0)) { yyerror("Command cannot be used in the block\n"); } else { yyerror("unknown command, missing" " loadmodule?\n"); } $$=0; }else{ $$=mk_action( MODULE_T, CMDF_ST, 0, f_tmp, 0 ); } } | ID LPAREN STRING RPAREN { f_tmp=(void*)find_export($1, 1, rt); if (f_tmp==0){ if (find_export($1, 1, 0)) { yyerror("Command cannot be used in the block\n"); } else { yyerror("unknown command, missing" " loadmodule?\n"); } $$=0; }else{ $$=mk_action( MODULE_T, CMDF_ST, STRING_ST, f_tmp, $3 ); } } | ID LPAREN STRING COMMA STRING RPAREN { f_tmp=(void*)find_export($1, 2, rt); if (f_tmp==0){ if (find_export($1, 2, 0)) { yyerror("Command cannot be used in the block\n"); } else { yyerror("unknown command, missing" " loadmodule?\n"); } $$=0; }else{ $$=mk_action3( MODULE_T, CMDF_ST, STRING_ST, STRING_ST, f_tmp, $3, $5 ); } } | ID LPAREN error RPAREN { $$=0; yyerror("bad arguments"); } ; %% extern int line; extern int column; extern int startcolumn; static void warn(char* s) { LOG(L_WARN, "cfg. warning: (%d,%d-%d): %s\n", line, startcolumn, column, s); cfg_errors++; } static void yyerror(char* s) { LOG(L_CRIT, "parse error (%d,%d-%d): %s\n", line, startcolumn, column, s); cfg_errors++; } /* int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (yyparse()!=0) fprintf(stderr, "parsing error\n"); } */