$Id$ Francois ROGLER, francois@rogler.org, 29/05/2001 Speedtouch USB Driver for *BSD Installation file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Official website 1. Download the driver 2. Requirements 3. Compilation & Installation 4. Configuration 5. Connection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Official website The official website of the project is located at: http://speedtouch.sf.net You will find there all the lastest informations, docs and files about this driver. 1. Download Here are the files you need: * speedtouch-1.1.tar.gz on http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/speedtouch/speedtouch-1.1.tar.gz or http://www.xsproject.org/speedtouch/files/speedtouch-1.1.tar.gz * speedmgmt.tar.gz from Thomson Site http://www.speedtouchdsl.com/dvrreg_lx.htm Using the CVS: You can also grab the source from the CVS (need a connection) which is under sourceforge.net. Type the following line: cvs -z3 -r -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.speedtch.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/speedtch co speedtouch This will create a directory speedtouch with the source in it. Later you can upgrade the source by typing only `cvs update`. 2. Requirements This driver is working under: * FreeBSD: since 4.2 and since 5.1 * OpenBSD: since 2.9 * NetBSD : since 1.5 For FreeBSD 5.0 you need the patch posted there: http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=947410+0+archive/2003/freebsd-current/20030511.freebsd-current You need to have the USB, ugen and ppp support in your kernel (always included by default) and all the corresponding entries of your usb controler and modem entries in the /dev (automatically created with FreeBSD 5) For NetBSD, you need the user-ppp version that I ported and is available at: http://www.xsproject.org/speedtouch http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/speedtouch/userppp-013007.tar.gz?download 3. Compilation & Installation This driver is GPL software, so best distributed in source form. That means you have to compile it before using it. * Extract the Alcatel file: tar -zxvf speedmgmt.tar.gz Then copy 'mgmt.o' to /usr/local/libdata (you can also use the file 'alcaudsl.sys' from the windows version) * Extract, compile and install the driver: tar -zxvf speedtouch-1.1.tar.gz cd speedtouch-1.1 ./configure make make install (need to be root) You have to copy the file (save your old ppp.conf before): cp /usr/local/share/doc/speedtouch/ppp.conf.sample /etc/ppp/ppp.conf chmod 600 /etc/ppp/ppp.conf 4. Configuration edit the file /etc/ppp/ppp.conf and modify: * * * and : check a list of known values in vpivci file. 5. Connection You can use the script adsl.sh.sample provided. It is usually located in /usr/local/etc/rc.d To launch the connection during boot sequence, you need to rename it adsl.sh and verify that it has the executable bit. To launch connection manually, here are the 2 steps that need to be done in the order: * Initialisation Initialisation of the modem (you need to do that each time you plug in the modem or when you restart your computer) modem_run -f /usr/local/libdata/mgmt.o -m * Launch the connection : PPP ppp -background adsl (see the `man ppp` for other options like auto, natd or ddial) Now you should be connected. To close the connection, type : killall ppp (For FreeBSD) If not, give us a feedback (and when there will be one, consult the FAQ) Please use IRC or the mailing list to give us a feedback. The adresses are on the website.