.\" $Id$ .\" .TH SIGFETCH 8 "October 14, 1992" .SH NAME siggen \- signature gathering routine for Tripwire .SH SYNOPSIS .B siggen siggen [-0123456789aqv] [ .I file \&... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \fIsiggen\fP is a utility that fetches signatures used by Tripwire. .SH OPTIONS .LP When run without any arguments, \fIsiggen\fP collects all the signatures on the specified files in a verbose manner. .LP When no arguments are given, \fIsiggen\fP reads from standard input. .TP .B \-h prints the signature in hexadecimal instead of base-64. .TP .B \-q Quiet mode. Prints out all signatures in one line with no extraneous information. .TP .B \-a Generates all signatures. (default) .TP .B \-v Verbose mode. (default) .TP .B \-0 signature 0 - generates null signature .TP .B \-1 signature 1 - generates MD5, the RSA Data Security, Inc. Message Digesting Algorithm. .TP .B \-2 signature 2 - generates Snefru, the Xerox Secure Hash Function. .TP .B \-3 signature 3 - generates CRC-32, POSIX 1003.2 compliant 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check. .TP .B \-4 signature 4 - generates CRC-16, the standard (non-CCITT) 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check. .TP .B \-5 signature 5 - generates MD4, the RSA Data Security, Inc. Message Digesting Algorithm. .TP .B \-6 signature 6 - generates MD2, the RSA Data Security, Inc. Message Digesting Algorithm. .TP .B \-7 signature 7 - generates SHA, the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm (NIST FIPS 180) .TP .B \-8 signature 8 - generates Haval, a 128-bit signature code .TP .B \-9 signature 9 \- generates null signature (reserved for future expansion) .SH AUTHORS .nf Gene Kim Purdue University gkim@cs.purdue.edu .fi