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Unusual RAID bios device code: 0x%02XWarning: using BIOS device code 0x%02X for RAID boot blocks Not a RAID install, 'raid-extra-boot=' not allowedRead on map file failed (access conflict ?)LILO Pre-21 signature (0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x) Bad signature (0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x) BIOS drive 0x%02x is mapped to 0x%02x BIOS drive 0x%02x, offset 0x%x: 0x%02x -> 0x%02x read %s: %slba32no linear/lba32linearWarning: mapfile created with %s option Global settings: Delay before booting: %d.%d seconds No command-line timeout Command-line timeout: %d.%d seconds Always enter boot prompt Enter boot prompt only on demand RAID installation Non-RAID installation Serial line access is disabled Boot prompt can be accessed from COM%d No message for boot prompt bitmap Boot prompt message is %d bytes Bitmap file is %d paragraphs (%d bytes) No default boot command line Default boot command line: "%s" Images: *%s%-15s%s No password specifying optionsbooting this image Password is required for %s WILLwon't Boot command-line %s be locked SNo s %single-key activation VGA mode is taken from boot image VGA mode: NORMAL EXTENDED ASK %d (0x%04x) Kernel is loaded "low" Kernel is loaded "high", at 0x%08lx No initial RAM disk Initial RAM disk is %ld bytes Map sector not found Fallback sector not found No fallback Fallback: "%s" Options sector not found Options: "%s" Image data not found Checksum error usage: %s [ -C config_file ] -q [ -m map_file ] [ -v N | -v ... ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -b boot_device ] [ -c ] [ -g | -l | -L ] %12s[ -i boot_loader ] [ -m map_file ] [ -d delay ] %12s[ -v N | -v ... ] [ -t ] [ -s save_file | -S save_file ] %12s[ -p ][ -P fix | -P ignore ] [ -r root_dir ] [ -w ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -m map_file ] -R [ word ... ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] -I name [ options ] %7s%s [ -C config_file ] [ -s save_file ] -u | -U [ boot_device ] %7s%s -A /dev/XXX [ N ] activate a partition %7s%s -M /dev/XXX [ mbr_file ] install master boot record %7s%s -T help list additional options %7s%s -V [ -v ] version information /etc/lilo.confAbCdDfiImMPrsSTxcompactdelaydefaultdisktabinstallimapfixfix-tableignoreignore-table nowarn-DCODE_START_1=%d -DCODE_START_2=%d ROOTchroot %s: %s/devWarning: root at %s has no /dev directory /chdir /: %satexit() failed (test mode)LILO version %d.%d%s%s, Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger Development beyond version 21 Copyright (C) 1999-2001 John Coffman Apr 4 200514:34:4931-Oct-2001Released %s and compiled at %s on %s. Only one of '-g', '-l', or '-L' may be specifiedmain: cfg_parse returns %d fstat %s: %s Warning: %s should be owned by root Warning: %s should be writable only for root geometricMay specify only one of GEOMETRIC, LINEAR or LBA32Ignoring entry '%s' verboseraid_setup returns offset = %08lX LBA32LINEARWarning: COMPACT may conflict with %s on some systems /boot/mapraid flags: at bsect_open 0x%02X timeoutSyntax errorNo images have been defined or default image doesn't exist.The boot sector and the map file have *NOT* been altered. vuvvvvvvEmvvvH=hzgvMvvvvvvvvv4Pvֹvvv9Qvv1=!Ysʼsvkmap_patch_first: String is too longopen %s: %slseek %s: %sread %s: %sNo image "%s" is definedwrite %s: %smap_patch_first: Bad write ?!?close %s: %screat %s: %smap_create: cannot fstat map filemap_create: boot=%04X map=%04X map file must be on the boot RAID partitionHole found in map file (zero sector)lseek map filewrite map fileHole found in map file (descr. sector %d)Hole found in map file (default command line)fstat map fileMap file size: %ld bytes. Hole found in map file (app. sector)Covering hole at sector %d. sCompaction removed %d BIOS call%s. fsync map fileHole found in map file (alloc_page)Empty map section Mapped AL=0x%02x CX=0x%04x DX=0x%04xLBAlinear, %s=%d Map segment is too big.ropen %s: %s/etc/disktab 0x%x 0x%x %d %d %d %dInvalid line in %s: "%s"DISKTAB and DISK are mutually exclusivepartitionstat %s: %s%s is not a valid partition devicestartDuplicate geometry definition for %sdiskRSN: %s is not a whole disk devicebiossectorsheadscylindersMust specify SECTORS and HEADS togetherinaccessibleNo geometry variables allowed if INACCESSIBLETrying to map files from unnamed device 0x%04x (NFS ?)Trying to map files from your RAM disk. Please check -r option or ROOT environment variable.geo_query_dev FDGETPRM (dev 0x%04x): %sgeo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEO (dev 0x%04x): %sHDIO_REQ not supported for your SCSI controller. Please use a DISK sectionHDIO_REQ not supported for your DAC960/IBM controller. Please use a DISK sectionHDIO_REQ not supported for your Array controller. Please use a DISK sectionSorry, don't know how to handle device 0x%04xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccDevice 0x%04X: Configured as inaccessible. RRrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR/dev/md%d/dev/md/%dUnable to open %sUnable to get RAID info on %sRaid versions < 0.90 are not supportedOnly RAID1 devices are supported for boot imagesGET_DISK_INFO: %sWarning: BIOS drive 0x%02x may not be accessible Device 0x%04x: BIOS drive 0x%02x, no geometry. Device 0x%04X: Got bad geometry %d/%d/%d Device 0x%04X: Maximum number of heads is %d, not %d Device 0x%04X: Maximum number of sectors is %d, not %d Warning: device 0x%04x exceeds %d cylinder limit. Use of the 'lba32' option may help on newer (EDD BIOS) systems. Device 0x%04x: BIOS drive 0x%02x, %d heads, %d cylinders, %15s%d sectors. Partition offset: %d sectors. :BIOS syntax is no longer supported. Please use a DISK section fstat %s: %s%s: neither a reg. file nor a block dev.FIGETBSZ %s: %s Incompatible block size: %d 'linear' and 'lba32' (-l and -L) are mutually exclusive.Internal error: sector > 0 after geo_open_bootioctl FIBMAPWarning: LINEAR may generate cylinder# above 1023 at boot-time. Sector address %d too large for LINEAR (try LBA32 instead).LBAlinearfd %d: offset %d -> dev 0x%02x, %s %d geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (%d > %d)geo_comp_addr: Cylinder %d beyond end of media (%d)fd %d: offset %d -> dev 0x%02x, head %d, track %d, sector %d Kernel %s is too bigBoot image: %s fstat %s: %sread %s: %sHdrSsSetup length is %d sector%s. Mapped %d sector%s. initrdKernel doesn't support initial RAM disksMapping RAM disk %s RAM disk: %d sector%s. Boot device: %s, range %s Invalid rangemap-driveInvalid drive specification "%s"toTO is requiredMapping 0x%02x to 0x%02x already existsAmbiguous mapping 0x%02x to 0x%02x or 0x%02xToo many drive mappings (more than %d) Mapping BIOS drive 0x%02x to 0x%02x No '/' in partition/device name.Not a partition name; no digits at the end.partdiscout(NULL)Name: %s yields MBR: %s (with%s primary partition check) /boot/chain.b, on Boot other: %s%s%s, loader %s unsafeTABLE and UNSAFE are mutually incompatible.lseek %s: %sCan't get magic number of %sFirst sector of %s doesn't have a valid boot signatureopen %s: %sChain loader %s is too bigPseudo partition start: %d Duplicate entry in partition tablePartition entry not found.boot_other: drive=0x%02x logical=0x%02x Mapped %d (%d+1+1) sectors. opendir %s: %s...Invalidating cache entry for %s (0x%04X) Caching device %s (0x%04X) /devstat /dev: %s/tmp/dev.%dFailed to create a temporary devicemknod %s: %sstat %s: %sCreated temporary device %s (0x%04X) open %s: %sclose %s: %sRemoved temporary device %s (0x%04X) %d/dev/fd0/dev/fd1/dev/sda/dev/hdh/dev/hdg/dev/hdf/dev/hde/dev/loop%d/dev/hdd/dev/hdc/dev/hdb/dev/hdaFatal: Out of memoryNot a number: "%s"First boot sectorSecond boot sectorChain loaderInternal error: Unknown stage code %dLILO%s has a pre-21 LILO signature%s doesn't have a valid LILO signature%s has an invalid stage code (%d)%s is version %d.%d. Expecting version %d.%d.%s: value out of range [%d,%d]Invalid character: "%c"getval: %d bmp-timerbmp-tableWarning: 'bmp-table' may spill off screen image_menu_space = %d bmp-colorspw_file_update: passw=%d pw_file_updatelabel=<"%s"> 0x%08lX pw_fill_cache pw_fill_cache %s Out of memoryPassword file: label=%s Ill-formed line in .crc fileend pw_fill_cache Password CRC-32 = %08lXlabelimageotherNeed label to get password Entry for %s used null password *** Phrases don't match *** Type passphrase: Please re-enter: passwordPassword found iscurrent root.Reading boot sector from %s open %s: %sstat %s: %s/stat /Can't put the boot sector on logical partition 0x%04Xcurrent rootWarning: %s is not on the first disk read %s: %sInvalid menu-scheme color: '%c'Invalid menu-scheme syntaxInvalid menu-scheme punctuationWarning: menu-scheme BG color may not be intensified Warning: menu-scheme "black on black" changed to "white on black" MENUMenu attributes: text %02X highlight %02X border %02X title %02X Map %s is not a regular file./boot/boot.bMerging with %s sSecondary loader: %d sector%s. lseek %s: %sread(2) %s: %sIll-formed boot loader; no second stage sectioninstall(2) flags: 0x%04X ~messagebitmap'bitmap' and 'message' are mutually exclusiveBoot loader does not support 'bitmap='Mapping %s file %s width=%d height=%d planes=%d bits/plane=%d Message specifies a bitmap fileUnsupported bitmapNot a bitmap file%s is too big (> %d bytes)BitmapMessage%s: %d sector%s. serialSerial line not supported by boot loaderInvalid serial port in "%s" (should be 0-3)Serial syntax is [,[[]]]Unsupported baud rateValid parity values are N, O and EOnly 7 or 8 bits supportedSynax error in SERIALSerial Param = 0x%02X promptSetting DELAY to 20 (2 seconds) Maximum delay is 59:59 (3599.5secs).Maximum timeout is 59:59 (3599.5secs).keytable%s: bad keyboard translation tablemenu-schemeWarning: 'menu-scheme' not supported by boot loader menu-titleWarning: 'menu-title' not supported by boot loader Warning: menu-[Atitle is > %d characters Warning: 'bmp-table' not supported by boot loader Warning: 'bmp-colors' not supported by boot loader Warning: 'bmp-timer' not supported by boot loader defaultLabel "%s" is too longDuplicate label "%s"Single-key clash: "%s" vs. "%s"Only %d image names can be defined'bmp-table=' has space for only %d imagesread-onlyread-writeConflicting READONLY and READ_WRITE settings.ro rw rootcurrentroot=%x ramdiskramdisk=%d lockThis LILO is compiled READONLY and doesn't support the LOCK optionvganormalextextendedaskrestrictedmandatoryMANDATORY and RESTRICTED are mutually exclusivebypassMANDATORY and BYPASS are mutually exclusiveRESTRICTED and BYPASS are mutually exclusiveBYPASS only valid if global PASSWORD is setPASSWORD and BYPASS not valid togetherMANDATORY is only valid if PASSWORD is set.RESTRICTED is only valid if PASSWORD is set.Warning: %s should be readable only for root if using PASSWORD single-keyappendliteralfallbackThis LILO is compiled READONLY and doesn't support the FALLBACK optionInvalid image name.aliasSINGLE-KEYSTROKE requires the label or the alias to be only a single characterAdded %s (alias %s) * %4s %4s"%s" WARNING: The system is unbootable ! %9sRun LILO again to correct this.No image "%s" is defined/boot/boot.%04X%s exists - no backup copy made. creat %s: %swrite %s: %sBackup copy of boot sector in %s fstat %s: %sclose %s: %sWriting boot sector. LILO internal error: Would overwrite Partition TableBoot sector relocation performed rename %s %s: %sNo variable "%s"optionalSkipping %s rangeloadertableBoot sector of %s does not have a boot signatureLILOBoot sector of %s has a pre-21 LILO signatureBoot sector of %s doesn't have a LILO signatureTimestamp in boot sector of %s differs from date of %s Try using the -U option if you know what you're doing.Reading old boot sector. Restoring old boot sector. imageotherbootraid-extra-bootcompactdefaultdelaytimeoutpromptlinearlba32geometricfix-tableignore-tableinstalldisktabdiskmapmessageverbosebackupforce-backupserialrootvgalockramdiskpasswordrestrictedmandatoryoptionalread-onlyread-writeappendnowarnfallbackinitrdchange-rulessingle-keykeytableloadermenu-schememenu-titlebitmapbmp-tablebmp-colorsbmp-timerlabelaliasbypassliteralrangetableunsafemap-drivechangeinaccessiblebiossectorsheadscylinderspartitionstarttotyperesetnormalhiddenautomaticsetactivatedeactivate-r at or above line %d in file %s EOF in variable namecontrol character in variable namevariable name too longunknown variable "%s"internal error: again invoked twice=EOF in quoted stringBad use of \ in quoted string\n and \t are not allowed in quoted stringsQuoted string is too long\ precedes EOFToken is too longSyntax errorValue expected at EOFSyntax error after %sUnknown syntax code %d'%s' doesn't have a valueValue expected for '%s'Duplicate entry '%s'Ignoring entry '%s' cfg_set: Can't set %sinternal error (cfg_unset %s, unset)internal error (cfg_unset %s, unknowncfg_parse: item="%s" value="%s" Unrecognized token "%s"cfg_get_flag: operating on non-flag %scfg_get_flag: unknown item %scfg_get_strg: operating on non-string %scfg_get_strg: unknown item %s.crcCannot stat '%s'Warning: '%s' more recent than '%s' Running 'lilo -p' is recommended. Could not delete '%s'Could not create '%s'w+Warning: '%s' readable by other than 'root' Internal error: temp_unregister %s(temp) %s: %sRemoved temporary file %s part_verify: dev_nr=%04x, type=%d fix-tablelseek partition tableShort read on partition tableread partition tableread boot signature failedpart_verify: part#=%d invalid partition table: second extended partition foundsecondary llseek failedsecondary read pt failedread second boot signature failedDevice 0x%04X: Partition type 0x%02X does not seem suitable for a LILO boot sector ignore-tablerdthndstDevice 0x%04X: Invalid partition table, %d%s entry 3D address: %d/%d/%d (%d) Linear address: %d/%d/%d (%d) The partition table is *NOT* being adjusted. /boot/part.%04Xcreat %s: %sShort write on %sclose %s: %sBackup copy of partition table in %s Writing modified partition table to device 0x%04X Short write on partition tablewrite partition table"%s" is not a byte valueDuplicate type name: "%s"normalhiddentypeAt least one of NORMAL and HIDDEN must be presentotherdo_cr_auto: other=%s has_partition=%d tableTABLE may not be specifiedAUTOMATIC must be before PARTITIONTABLE must be set to use AUTOMATICstat %s: %s"%s" doesn't contain a primary partition tableCannot open %sCannot seek to partition table of %sCannot read Partition Table of %spartition = %d Warning: This LILO is compiled without REWRITE_TABLE; unable to generate CHANGE/AUTOMATIC change-rules partition"%s" isn't a primary partitionsetThis LILO is compiled without REWRITE_TABLE and doesn't support the SET optionactivateThis LILO is compiled without REWRITE_TABLE and doesn't support the ACTIVATE optiondeactivateThis LILO is compiled without REWRITE_TABLE and doesn't support the DEACTIVATE optionOS2_HPFSFAT16_lbaFAT32_lbaFAT32NTFSDOS16_bigDOS16_smallDOS12open %s: %s%s: not a block devicest.st_dev = %04X, st.st_rdev = %04X %s is not a master device with a primary partition tablelseek: %sread: %s%s%d No active partition found on %s%s: not a valid partition number (1-4)Cannot activate an empty partitionThe partition table of %s has *NOT* been updated write: %s/boot/mbr.bCannot open %s: %sstat: %s : %s%s not a block device%s is not a master device with a primary parition tableread %s: %sseek %s; %swrite %s: %s*NOT* The Master Boot Record of %s has %sbeen updated. labelaliasinitrd%s No initial ramdisk specifiedimageSyntax errorNo image found for "%s" helpPrint list of -T(ell) optionsChRulList partition change-rulesEBDAExtended BIOS Data Area informationgeom=Geometry CHS data for BIOS code 0x80, etc.geomGeometry for all BIOS drivestable=Partition table information for /dev/hda, etc.videoGraphic mode informationDOS12DOS16_smallDOS16_bigNTFS or OS2_HPFSFAT32FAT32_lbaFAT16_lbaOS/2 BootMgrDOS extendedWIN extendedLinux ext'dLinux SwapLinux NativeMinixLinux RAID/dev/memLiLousage: lilo -T %s%s %s No drive geometry information is available. Warning: Int 0x13 function 8 and function 0x48 return different head/sector geometries for BIOS drive 0x%02X No memory information is available. no %s %s = %dK Conventional Memory = %dK 0x%06X The First stage loader boots at: 0x%08X (%04X:0000) The Second stage loader runs at: 0x%08X (%04X:%04X) The kernel cmdline is passed at: 0x%08X (%1X000:%04X) bios=0x%02x, cylinders=%d, heads=%d, sectors=%d EDD packet calls allowed s BIOS reports %d drive%s Unrecognized BIOS device code 0x%02x %4d ** empty ** 0x%02x%4d:%d:%d%02x%4d%18s%5s%11s%14s%12u%12u /dev/mdNot a device: '%s'Unable to open '%s'lseek failedread pt failedread boot signature failedlseek s/n failedread s/n failed S/N = %08X %s invalid partition table: second extended partition foundsecondary llseek failedsecondary read pt failedread second boot signature failed Type Normal Hidden **** no change-rules defined **** %20s 0x%02x 0x%02x get video mode determine adapter type get display combination check VESA present VESAmode = 0x%02x, columns = %d, rows = %d, page = %d ,,,,,,###unknownMDACGAEGAMCGAVGAVGA/VESANo video mode information is available. %s adapter: No graphic modes are supported 640x350x16 mode 0x0010 640x480x16 mode 0x0012 320x200x256 mode 0x0013 640x480x256 mode 0x0101 800x600x256 mode 0x0103 Unrecognized option to '-T' flag bios_dev: device %04X bios_dev: match on geometry alone (0x%02X) bios_dev: masked device %04X, which is %s bios_device: seek to partition table - 8bios_device: read partition table - 8bios_device: seek to partition tablebios_device: read partition tablebios_dev: geometry check found %d matches bios_dev: (0x%02X) S/N=%08X *PT=%08X esbios_dev: PT match found %d match%s (0x%02X) $  ěHt h 8ȋ oxoo܊N^n~Ύގ.>N^n~Ώޏ.>N^n~ΐސ.>N^n~Αޑ.>N^n~yS#!')ckbgcrmywKBGCRMYW0123NnOoEe1101503006001200240048009600192003840057600115200????56000 M&N &/,1AIQW_fms} *18AHQtU`ip| 8U*Ai]y  &)8s.q4;xBtLPY `      `    J%AHlr|ȋ  $0:K Q [e r Type Boot Start End Sector #sectorsExtended BIOS Data Area (EBDA)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3)GCC: (GNU) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.comment#(( 1HHL7 ?tthGo܊ Toxx Pc ȋ l  8 u  p88{ ěTpppppqq(r ``~, `~rҁ @ L(Ht܊xȋ  8  ě `ܒ *8EIlU k4 w `] ; J B x xx%|/6 x@+  KHYa how||& ި  r `$D@  V } \4 (/\( :$>XAJ8PL  YV   d` j nw.b |` .    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Lr F 60call_gmon_startcrtstuff.c__CTOR_LIST____DTOR_LIST____JCR_LIST__p.0completed.1__do_global_dtors_auxframe_dummy__CTOR_END____DTOR_END____FRAME_END____JCR_END____do_global_ctors_auxlilo.cis_primarymasteris_accessibleraid_finalextrandiskraid_offsetraid_mbrnlistlist_indexraid_bioslowestraid_listraid_setupmd_array_infomd_biosfaultydevicemd_diskdiskraid_baseraid_deviceshow_othershow_imagesusagemap.cmap_geomap_filezero_addrlastmapmap_compactmap_alloc_pagegeometry.cexistslast_devgeo_query_devwarnings.0boot.ccheck_sizegeostdevice.ccachescan_dirlookup_devcache_addcommon.cnamebsect.cimage_baseimagefallbacksimage_menu_spacepwsavegetvalgetval_userbmp_do_timerbmp_do_tablepoly.0hash_passwordpw_inputpw_getretrieve_crcopen_bsectboot_devnamfddevbsectbsect_origkhar.1menu_do_schemecoms.2parity.3bps.4secondary_mapstage_flagsmap_nametemp_mapdescrsdev_numberget_imagebsect_commonoptionsbsect_doneunbootablefallbackpresentcfg.ckeywordslast_tokenlast_itemlast_valuefile_namebackfileline_numnext_rawvar.0nextagaincfg_get_tokencfg_return_tokencfg_nextcfg_returncfg_do_setflag_setcfg_endpw_file_nametemp.clistpartition.ccvt_byteadd_typemay_changehas_partitionidentify.cdo_identifyoptidentifyprobe.cbuf_validhdpdo_helpdo_cr_prdo_ebdado_geomdo_geom_alldo_tabledo_videoptabpheadfetchbufget_geomwarnedget_conv_memEBDA.0print_geomprint_ptmodecolpagerowegamemdisplay.1shs2.c__dso_handlegetchar@@GLIBC_2.0cf_identifybsect_uninstallpreload_dev_cachecf_kernelallocdo_crpreload_typesrename@@GLIBC_2.0temp_registerdo_cr_partstrchr@@GLIBC_2.0do_install_mbrbsect_raid_updatecf_partitioncfg_get_flagungetc@@GLIBC_2.0_DYNAMICpw_fill_cachemknodstrdup@@GLIBC_2.0geo_closemap_add_sectorcache_idewrite@@GLIBC_2.0fileno@@GLIBC_2.0strcmp@@GLIBC_2.0close@@GLIBC_2.0_fp_hwperror@@GLIBC_2.0cf_change_rulefprintf@@GLIBC_2.0compactverbosegetenv@@GLIBC_2.0map_writefflush@@GLIBC_2.0temp_unregisterunlink@@GLIBC_2.0__fini_array_end__statpw_wipecf_change_rulesdo_partitioncfg_initcf_otherstrerror@@GLIBC_2.0__libc_csu_finicf_diskputchar@@GLIBC_2.0__cxa_atexit@@GLIBC_2.1.3id_othercreat@@GLIBC_2.0passwid_imagecfg_error__errno_location@@GLIBC_2.0prt_mapto_numberaccess@@GLIBC_2.0do_map_drive_initboot_othermalloc@@GLIBC_2.0do_cr_typeboot_dev_nrgeometricautoautogeo_comp_addrcfg_openmemmove@@GLIBC_2.0map_end_sectioncf_optionsremove@@GLIBC_2.0boot_devicefstatdev_openstdout@@GLIBC_2.0stderr@@GLIBC_2.0part_verifyconfig_file__xstat@@GLIBC_2.0geo_getgeo_open_bootvfprintf@@GLIBC_2.0do_imagegeo_initcf_changefseek@@GLIBC_2.0crc32temp_removetime@@GLIBC_2.0testboot_mbr_startdo_cr_autodo_diskfgets@@GLIBC_2.0dev_closecf_change_dscmap_add_zerochdir@@GLIBC_2.0__mknod__fxstat@@GLIBC_2.0strallocstrlen@@GLIBC_2.0disktabis_firstcf_partitionsmap_registerbios_devicedo_changeconfig_readstat_equalbsect_readcfg_pw_opencurr_drv_mapstrncmp@@GLIBC_2.0strtol@@GLIBC_2.0__fini_array_startfputc@@GLIBC_2.0__libc_csu_initmemcmp@@GLIBC_2.0__bss_startfsync@@GLIBC_2.0cfg_setmainllseek@@GLIBC_2.0cache_scsi__libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.0map_add__init_array_endcfg_unsethas_partitionslba32toupper@@GLIBC_2.0pw_filerealloc@@GLIBC_2.0strcat@@GLIBC_2.0do_activatediedata_startnowarnprintf@@GLIBC_2.0_finilseek@@GLIBC_2.0memcpy@@GLIBC_2.0map_begin_sectionidentify_imagecf_imagefclose@@GLIBC_2.1atexitstrrchr@@GLIBC_2.0check_versionlinearcfg_get_strgclosedir@@GLIBC_2.0__preinit_array_endsrand@@GLIBC_2.0opendir@@GLIBC_2.0boot_imageopen@@GLIBC_2.0map_createraid_flagsdo_md_installpw_file_updatestrcasecmp@@GLIBC_2.0strspn@@GLIBC_2.0exit@@GLIBC_2.0bsect_opencfg_parsestatcurr_prt_mapsscanf@@GLIBC_2.0_edata_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_free@@GLIBC_2.0_endbsect_numberioctl@@GLIBC_2.0probe_tellstrtoul@@GLIBC_2.0do_cr_resetmemset@@GLIBC_2.0strncasecmp@@GLIBC_2.0stdin@@GLIBC_2.0geo_openchange_rulesget_videobsect_update__xmknod@@GLIBC_2.0old_disktabstrncpy@@GLIBC_2.0fopen@@GLIBC_2.1__init_array_start__fstatdrv_mapbmp_do_colorscf_allmap_patch_first_IO_stdin_usedmap_donezflagcf_toppdiesprintf@@GLIBC_2.0__data_startgeo_findcf_map_drive_IO_getc@@GLIBC_2.0readdir@@GLIBC_2.0_Jv_RegisterClasses__ctype_b_loc@@GLIBC_2.3__preinit_array_startrand@@GLIBC_2.0rallocread@@GLIBC_2.0do_otherbios_max_devserrstdsync@@GLIBC_2.0__gmon_start__bsect_cancelcheck_fallbackchroot@@GLIBC_2.0strcpy@@GLIBC_2.0