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#63CE31Request Succeeded
Password successfully changed.New entry successfully added.Idle settings updated.Dial-InAccountPoPToPThe Scales's flash is now being upgraded. Please allow the Scales a few minutes to upload the new image. Warning:Do not interrupt this process!DHCP serverLease(s) successfully freed.AddressLeaseGatewaySubnetDNSWINSYour request succeeded.

Warning: The Scales encountered the following problem with the last request:
  • Bad IP address.Bad Gateway address.Bad subnet mask.Password/verify field mismatch.Illegal password.Incorrect old password.Error parsing arguments.Corrupted configuration file.Page not found.You submitted a request without entering data in all of the necessary fields.Invalid filename.Spaces not permitted in field.No account selected.Invalid password.Invalid range.The user name may contain upper and lower case characters, numbers, or the underscore character.I was unable to create the previous user because the maximum number of users has been reached.ScalesThere where not enough resources to complete your request. Try again when the %s is less used.The hard disk is full.There is a problem with the %s. Please write down the information at the top of the pageThere appears to be a problem with the user database.There appears to be a problem with this users configuration.Sorry, but this function doesn't appear to be implemented yet.The file that specified the user information is corrupt.You select a group to configure!!The users password could not be set.Your password confirmation does not match.A password must be specified for the userThe password confirmation is incorrectImage not foundSomething went wrong. Contact Customer support with this message: %s There was an unknown, general failure, please contact customer support.
Your request failed because of the above reason. Hit the back button and retry your request with amended data or consult the user manual for advice.

Scales Configuration Error%s enabled.%s disabled.%s added.%s removed.Near Fatal Error!!!
Warning: The Scales encountered a serious problem as follows:

Advanced Page#63CE31Configuration Files
The Scales Configuration Files (such as the start script, resolv.conf, diald.conf, etc.) may be modified by experienced users only.

System Log
The System Log displays debugging information for the Scales.

Advanced Network Diagnostics
The Scales can display Advanced Network Diagnostics such as route tables and interface configurations. You may also perform ping tests.

Reboot (soft) the Scales now.

The Scales is rebooting. This will take approximately ten seconds after which you may continue Web Configuration if you so desire./bin/reboot-d4Modify Configuration Scriptsstart_script/etc/config/startStartThe start script is run everytime the Scales is rebooted or powered on. If you modify this script you will need to reboot the Scales before the changes take affect./cgi-bin/config?page=5SubmitsubmitResetresetInterface Configuration/bin/ifconfigRoute Table/bin/route/var/log/syslogrw/etc/config/tmp%s%s %s fehler bein ffnen/etc/config/start/etc/config/start_tmp%s /var/run/ %s%s %s %s %s%s %s %s %s

/etc/config/inittaba%s:unknown:%s =%s=%s Diagnostics#63CE31Version/proc/versionCPU/proc/cpuinfoMemory/proc/meminfoNetwork Devices/proc/net/devSerial/proc/serialInterrupts/proc/interruptsFlash UpgradeROMDevicefilenameipaddr1ipaddr2ipaddr3ipaddr4macm4m5m6reb#63CE31RebootingThe Scales is rebooting. This should take approximately 10 seconds after which you may continue further Web Page Configuration.flashw -b 0x00,0xd0,0xcf,0x%s,0x%s,0x%s /dev/rom3w/etc/config/tmpRebootThe Scales's flash file system has been modified with your MAC changes. Before these changes can take affect the Scales needs to be rebooted. To reboot now click the button below./cgi-bin/config?page=11hiddensubmitScales
Type in the IP address of the machine that is running a TFTP server and that also has the upgrade image file. You will also need to specify the files correct name (eg. imagez.bin).

Warning:Should the flash upgrade be interrupted in any manner (eg. power down) the %s will stop functioning and will be unusable until its flash is reprogrammed at the factory. User care is recommended in completing this step.



Change IP AddressChange IP AddressFlash UpgradeFlash UpgradeAdvancedAdvancedDiagnosticsDiagnostics
ROM Device:
IP Address:ipaddr

Note: When you click the Upgrade button below the %s will stop responding while it downloads the new image.

UpgradeResetChange MAC AddressThe Scales's MAC address may be modified below. All values must be in HEX.MAC LAN Port:00d0cfApplyreset/bin/netflash-n-d4-r%d.%d.%d.%dChange IP Addressdc1ip1ip2ip3ip4sn1sn2sn3sn4reb#63CE31RebootingThe Scales is rebooting. If you wish to continue Web configuration you may need to point your browser to the Scales's new IP address.eth0/etc/config/startrouteifconfig lo add -net lodhcpcd -p -a eth0dhcpcd -p -a eth0 &dhcpcd/etc/config/config1ifconfig0%d.%d.%d.%dsnmeth0ipeth0ifconfig eth0 netmask %d.%d.%d.%d %sroute add -net %d.%d.%d.%d netmask %d.%d.%d.%d eth0Modify IP ConfigurationModify the Scales's local area network (LAN) port IP address./cgi-bin/config?page=2Interface:LANinthiddenObtain address automatically (DHCP)IP Address:ipSubnet Mask:sn (default: Scales's start script has been modified to include the changes. Before these changes can take affect the Scales needs to be rebooted.(Warning: If you changed the IP address that the Scales uses for remote Web Page Configuration you will need to point your browser at the new address to continue configuration)Reboot Nowrw/etc/config/tmproute add default gw VALUE="%d">%ld.%ld.%ld.%ldDisplay Image#63CE31
Push button to get the image from the Scales./cgi-bin/config?page=91hiddenGet Imagesubmit +- 0x0X(nil)(null)infINFnanNAN.,@@@ @@ @4ɿ@iŭ+p@xIϦAGɀCQ~ގ??@ @k(@.*'InpxXoudifFeEgGaACSncs[hlLjztq| (nil)annfinityUnknown error SuccessOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processInterrupted system callInput/output errorNo such device or addressArgument list too longExec format errorBad file descriptorNo child processesResource temporarily unavailableCannot allocate memoryPermission deniedBad addressBlock device requiredDevice or resource busyFile existsInvalid cross-device linkNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryInvalid argumentToo many open files in systemToo many open filesInappropriate ioctl for deviceText file busyFile too largeNo space left on deviceIllegal seekRead-only file systemToo many linksBroken pipeNumerical argument out of domainNumerical result out of rangeResource deadlock avoidedFile name too longNo locks availableFunction not implementedDirectory not emptyToo many levels of symbolic linksNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedChannel number out of rangeLevel 2 not synchronizedLevel 3 haltedLevel 3 resetLink number out of rangeProtocol driver not attachedNo CSI structure availableLevel 2 haltedInvalid exchangeInvalid request descriptorExchange fullNo anodeInvalid request codeInvalid slotBad font file formatDevice not a streamNo data availableTimer expiredOut of streams resourcesMachine is not on the networkPackage not installedObject is remoteLink has been severedAdvertise errorSrmount errorCommunication error on sendProtocol errorMultihop attemptedRFS specific errorBad messageValue too large for defined data typeName not unique on networkFile descriptor in bad stateRemote address changedCan not access a needed shared libraryAccessing a corrupted shared library.lib section in a.out corruptedAttempting to link in too many shared librariesCannot exec a shared library directlyInvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide characterInterrupted system call should be restartedStreams pipe errorToo many usersSocket operation on non-socketDestination address requiredMessage too longProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not availableProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedOperation not supportedProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocolAddress already in useCannot assign requested addressNetwork is downNetwork is unreachableNetwork dropped connection on resetSoftware caused connection abortConnection reset by peerNo buffer space availableTransport endpoint is already connectedTransport endpoint is not connectedCannot send after transport endpoint shutdownToo many references: cannot spliceConnection timed outConnection refusedHost is downNo route to hostOperation already in progressOperation now in progressStale NFS file handleStructure needs cleaningNot a XENIX named type fileNo XENIX semaphores availableIs a named type fileRemote I/O errorDisk quota exceededNo medium foundWrong medium typenan infinityinf@?:/bin:/usr/bin/bin/shPATH     `  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ +0-#'InpxXoudifFeEgGaACScshlLjztqZ@4DIMkz~<v"*9DPR\mo{[3Et /]5=EL#)18<AYbh -?Wp$9KZ!(e$Oy> ".B'D _i+=C'.5;AYgs~ %+07>RTdfmt| .8AIQYaehknrz 4?AQX@WY`g_k$x'Zhknq $'*,/<NRVZ^bfjnrv~*0Fbt&>|“ž¢¦­ 7>EKQXĦıijĵ )7?swyŘŚůűŴŹ.07AHP8G8HO[ah| $026M_hxLJǍǘ".:IQVnzقٗ٠ٰ$te 1r  F *fd#,"0pq~|V9F62 qy$@#58Ǧ@hT:LPvdv,x<V7fDevqTeV$<0e ,9d<7l4)&dZ4GF:t: 7Dup)F h,e` X1Dd; {(3x0ur@` PPVVVVX\`dhlplptx