# Comments begin with a '#' character and end at end of line. # Sample menu structure menu main { submenu settings disp="Configuration" command nightly extra="/bin/nightly" disp="Download now" command restart extra="/bin/reboot" command mute extra="/bin/mixer pcm 0:0" command unmute extra="/bin/mixer pcm 80:80" list connection extra="isp|msp" disp="Connection type" submenu ispcon cond=%EQ connection "isp"% disp="ISP configuration" submenu mspcon cond=%EQ connection "msp"% disp="MSP configuration" } menu settings { submenu settime disp="Set Time" submenu volumes disp="Set Volumes" submenu passwds disp="Change password" } menu settime { int timezone default="0" time time extra="nosave" date $date command setdate extra="setdate %TOK $time% %TOK $date% %TOK timezone%" disp="Save time & date" } menu volumes { int leftvol disp="Left vol" int rightvol disp="Right vol" int fader disp="Balance" } menu ispcon { string ispusername disp="User name" passwd isppasswd disp="Password" cond=%DEF ispusername% phone dialupno disp="Phone number" time dialuptime disp="When to call" int dialupduration disp="Length of call" } menu mspcon { string mspusername disp="User name" string msppasswd disp="Password" list mspcontype disp="Connection type" extra="dhcp|static" ipaddr mspipaddr cond=%EQ mspcontype "static"% disp="IP address" ipaddr mspsubnet cond=%EQ mspcontype "static"% disp="Subnet mask" ipaddr mspgateway cond=%EQ mspcontype "static"% disp="Gateway address" ipaddr mspdns cond=%EQ mspcontype "static"% disp="Name server" string mspserver disp="Server name" default="bms.mp3.com" int mspport disp="Port number" default="32" } menu passwds { passwd $newpswd disp="New password" command commitpswd disp="Change password" cond=%DEF $newpswd% extra="passwd %TOK $newpswd%" }