#!/bin/sh # This script produces an /etc/rc file with some configurable changes # The build system screws up the values of string variables so that they # include explicit quotes; undo this: for var in `printenv | sed -n 's@=".*"$@@p'`; do eval "$var=`printenv $var`" [ x"`printenv $var`" = x"none" ] && eval unset "$var" done # Switch to section $1 section () { SEC="$1"; } # If in a different section than before, output an appropriate comment output_section_header () { if [ "$SEC" != "$OLD_SEC" ]; then [ "$OLD_SEC" ] && echo '' echo "# $SEC" fi OLD_SEC="$SEC" } # This just outputs the command string given by the args, preceded by an # `echo' of the same, and possibly by a section header. # Only the first _arg_ is echoed though, which can be used if the command # is complicated to simplify the output. init_cmd () { output_section_header; echo echo "init: $1"; echo "$*"; } # Like init_cmd, but doesn't echo anything invis_init_cmd () { output_section_header; echo "$*"; } # Output a variable assignment setting $1 to $2, possibly preceded by a # section header. param () { output_section_header; echo "$1=\"$2\""; PARAMS="$PARAMS $1"; } #### parameters section params # hostname [ "$CONFIG_HOSTNAME" ] && param HOST "$CONFIG_HOSTNAME" # Network params if [ "$CONFIG_NET_ADDR" ]; then NET="`echo "$CONFIG_NET_ADDR" | sed 's@\.[^.]*$@@'`" param ADDR "$CONFIG_NET_ADDR" param INTERFACE "${CONFIG_NET_INTERFACE:-eth0}" param NETMASK "${CONFIG_NET_NETMASK:-}" param BROADCAST "${CONFIG_NET_BROADCAST:-$NET.255}" [ "$CONFIG_NET_GATEWAY" ] && param GATEWAY "$CONFIG_NET_GATEWAY" fi # NFS root param [ "$CONFIG_NFSROOT" ] && param NFSROOT "$CONFIG_NFSROOT" # Export parameters [ "$PARAMS" ] && echo "export$PARAMS" #### setup if [ "$CONFIG_NFS_ROOT_TREE" != y ]; then # A normal host section hostname [ "$CONFIG_HOSTNAME" ] && init_cmd 'hostname "$HOST"' section mounts init_cmd 'mount -t proc proc /proc' init_cmd 'mount -t ramfs ram /var' section temp_dirs invis_init_cmd 'for VD in tmp log run lock; do' invis_init_cmd ' echo init: mkdir "/var/$VD"' invis_init_cmd ' mkdir "/var/$VD"' invis_init_cmd 'done' init_cmd 'chmod 01777 /var/tmp' if [ "$CONFIG_NET_ADDR" ]; then section net init_cmd 'ifconfig lo' init_cmd 'route add -net netmask lo' init_cmd 'ifconfig "$INTERFACE" "$ADDR" netmask "$NETMASK" broadcast "$BROADCAST"' init_cmd 'route add "$ADDR" "$INTERFACE"' [ "$CONFIG_NET_GATEWAY" ] && init_cmd 'route add default gw "$GATEWAY"' fi if [ "$CONFIG_NFSROOT" ]; then section nfsroot init_cmd portmap '&' invis_init_cmd '' # necessary for some bizarre reason invis_init_cmd 'for MP in bin etc usr home lib; do' invis_init_cmd ' echo init: mount "$NFSROOT/$MP" "/$MP"' invis_init_cmd ' mount "$NFSROOT/$MP" "/$MP"' invis_init_cmd 'done' fi fi section daemons [ "$CONFIG_USER_THTTPD_THTTPD" = y ] && init_cmd thttpd "-c '/cgi-bin/*' &" [ "$CONFIG_USER_INETD_INETD" = y ] && init_cmd inetd '&' section epilogue if [ "$CONFIG_NFSROOT" ]; then invis_init_cmd '# chain to the rc file from NFS' invis_init_cmd '. /etc/rc' else invis_init_cmd "echo ''" invis_init_cmd 'cat /etc/motd' invis_init_cmd "echo ''" invis_init_cmd 'cat /etc/version' fi