03/31/2002 - Happy Easter! After a long, long dormant period, CMatrix has finally seen a new release. The static limitations on size are now history, as the matrix size is allocated dynamically. CMatrix can now also be resized on the fly. Also, the -f option has been reversed, it now turns the "linux" $TERM type on instead of off; most modern GNU/Linux systems don't seem to need this option anymore. There is now also a .spec file included for easy build. 04/09/2000 - CMatrix 1.1b includes support for the consolechars command as well as the older setfont. Also included is better autoconf support and more helpful instruction in the Makefiles. 04/03/2000 - CMatrix 1.1a is released. After a hiatus, interest in the project has seemed to swell, so I'm releasing a (hopefully) improved and updated version of CMatrix. As with nano, CMatrix has a page at SourceForge.net to further facilitate development, as well as two mailing lists, cmatrix-announce@lists.sourceforge.net and cmatrix-devellists.sourceforge.net. Anyone is welcome to join and participate in the further development of CMatrix, particularly people have contributed up until now in it's development =-)