Installation on OS/2: - Port done by Akira Hatakeyama , see - Requires emx+gcc, recommend emx-0.9d with fix03 or newer. Also requires a few GNU utilities to be installed: GNU fileutils (cp, mv, rm, ...), GNU textutils (cat, cmp, uniq, ...), GNU sed, GNU make. - Cannot build in a separate directory. - Build instructions: No configure script needs to be run. Just make -f Makefile.os2 all Checking it: make -f Makefile.os2 check - Installation: make -f Makefile.os2 install prefix="X:/emx" The prefix option specifies where you have EMX installed and wish the iconv library and headers to be installed. This will install * an include file $(prefix)/include/iconv.h * a DLL $(prefix)/dll/iconv.dll * an import library for .o (use without "-Zomf") $(prefix)/lib/iconv.a * an import library for .obj (use with "-Zomf") $(prefix)/lib/iconv.lib * a few manual pages $(prefix)/man/man3/iconv*.3 - Use: Your main program should include when using the iconv* functions. If you compile as .o (no "-Zomf"), link with iconv.a. If you compile as .obj (with "-Zomf"), link with iconv.lib. The DLL was built with "-Zmt -Zcrtdll" options. So your main program must be built with "-Zmt -Zcrtdll" as well (or the shorthand "-Zmtd").