Synopsis: ignore [] [[-|+|^]] ignore [] [[-|+|^]] ignore [] [[-|+|^]] Description: The IGNORE command has two primary uses; filtering out messages that are unwanted, and highlighting messages of particular importance. The default method is to filter messages out. Messages can be filtered based on any nick!user@host pattern, as well as just by nick (a "!*@*" will be appended to complete the pattern) or just by user@host (a "*!" will be prepended). Messages can be filtered at the channel level, too. Messages can also be filtered based on context, so you could ignore all INVITEs from a person and still receive all other messages from that person. Alter- nately, you could ignore all INVITEs from everyone except a specified person. IGNORE will apply a filter based on the best possible match. Thus, if you are ignoring *!*@*.net and *!*foobar@*, and someone with an nick!user@host mask of BigFoob! sends you a message, IGNORE will use *!*foobar@* to determine how to filter the message. This will prove useful, as shown in the example below. Using IGNORE with no arguments displays the list of patterns you are ignoring or highlighting, as well as the type of messages for each pattern. Options: ctcps filter in/out all CTCPs received invites filter in/out all INVITEs received msgs filter in/out all MSGs received (but not CTCPs) notes filter in/out all NOTEs received notices filter in/out all NOTICEs received public filter in/out public channel conversation wallops filter in/out operator WALLOPS crap anything else not listed above all everything listed above none remove pattern from list of filtered patterns Examples: To ignore everything from foobar: /ignore foobar all To ignore everything except public conversation from foobar: /ignore foobar all -publics To highlight all private messages from foobar (it is displayed highlighted with whatever you have set HIGHLIGHT_CHAR to): /ignore foobar +msgs To ignore all NOTICEs except those from foobar's site: /ignore * notices /ignore *!*@* ^notices To remove *!*foobar@* from your ignore list: /ignore *!*foobar@* none To highlight people joining and leaving, mode changes, etc. for a channel: /ignore #channel +crap See Also: set(4) highlight_char, send_ignore_msg; silence(1); igmask(6); rigmask(6); igtype(6); rigtype(6) Restrictions: IGNORE is a client command. All it does is hide messages sent to you by the person you want to ignore. However, your server is actually still sending the messages to you, so while it works fine to ignore someone who is annoying you, it is not very effective when dealing with abusive users who insist on flooding you or the channel you're on. On some servers, however, there is a mechanism to ignore a person at the server level, using a command called SILENCE. SILENCE is limited to the Undernet, and servers derived from or compatible with it. Other Notes: When removing a person from your ignorance list, you must specify the pattern to remove exactly as you originally entered it or as it appears in your ignorance list (case insensitive). IGNORE does no pattern matching in this respect.