Synopsis: part |* [:] Description: PART makes you leave a channel. That's it. If you happen to be on multiple channels, you may leave more than one at the same time. You may also specify a "*", which is interpreted as your current channel. As with QUIT, you may specify a "leaving message." Examples: To leave channel #foobar: /part #foobar :I'm going to #fubar, it's cooler! To leave your current channel: /part * To leave channels #foo and #bar at the same time: /part #foo,#bar Aliases: LEAVE is technically identical in operation to PART. However, it is redefined (and enhanced) by an alias of the same name in 2.8script, which is automatically loaded when the client is started. See Also: 2.8script(8); join(1); on(5) leave; set(4) novice Restrictions: If you specify "*" as the channel to leave, you may not specify any other channels to leave at the same time.