Synopsis: motd [] Description: This is used to display a server's Message of the Day. All servers by default will send this message to the client when it first connects to the server (though it is often not displayed by the client). These messages typically tell a little about the server connected to, its various policies, who to contact with questions or problems, etc. If a server is specified, that server's motd is retrieved. If a user's nickname is given, that user's server is queried. Otherwise the default is the client's current server. Other Notes: Users are encouraged to read the Message of the Day of any server they use. In some cases, the server administrator may need to inform all users of something, and the MOTD is the most convenient way. In any event, users should be aware of a server's policies if they use that server, as they will be held accountable for their actions whether they are aware of such policies or not.