Synopsis: redirect |*||%|= Description: This lets you send the output of any command to another user or channel. You can even send the output to a running subprocess (a pipeline, in a sense). Redirecting output across a DCC connection is allowed. A "*" may be specified as the target, which is interpreted as your current channel. Like MSG and NOTICE, multiple targets are permitted; separate them with commas. There is an implicit WAIT built into the REDIRECT command, meaning the client will send all of the output of the command to the target before it does anything else. See WAIT for more information. Examples: To send the output of a WHOIS to channel #blah: /redirect #blah whois foobar To send the output of a USERHOST to a running subprocess: /redirect %finger userhost foobar To send the current topic to JoeBob and JimBob: /redirect joebob,jimbob topic #blah See Also: msg(1); wait(5)