Synopsis: $after([] ) $before([] ) Technical: These functions return their respective input strings up to or following the specified occurrence of the given character. If no "count" is given, 1 (one) is assumed. If the count is negative, the functions look for the specified instance of the given character from the end of the text. Practical: These functions are among the most useful additions to ircII present in EPIC. They conveniently permit you to extract parts of a string based on its content, not the position of key characters. This is useful for parsing through a nick!user@host pattern, or some other pattern with well-defined delimiters. Returns: after: input text after specified occurrence of given character before: input text before specified occurrence of given character Examples: $after(@ hop! returns "" $after(-1 ! hop! returns "hop" $after(2 . hop! returns "org" $after(-2 . hop! returns "" $before(@ hop! returns "hop!jnelson" $before(-1 e hop! returns "hop!jnelson@wicked.n"