Synopsis: $connect( ) Technical: This function opens a raw TCP connection to the specified remote host on the specified remote port. It returns a unique file descriptor for the connection that can be used by DCC RAW to communicate with the host. Practical: This function attempts to open up a TCP socket to the given host on the given port. DCC RAW is used to read and write data from and to it. This function effectively permits EPIC to act as a client for any TCP service. In the past, people have used it for direct finger, whois, and simple ftp access. Returns: file descriptor for connection, or nothing if error Examples: $connect( 25) connect to your local mail server $connect( 21) connect to an EPIC ftp site $connect( 0) error (no such host/port) See Also: dcc(1) close, raw; listen(6); on(5) dcc_raw