Synopsis: $copattern( ) Technical: Given a pattern and two variable names that represent lists of words of the same length, for every word in $var1 that is matched by the specified pattern, the corresponding word in $var2 will be returned. If the corresponding word in $var2 is absent (because $var2 is too short), then the empty string is substituted (i.e., nothing is returned for that word.) Practical: When you have two variables, one that contains a list of control data, and another that contains a list of secondary data, and you wish to retrieve the secondary data, but you need to do it based on a query of the control data, you might use this function. One possible use might be if one variable held your friends list, and another held their access levels. Returns: word in var2 corresponding to indexed word in var1 Examples: @ friends = [] @ levels = [20 10] $copattern(* friends levels) returns "20" $copattern(* friends levels) returns "10" $copattern(*@*.com friends levels) returns "20 10" $copattern(*@*.net friends levels) returns "" (empty string) See also: match(6); word(6)