Synopsis: $listen([]) Technical: This function causes the client to bind to the given TCP port and listen for incoming connections. The client is not permitted to listen to any port below 1025; they are reserved for privileged system use. If no port is given, the system allocates an arbitrary port above 1024. Practical: This function makes the client listen to the given port. This allows, theoretically, someone to connect to that port to use whatever services you have scripted for it. This could be used for something simple, such as a daytime or motd generator, or something more complex like a file server. Returns: port number bound to, or nothing if error Examples: $listen(1025) returns 1025 $listen(1024) error, returns nothing $listen() returns a system-allocated port number See Also: connect(6); dcc(1) close, raw; on(5) dcc_raw