Synopsis: load nicks Description: This script allows the user to assign aliases to other users' nicknames, such that one only needs to type a short name when sending a MSG or initiating a QUERY. All one needs to do is ASSIGN the person's real nickname to a variable with a shorter name, than messages may be sent to the variable name. Examples: To alias SomeBigNicknameOnDALnet's nick to something easier to handle: /assign sbn SomeBigNicknameOnDALnet /msg sbn hi there! See Also: assign(5); load(5); msg(1); query(1) Bugs: The nature of this script is such that it will expand any variable name, not just those that were intended to be nickname aliases. Care should be taken to avoid misdirecting messages. Other Notes: This script was written by Mike Sandrof (BigCheese).