First public release of a dll-ized version of my TCL acromania script. You need the BitchX include files for it to compile (duh). Seems to work fine in testing, alert me of any problems. ************ WARNING ************ DO NOT /UNLOADDLL WHILE A GAME IS IN PROGRESS, YOUR CLIENT WILL CORE! If you MUST stop a game in progress, FIRST KILL THE TIMER(S) and unload it. Maybe panasync will take these race conditions into account someday :)... ************ WARNING ************ Greetz to (in NO particular order) dh, hammz, scoop, hammz, oweff, shewp ice-man, sideshow, BlackJac, fudd, shade, psykotyk, MHacker, Sheik, easyme macker, |Fingers|, mrr, Timer, and anyone else I'm forgetting (let me know) Major super-kudo greets to panasync, without his help I never would have got this working properly, and of course for making bX in the first place.. =)