BitchX bots mini-howto.. by Rwf, date: 08/17/97 Table of contents: (1) Overview of BitchX's bot mode (2) Basic steps to link two (or more) clients (3) Using the partyline (4) Frequently asked questions (5) Contacts / miscellaneous information Note: this document targets BitchX 72p2 and higher.. if you don't have at least 72p2, check out the contacts section info on how to get a newer copy of BitchX. (1) Overview of BitchX's bot mode BitchX includes an eggdrop-like bot mode.. it allows you to create a DCC 'partyline' between several BitchX clients. This document explains how to create a network like this, and answers some of the questions surrounding the linking in general. (1a) Single-bot partylines Yes, it is possible to create a partyline on just one client. It looks a little like this: Bot A Client A / | \ Client C | Client B In this situation, Clients A, B, and C can be any kind of IRC client who is active in a chat with Bot A. Bot A relays all the text between the three clients, allowing them to talk to each other through the bot. (1b) Dual-bot partylines Dual-bot partylines are structured like this: Bot A ------------------------------- Bot B Client A / | Client C / | \ Client E Client B Client D Here, Bots A and B are linked together. Clients A and B hold DCC chat connections to Bot A, while clients C, D, and E have DCC chat connections to Bot B. On each of the bots, the chat works the same way as it does in the single-bot situation. However, the two bots also relay the information between themselves, and pass that information on to their clients. For example, if Client A typed a line of text, that same line would show up on Client C's screen as Client A's nickname followed by Bot A's nickname, to let Client C know where the message was coming from. (1c) Three (and more) bot partylines Client A \ / Client B Bot A Bot B / \ Bot C -- Client F Client C / | | Client D Client E In this diagram, Bot A serves as the hub bot. Bots B and C are linked to Bot A, and all the bots have clients attached to them. Here, if Client A sends a message, it is relayed to Bots B and C by Bot A, as well as being relayed to Client B. Bots B and C take the message and further relay it to their clients. Now, if Client F were to send a message, the message would be relayed by Bot C to Bot A and Client E. Bot A would pass the message to its clients, and to Bot B, which would further pass the message along to the clients attached to Bot B. More complicated uplinks are possible, but i'm getting a little sick of drawing nice pictures. :) Section 2 explains how the linking takes place. (2) Basic steps to link two (or more) clients This can be done in just a few steps, but you have to pay attention.. Notice: This is not for the idle-minded, stop by #teenchat sometime. :) a) Make sure you actually have two (or more) clients to do the linking with. How you choose to run the clients is up to you, although a lot of people (including myself) prefer running them under screen. again, check the contacts section to find out how to get screen. b) Decide which bot you want to be the hub bot.. it doesn't make too much difference in a two-bot network, but its always nice to have a designated driver, you know? :) c) Pick a bot to start with.. (preferably the hub, unless you enjoy doing things the hard way like a complete fool) Use the /addbot command to add each of the other bots to the internal bot list. The syntax of the /addbot command is this: /addbot BotB #MyChannel 2 2 i_am_lame | | | | | | the command | | | | password bot nick | | \ / | protection level channel for bot \ auto-op level notes: BotB - the nickname can also be a hostmask.. however, you MUST specify a nickname somewhere. for example, BotB!*mybot@* #MyChannel - channel the bot will sit in auto-op - desired auto-op level for the other bot, just like in a normal userlist. see /bhelp userlevels protection - always a good idea to wear it. oh come on, that should be self-explanatory.. :) password - this is a *MUST-HAVE* !!!! its a good idea to make sure its the same thing across all the bots... either that or i hope you own stock in Tylenol. For each of the non-hub bots, use the same procedure to add the hub bot to the botlist. Its pretty simplistic. d) Now that all the bots know who each other are, its time for a formal introduction. (if you have more than two bots, start with the hub and one of the other bots, add the rest later.) From the hub bot, issue this command: /dcc bot BotB where BotB is the nickname of the second bot. This will send the second bot a DCC BOT request, which will be checked against its bot list. Next, flip over to BotB, and enter the command: /dcc bot BotA You should already have seen some CTCP & DCC messages from BotA, and issuing that command causes BotB to finish off the link. To test the link, type this: /csay hi there This will send a message as if the bot itself was speaking. Try looking at BotA to make sure the message showed up.. it should look like this: (BotB(xlink)) hi there If you see a message like that, you're in business. Read on. e) Finishing touches.. 1. make sure every bot has its settings correct.. type /set bot , and check these settings: .......................BOT_LOG ON ...................BOT_LOGFILE tcl.log ......................BOT_MODE ON ....................BOT_PASSWD has no value ....................BOT_RETURN has no value .......................BOT_TCL OFF The most important setting being BOT_MODE .. make sure its turned on, otherwise the bot will refuse DCC chats. 2. In BitchX 72p2 and up, the bots will only accept chats from persons in their userlist (see /bhelp adduser for details), *OR* persons who have been .invite 'd into the chat session. See the command list in the next section for details. 3. Make sure to do a /saveall to save all important settings. (3) Using the partyline To join the partyline, start a dcc chat with one of the bots. After the DCC is connected, type .chat into the DCC to join the partyline. You can then talk to any other people already there, and use the available commands in the DCC: .act - sends to chat line .boot - boot from network .chat - once a dcc is started send .chat to enter the party line .cmsg - sends to in chat .echo - toggle echo back to you on/off .help - help for commands or .invite - invites to join the partyline .msg - send to .say - say to the channel .quit - quit partyline, but not the chat. .tcl - tcl command .who - who is on bot or .whom - shows all users on network Just typing text in the DCC causes the bot to relay it to the partyline. (4) Frequently Asked Questions Its time for the big FAQ list.. a lot of these I asked myself at one time, but its good info so be sure to read it ALL. q) What's BitchX? a) Uhm... this isn't the file you were looking for. q) The bots didn't link but I have botlist entries for them each! a) Check the passwords. They *MUST* be identical. Also check the usermasks for the bots for typos, etc. q) The bots linked, but I can't chat to them. a1) Make sure you've added yourself to the bot's userlists. a2) Make sure BOT_MODE is turned ON. q) Some of the commands in the chat don't work. a) Many of the commands require the specified userlevel in .help to use them. Make sure to add yourself to the bot's userlist. q) Can the bots share userfiles like in eggdrop? a) No. The bots do not share userfiles.. q) Can the bots link to eggdrops? a) No. Eggdrops link via telnet, not DCC. q) Where can i get BitchX? a) See the contacts section. q) Where can i get screen? a) See the contacts section. q) Where can i get Windows? a) Press the power button. q) Can the bots share userfiles like in eggdrop? a) Dumbass. q) Who the hell is Rwf? a) God. q) Who the hell is panasync? a) The big god. q) Can the bots share userfiles like in eggdrop? a) You can go away now. q) Does chicken come in a can? .... (5) Contacts & information Where to get bX: As always, there's the #BitchX channel on EFNet. Get BitchX via FTP: Get screen from the same places. Contacts: Rwf - find me on EFNet.. #Lb, or #BitchX. panasync - find him on EFNet too, in #BitchX.