.TH CHVT 1 "07 Oct 1997" "Console tools" "Linux User's Manual" .SH NAME chvt \- change foreground virtual terminal .SH SYNOPSIS .BI chvt N .SH DESCRIPTION The command .B chvt .I N makes .RI /dev/tty N the foreground terminal. The corresponding screen is created if it did not exist yet. To get rid of unused VTs, use .BR deallocvt (1). .PP The keymap action .RI `Console_ N ' (usually bound to key combination .RI (Ctrl\-)LeftAlt\-F N , with .I N in the range 1-12, and to .RI RightAlt\-F N\-12 with .I N in the range 13-24) also allows to switch to another VT, but really switches only if it is already allocated. This prevents allocating new VTs with a misplaced keystroke. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR deallocvt (1).