The included level editor (pacmanedit) isn't very difficult to learn to use, the status bar tells you everything you need to know but here are the keys UDLR or WSAD: Move cursor F: Fills all blank spaces with pellets C: Clears all pellets from board Q: Saves and quits CTRL+C: Quits WITHOUT saving Key Inserts ----------------------- 0 or space: Blank 1: Wall 2: Pellet 3: Powerup 4: Ghost/Spawning Wall 5: Blinky 6: Inkey 7: Clyde 8: Pinky 9: Pacman *) The spawning wall is a wall that the ghosts can go through but Pacman cannot. These can be used to make levels REALLY difficult. Check level 09 *) Borders shouldn't need to be used, but give it a more Pacman-like feel. If a ghost or Pacman are able to reach the very edge of the board, he will be teleported to the opposite side of the level, both X and Y just like in the regular game. *) See any included level__.dat file for examples. To edit a new or existing level, type: $ pacmanedit new_or_old_level.dat To load a custom level, run pacman with the level file as the parameter: $ pacman levelfile.dat