Things to code in Mathomatic that might be good ideas ----------------------------------------------------- Simplify nested radicals like ((9 + 4*(2^.5))^.5) to (1 + 2*(2^.5)). This may be difficult, I don't know how this is generally done. Heuristics are not acceptable for this. Test expression: ((2+(3^.5))/((2^.5)+(2+(3^.5))^.5)+(2-(3^.5))/((2^.5)-(2-(3^.5))^.5))^2 should simplify to 2. Implement functions as macros. This would require an simple, interactive macro pre-processor for all expression input. It would handle everything except logarithms. If only a C Pre-Processor (cpp) could be piped into Mathomatic! All that is needed is the "#define" directive.