This directorty holds a variety of utilities for creating filesystems, testing flash device integrity and other fun stuff. In order to compile these, the contents of this directory must reside in a directory off of the root Linux kernel tree. There are two ways to accomplish this: 1) Create a symbolic link in the root of your kernel tree: ln -s utils 2) Create a physical copy of the directory: cp -a utils After you have done one of the above, go into the 'utils' directory and simply type 'make' all of the utilities should build for you. If you wish to cross-compile these utilities, you should only have to set the environment variable 'CC' to the path/name of your GCC cross- compiler. Hope this helps. -Steve ( There is now an additional compile-method available. Using automake/autoconf. To compile the utilities the following should be sufficient: !!! Attention: the old Makefile will be overwritten by configure !!! automake --foreign the parameter is required because some files required by the GNU coding guidelines are missing (i.e. NEWS). autoconf ./configure --with-kernel= make make install this installs the binaries in /usr/local/sbin by default -Jochen (