import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; public class JPL_Rolo extends Frame { // The primary key of the row that is current onscreen. // int current_row = 0; // TextField objects for each column. // TextField fld_name, fld_address, fld_city, fld_state, fld_zip, fld_id; // Add or Edit mode. // String edit_status; // a layout manager for the Frame // GridBagLayout gb = new GridBagLayout(); // Action buttons. // Button next, previous, quit, save, newrow, edit, cancel, delete; // A Panel for the action buttons. // Panel actionbuttons; /** * Construct a new instance of JPL_Rolo. */ public JPL_Rolo(String[] argv) { CreateForm(); addWindowListener(new WinEventHandler() ); } public void CreateForm() { // set the layout for the frame // this.setLayout(gb); // this is the offset within the GridBagLayout. If // I want the next object on a different line, I // postincrement. If not, I don't. // int i = 0; // Add a text field for the name. // AddToFrame(new Label("Name:"), 0, i); fld_name = new TextField(20); fld_name.setEditable(false); AddToFrame(fld_name, 1, i++); // The address. // AddToFrame(new Label("Address:"), 0, i); fld_address = new TextField(35); fld_address.setEditable(false); AddToFrame(fld_address, 1, i++); // The City. I'm not going to increment i, so the // next field will show up on the same line. // AddToFrame(new Label("City:"), 0, i); fld_city = new TextField(20); fld_city.setEditable(false); AddToFrame(fld_city, 1, i); // The State. // AddToFrame(new Label("State:"), 2, i); fld_state = new TextField(2); fld_state.setEditable(false); AddToFrame(fld_state, 3, i++); // The Zip Code. // AddToFrame(new Label("Zip:"), 0, i); fld_zip = new TextField(11); fld_zip.setEditable(false); AddToFrame(fld_zip, 1, i++); // The id - this is always read-only. // AddToFrame(new Label("Id:"), 0, i); fld_id = new TextField(4); fld_id.setEditable(false); AddToFrame(fld_id, 1, i++); // create the button panel and give it a FlowLayout // actionbuttons = new Panel(); actionbuttons.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 5, 5)); // Add the button panel to the Frame. The AddToFrame // method isn't really set up to handle this sort of // panel, so we will go through the tedious process // of managing the GridBagConstraints... // GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridwidth = 3; c.gridheight = 1; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; c.weightx = 0.0; c.weighty = 0.0; c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = i; ((GridBagLayout)this.getLayout()).setConstraints(actionbuttons, c); this.add(actionbuttons); // instantiate and add each of the buttons // previous = new Button("Previous"); actionbuttons.add(previous); previous.addActionListener( new PrevRowHandler() ); next = new Button("Next"); actionbuttons.add(next); next.addActionListener( new NextRowHandler() ); quit = new Button("Quit"); actionbuttons.add(quit); quit.addActionListener( new QuitHandler() ); newrow = new Button("New"); actionbuttons.add(newrow); newrow.addActionListener( new NewRowHandler() ); edit = new Button("Edit"); actionbuttons.add(edit); edit.addActionListener( new EditRowHandler() ); delete = new Button("Delete"); actionbuttons.add(delete); delete.addActionListener( new DeleteRowHandler() ); // save and cancel are disabled until the user // is adding or editing. // save = new Button("Save"); actionbuttons.add(save); save.setEnabled(false); save.addActionListener( new SaveHandler() ); cancel = new Button("Cancel"); actionbuttons.add(cancel); cancel.setEnabled(false); cancel.addActionListener( new CancelHandler() ); // Invoke getRow() to display the first row in the table. // getRow(0); } /** * Return the id of the current row. */ public int getCurrentRowVal() { return current_row; } public void setCols(String name, String address, String city, String state, String zip, String id) { clearForm(); fld_name.setText(name); fld_address.setText(address); fld_city.setText(city); fld_state.setText(state); fld_zip.setText(zip); fld_id.setText(id); current_row = Integer.parseInt(id); } public void setCurrentRow(int r) { current_row = r; } public String getName() { return fld_name.getText(); } public String getAddress() { return fld_address.getText(); } public String getCity() { return fld_city.getText(); } public String getState() { return fld_state.getText(); } public String getZip() { return fld_zip.getText(); } public String getId() { return fld_id.getText(); } /** * This eventhandler will move to the previous row. */ class PrevRowHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { getRow(-1); } } /** * This eventhandler will move to the next row. */ class NextRowHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { getRow(1); } } /** * This eventhandler will terminate the application. */ class QuitHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { System.exit(0); } } /** * This eventhandler will display a blank record and put * this application in new record mode. */ class NewRowHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { clearForm(); edit_status = "new"; setEdit(); } } /** * This eventhandler will put the application in edit * mode (for the current row). */ class EditRowHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { edit_status = "edit"; setEdit(); } } /** * This eventhandler will delete the current row. */ class DeleteRowHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { delRow(); } } /** * This eventhandler will save (update or insert) the * current record. */ class SaveHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { if (edit_status.equals("new")) { saveIt(); } if (edit_status.equals("edit")) { updateRow(); } // set the edit_status to "browse", and call setBrowse() // edit_status = "browse"; setBrowse(); } } /** * This eventhandler cancels any pending edit. */ class CancelHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e) { // if it was new, make sure that they can't edit the // id field... if (edit_status.equals("new")) { fld_id.setEditable(false); } // return the edit_status to browse, call getRow() // to retrieve the row they were looking at // before editing or adding, and call setBrowse() // edit_status = "browse"; getRow(0); setBrowse(); } } // This is the event handler to deal with cases where // the user closes the window with a window control. // class WinEventHandler extends WindowAdapter { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } } /** * clearForm() */ protected void clearForm () { fld_name.setText(""); fld_address.setText(""); fld_city.setText(""); fld_state.setText(""); fld_zip.setText(""); fld_id.setText(""); } /** * AddToFrame() * A convenience method to wrap the living hell * that is GridBagConstraints() */ protected void AddToFrame (Component item, int x, int y) { // some sane layout defaults. // GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); c.gridwidth = 1; c.gridheight = 1; c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; c.weightx = 0.0; c.weighty = 0.0; // set the grid coordinates // c.gridx = x; c.gridy = y; // set the constraints, and add the item to the layout // ((GridBagLayout)this.getLayout()).setConstraints(item, c); this.add(item); } /** * setEdit() * * prepare the form for editing/adding */ protected void setEdit () { // disable all these buttons // next.setEnabled(false); previous.setEnabled(false); newrow.setEnabled(false); edit.setEnabled(false); delete.setEnabled(false); // set everything except the id to be editable // fld_name.setEditable(true); fld_address.setEditable(true); fld_city.setEditable(true); fld_state.setEditable(true); fld_zip.setEditable(true); // enable these two buttons // save.setEnabled(true); cancel.setEnabled(true); } /** * setBrowse() * * prepare the form for viewing * */ protected void setBrowse() { // enable all these buttons // next.setEnabled(true); previous.setEnabled(true); newrow.setEnabled(true); edit.setEnabled(true); delete.setEnabled(true); // disable the fields // fld_name.setEditable(false); fld_address.setEditable(false); fld_city.setEditable(false); fld_state.setEditable(false); fld_zip.setEditable(false); fld_id.setEditable(false); // disable these two buttons // save.setEnabled(false); cancel.setEnabled(false); } perl void delRow() {{ my $id = $self->getId____s(); $sql = qq[delete from cardfile ] . qq[where (id = $id)]; use Sprite; my $rdb = new Sprite(); my @data = $rdb->sql($sql); $rdb->close("cardfile"); my $status = shift @data; if (!$status) { print STDERR "Bummer - couldn't execute query!\n"; die; } $self->setCurrentRow__I(0); $self->getRow__I(0); }} perl void updateRow() {{ my $name = $self->getName____s(); my $address = $self->getAddress____s(); my $city = $self->getCity____s(); my $state = $self->getState____s(); my $zip = $self->getZip____s(); my $id = $self->getId____s(); $sql = qq[update cardfile ] . qq[set name = ('$name'), ] . qq[set address = ('$address'), ] . qq[set city = ('$city'), ] . qq[set state = ('$state'), ] . qq[set zip = ('$zip') ] . qq[where (id = $id)]; use Sprite; my $rdb = new Sprite(); my @data = $rdb->sql($sql); $rdb->close("cardfile"); my $status = shift @data; if (!$status) { print STDERR "Bummer - couldn't execute query!\n"; die; } }} /** * getRow() * * This method is used to either fetch this current row, * in which case it is given an argument of zero, or it * can be used to move relative to the current row, in * which case it must be given an argument of 1 or -1. * */ perl void getRow(int direction) {{ use Sprite; my $rdb = new Sprite(); my $nextid = $self->getCurrentRowVal____I() + $direction; my $op; if ($direction == -1) { $op = "<="; } else { $op = ">="; } my $sql = "select name, address, city, " . "state, zip, id from cardfile " . "where id $op $nextid"; my @data = $rdb->sql($sql); $rdb->close("cardfile"); my $status = shift @data; if (!$status) { print STDERR "Bummer - couldn't execute query!\n"; die; } my $numrows = scalar(@data); if (!$numrows) { print STDERR "End of file reached.\n"; return; } my $index; if ($direction == -1) { $index = $#data; } else { $index = 0; } my($name, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $id) = @{$data[$index]}; $self->setCols__ssssss($name, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $id); }} perl void saveIt() {{ use Sprite; my $rdb = new Sprite(); my @data = $rdb->sql("select id, name from cardfile"); my $status = shift @data; if (!$status) { print STDERR "Bummer - couldn't execute query!\n"; die; } my @ids; foreach $record (@data) { my ($id, $name) = split (/\0/, $record, 2); push @ids, $id; } @ids = sort @ids; my $newid = $ids[$#ids] + 1; my $name = $self->getName____s(); my $address = $self->getAddress____s(); my $city = $self->getCity____s(); my $state = $self->getState____s(); my $zip = $self->getZip____s(); my $sql = "insert into cardfile (name, address, city, state, zip, id) values ('$name', '$address', '$city', '$state', '$zip', $newid)"; @data = $rdb->sql($sql); $rdb->close("cardfile"); $status = shift @data; if (!$status) { print STDERR "Bummer - couldn't execute insert!\n"; die; } $self->setCurrentRow__I($newid); }} public static void main(String[] args) { // make a new JPL_Rolo, pack() it and show() it. JPL_Rolo cardfile = new JPL_Rolo(args); cardfile.pack();; } }