PIXIL 1.2 Desktop Dependencies ------------------------------- The PIXIL 1.2 Desktop is dependent on the following Linux features: 1. RedHat 7.1 or 7.2 2. The expect package being present. If this is not installed, you can retrieve and install it from the RedHat installation CDs. 3. XFree86 version 4.1 or above 4. Working serial port. Installation of the Expect Package ----------------------------------- The majority of RedHat installation contain the expect packages already installed. However, there are installation options which will not install this feature. PIXIL 1.2 depends on the expect program to interact with the PDA. For convenience's sake, Century has placed the RPMs for the expect packages in the same location as where you obtained the original PIXIL distribution. Additionally, you can obtain the RedHat RPMs from your original RedHat installation CDs, or from one of the many mirrors available on the Internet. For RedHat 7.1, the RPM is named: expect-5.31-53.i386.rpm and for RedHat 7.2: expect-5.32.2-65.i386.rpm Install the appropriate package on your desktop system before attempting to run PIXIL synchronization. Installation of the Desktop Software ------------------------------------- Installing the desktop software is simply a matter of unpacking the pixil-1.2-desktop.tar.gz file into an appropriate place on your desktop system. Common locations are /usr/local, or even the home directory of an individual user. For example, to install in /usr/local: cd /usr/local tar xzvf /home/user/pixil-1.2-desktop.tar.gz This will create a subdirectory called pixil-1.2 which contains all of the binaries and other scripts needed to run PIXIL 1.2 Desktop. Following the unpacking of the distribution, all that remains is to setup PIXIL 1.2 for a given user. This is done by following these steps: 1. Log in as the desired user. 2. Change directories to the installation location of pixil 1.2. In the above example, this would be /usr/local/pixil-1.2 3. Run the shell script Setup.sh The Setup.sh script will ask a couple of questions. Normally, the default values provided will be sufficient for most installations. The Setup.sh script writes a configuration file in the home directory of the user running it. This file is called .pixilrc, and can be modified by hand if needed. Running PIXIL Desktop ---------------------- To start the PIXIL 1.2 desktop software, run the PixilDT script from the installation directory. For the example given above, this would be /usr/local/pixil-1.2/PixilDT.