CHANGES BETWEEN 7.15 and 7.16: Chuck Martin -The marks for the last nine edited cells are now updated properly even if the data entered or edited is a string constant. -When assigning a numeric value to a cell with = (or "let"), the numeric part of the cell will be cleared if no expression or value is specified (e.g. "let A0 ="). -Fixed a bug that caused references to cells in rows 0-3 to some- times be incorrect when copying. -The vv command now increments modflg properly so sc knows that the file has been modified. -Added vi-like abbreviations, defined with the abbrev command and undefined with the unabbrev command (shortcut key is ~). See the man page for usage details. -When in navigate mode, ^V now acts like the ESC key, which allows you to use ^V^V to disable expansion of abbreviations, as in vi. You can still use 'v' to insert the numeric value from the current cell into the command line. -Added support for POSIX regex functions (regcomp() and regexec()), using extended regular expression syntax, and made it the default in the Makefile. Also combined all regex variables into a single variable in the Makefile. -Rewrote the code that copies a marked cell. This fixes several problems: the is_cleared and may_sync flags are now correctly set (thanks to Michael Karcher for bringing that bug to my attention), sc will no longer copy into a locked cell, and copying a blank cell into a nonblank cell now clears the nonblank cell (it previously had no effect). -When in quick numeric entry mode and a command is started using a digit or the +, -, or . keys, any cursor movement while the cursor is at the end of the line and the line ends with a + or - will automatically switch to navigate mode. -The "+" key now works like "=" if the numeric part of the current cell is empty, except that the entry will begin in navigate mode. If quick numeric entry mode is enabled, after switching to insert mode the first time, the cursor keys will behave as if the entry was started with a digit or decimal. -When defining a range in navigate mode and the character immedi- ately preceding the cursor is either a + or -, or the cursor is at the beginning of an empty "let" expression, pressing + or - will insert "@sum(" into the line, followed by the range, followed by ")" and then the character pressed (either + or -), and will remain in navigate mode. Pressing TAB, :, or . in such a case will do the same thing, but without the final + or -, and without remaining in navigate mode. -Pressing the space bar in navigate mode while highlighting a range will enter the highlighted range in the command line, followed by a space, but will remain in navigate mode. Otherwise, it will move forward a column, as before. This is handy for entering copy, move, or frame commands, for example, which accept more than one range in the command. -The openrow command now works like the 'o' command instead of the 'i' command, as it should. -When adding or deleting a note, modflg and FullUpdate are now always incremented so that the the screen is updated properly and the change is saved if necessary. -When deleting rows in a framed range, the frame is now adjusted properly all the time, regardless of how many rows are deleted. Also, if all of the inner range rows are deleted, the frame is removed. -Removed clear() from the goraw() function to avoid screen flicker at the end of a macro, and added a clear() after each goraw() function call that still needed it. -Removed #includes for getopt.h and added one for unistd.h in psc.c because getopt.h is only necessary for GNU long options, which sc and psc don't use. -Removed the "#" prefix from backup file names, leaving only the trailing "~", which is more standard practice. This was in response to a suggestion forwarded to me from the Debian Bug Tracking System (although it technically wasn't a bug). -The umask is set to 0 before creating backups, and then reset to its original value afterwards, so that the backup file will have the same identical permissions as the original file. -Backup files now retain the modification time of the original file before it was modified, and also the user and group ids, if possible. -The -P command line option can now accept "%" as its range, which is interpreted to mean the whole spreadsheet. -There is now a -W command line option that works similar to the -P option, except it uses the write command instead of the put command, and it takes a single range as an argument, which may be "%" to designate the whole spreadsheet. -User-defined formats may now be edited instead of having to re-enter them from scratch. -Rewrote much of the history search code so that it works much better than before and allows both forward and reverse searching. Also added regular expression handling to the history search functions. -When searching or navigating the command line history, a message is shown on the error line (2nd line) telling which line of the history you're currently looking at. -If a cell uses a format that hasn't been defined yet, and isn't one of the predefined formats, it will now cause the cell to be blank instead of containing random characters. Thanks to Hartmut Henkel for reporting this bug. -All user-defined formats are now cleared in erasedb(), such as when loading a new file. -When copying, if the destination range has fewer rows or columns than the source range, the area to be cleared before copying will be expanded to the same number of rows or columns as the source range to prevent there being unexpected data in the "holes". -In the copy() function, added a call to sync_refs() after erasing the destination range, but before doing the actual copy, to prevent messing up color ranges, frames, ranges in expressions, or named ranges. -Range commands are now initiated with "r" instead of "/". The "/" key will be mapped to more advanced search (and possibly replace) capabilities later. -Strings with embedded, backslash-escaped quotes are now displayed properly, with the backslashes removed. -Shell escapes (using "!") now also work while in edit mode. -Added @filename(e) function which returns the current default filename. Expression e determines whether the full path should be returned, or just the base name, depending on whether it is zero or not. -If craction is set to move the cursor either down or to the right, autoinsert is not set, and the cell cursor is in the scrolling region of a framed range, the cell cursor will never leave that region, but will always go to the next row/column after entering data in the last column/row of the range. After reaching the bottom right corner, craction will be ignored. -If quick numeric mode and craction are both set, pressing will move in the direction craction is set for instead of switching to input mode with an empty line. -Changed test in get_motion() from checking for 0 to checking for '0' (digit instead of NULL byte), so that commands like d0, c0, and y0 (in edit mode) work correctly. -If the dollar prescale option is set, all numbers entered with a decimal point will be scaled, even if all of the digits after the decimal point are zeros (or missing). -Fixed a bug that prevented sc from remembering the filename when starting with a non-existent filename on the command line (for creating a new file). Also, added a message stating that a new file is being created if sc is started with a single filename on the command line and the file doesn't exist. -All of the commands that take you to the limits of the spreadsheet (0, $, ^, #, and the HOME key) now work differently when invoked inside a framed range. Depending on where you are, they will take you first to the limit of the inner range, then the outer range, then the whole spreadsheet. Also moved the code for all of these commands to their own functions in vi.c, since these portions of code were all being duplicated in the navigate mode section of the write_line() function. -The last goto can now be repeated (find the next match) by pressing 'n'. All note commands must now be accessed by pressing '*' instead of 'n' to allow this. To actually go to a note, press '*' twice. -Added a new pull command, pullfmt (pf), that works like merge except that only cell formatting is merged, leaving the actual data un- touched. -Changed starting value of findfunc in vi.c from '0' to '\0' to fix a bug that caused lockups when using the ; and , commands before a prior search with f, F, t, or T. -Swapped the meaning of the ` and ' commands because the ' key is less of a reach on most keyboards (and more standard), and restoring the target cell to its original position on the screen seems to be more useful and more often used than not restoring the position. -In closecol(), doformat(), and formatcol() functions, rowsinrange and colsinrange are now reset to prevent occasional lockups when deleting or resizing columns. -Moved color initialization earlier in the start-up so that it won't override colors in a file (including the .scrc file). -Trying to define color number 0 now correctly results in an error. -Fixed support for entering numbers in exponential notation (thanks to Michael Van Biesbrouck for bringing that bug to my attention). Also, disallowed range names that are all numeric except for a single 'e' or 'E' anywhere in the name, because they are ambiguous. -Removed the strtof() function, since it partially duplicated the functionality of the standard ANSI C strtod() function (but not as well), and replaced all strtof() calls with calls to strtod() (with a slightly different syntax). -Moved the resetting of skipautorun inside the if(eraseflag) block in the readfile() function to prevent it getting reset prematurely (during the reading of the .scrc files) and resulting in the autorun macro being run anyway. -If deleting a range of rows, columns, or cells causes the range pointed to by lastfr to no longer exist, lastfr is reset to NULL to prevent a segmentation fault during the next screen update. -The copy command now uses the delete buffer as temporary storage for the source range being copied so that if the source and desti- nation ranges overlap, the copy still works. -The sync_refs() function now also syncs references in all delete buffers so they will still be correct when pulled (even though the references are adjusted when pulling, they were still occasionally wrong if the cells originally referenced were moved in the meantime). -A new copy command, "c.", can be used to copy the current cell into a range which includes the current cell, and which is highlighted by moving the cell cursor. This facilitates the rapid entry of the same value, string, or expression into a range of cells. See the man page for details. -You can now left justify, right justify, or center all the strings in a range with the "r{", "r}", and "r|" commands, respectively. These operations are also available in macros with "leftjustify", "rightjustify", and "center". -When changing column formats, if ESC, ^G, or q is pressed, the original format will be restored. -The fixed operator was not working. It now works, but, like all other keywords, must be preceded by "@". -Autoinsert mode now works properly even if the bottom of the frame is of width 0. -A new Set option, autowrap, allows data to be entered in a framed range row by row or column by column if craction is not 0, auto- matically wrapping to the next row or column when the end of the scrolling region is reached. If both autowrap and autoinsert are enabled, autoinsertion only takes place if autowrap would take the cell cursor outside of the scrolling region of the framed range. -The "set" command now increments modflg so that sc knows the file has been changed and asks whether to save when quitting. -Added vi-like W and B commands to edit mode which only consider a string of one or more spaces to be a word boundary. -The @date function can now take an optional second parameter, which is a strftime(3) compatible format string, which will override the default format. -All functions which take a single argument now store it as the left parameter instead of the right (e.o.left instead of e.o.right), so that adding an optional second parameter, such as in the @date function in the previous item, keeps the parameters in the correct order when decompiling for display on the top line or saving in a file. -When numeric constants are entered which are too large to be con- tained in a double, they are replaced with @err. When the result of a calculation is too large to be contained in a double, it results in an error. These fix a dual bug which caused "inf" or "INF" to be displayed (bug 1) and written to a file (bug 2) when saving. When written to a file, it resulted in an error when the file was read back in the next time. -All rows, columns, and ranges that are yanked or deleted now have their respective row/column hidden flags and column width, precision, and format saved so they can be restored appropriately when pulling rows or columns (these were all lost, previously, and the default values were restored, instead). -Added a pullcopy command and its interactive shortcut, pC, which acts like pp, except that references are adjusted as in the other copy operations. Also added a "p." command, which works like pC, except that it allows a destination range to be defined as in the "c." command. -When highlighting a range in navigate mode, pressing "o" will move you to the opposite corner of the highlighted range, allowing you to adjust all four sides of the range. When used with the "c." command, the cell to be copied will always be the cell the command was started in. -The deleterow, deletecol, yankrow, and yankcol commands now work properly with no arguments instead of assuming there is a range highlighted. -The Z command (for hiding rows or columns) now allows a range of rows or columns to be highlighted using any cursor movement keys, like the d (delete) and y (yank) commands have for quite awhile. -The erase_area() function now has a new argument to ignore locked cells which is used when sorting so that locked cells can still be sorted. Also added an unlock argument to free_ent() and caused the is_locked flag to be copied in the copyent() function so that sorting won't unlock cells. -The @sum, @prod, @avg, @count, @stddev, @max, and @min functions may now take an optional second argument which is an expression that is evaluated for each cell in the range, and only those cells for which the expression is non-zero are included in the calculation of the function. See the man page for details. -If rows are inserted into a framed range, note addresses are now updated properly. -Logical NOT (~ or !) now always decompiles to "!" instead of "~" for display or writing to a file. -In the O_VAR case in the seval() function, check to make sure that ep is not NULL before checking if it has a label to prevent possible segfaults with the seval command, and also changed its name to vp for consistency with the O_VAR case handling in eval(). -In doseval(), check the return value of seval() for NULL before using it to prevent segfaults with the seval command if the ex- pression given to seval isn't a valid string expression. -Fixed a bug that prevented a string expression that currently evaluated to a null string from being written to a file with the put command by testing for either a non-null string value or a string expression in the cell instead of just the former. -Moved "FullUpdate++" outside of "if (eraseflg)" block at the end of the readfile() function in cmds.c so that the screen is updated properly after a macro. -Added a getkey command for use in macros to get a single key from the user instead of a string. Handy for "hotkeys" or "Press any key..." type things. -Changed two instances of update(0) to refresh() in formatcol(), and added another refresh() after update(1) later in the same function because the screen wasn't being refreshed properly in FreeBSD. -Added a ^L option to redraw the screen while formatting a column. -Added -ffloat-store to the compiler command line for interp.c to fix intermittent error with @round function as well as some other problems caused by the FPU registers in x86 machines, and possibly others, having different precision than doubles in memory, and removed some previous workarounds for some of these problems. -Braille mode now positions the cursor at the far left of the current cell and also moves the column names to the left edge of the column, which works better with screen readers such as SpeakUp while still retaining all of its advantages for braille readers. Michael Lapsley -Added @lastrow and @lastcol functions, useful for macros designed to default to the whole spreadsheet. -Added getrange command for use by macros to check if a given named range exists without causing an error, and return the actual range if so. -Added a history file (default: ~/.sc_history) to carry the command history from one session to another. -Added ability to interface with plugins (external programs for adding commands to sc and converting files with user-specified extensions automatically when reading or writing). Wilhelm B. Kloke -Pointed out problems with arrow keys in nmgetch() when BSD43 is defined due to changed ^B and ^F behavior, causing arrow keys to work incorrectly on FreeBSD. Also, similar changes were necessary for VMS when SIMPLE is defined. -Add "optreset = 1" to -P option handling when BSD43 is defined so the -P command line option will work properly on FreeBSD. Hartmut Henkel -Added locale support. -Rewrote dodate() function to use strftime() because ctime() doesn't honor locale. -Changed PI macro to M_PI, which is standard in math.h. -Changed sprintf() to snprintf() in dofmt() function to prevent potential segmentation faults. -Added isascii() check in addition to existing isalpha() check to prevent invalid address problems in some locales. TJ Dvorachek -Time types in interp.c have been changed from long to time_t and the time() prototype in dotime() is redundant and has been removed. -Provided information for creation of a DJGPP section in the Makefile. -In the signals() function in sc.c, the SIGBUS signal handler is not set when compiling with DJGPP because it lacks SIGBUS. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.14 and 7.15: Chuck Martin -Fixed "``" and "''" bug, introduced in 7.14 (they weren't being accepted). I guess 7.14 was released too soon after last minute changes, without sufficient testing. -Fixed format bug that caused segfaults when there was no decimal point in the format string, also introduced in 7.14 last minute changes. -When entering insert mode with '+' or '-', and the cell already contains a numeric value or expression, the edit is now saved in the dot buffer, as it should be. -Don't save the current position (for the "`" and "'" commands) during a goto in a macro. Also, don't save the current position during any movement command where the current cell doesn't change (leave the saved position pointing to the last position before an actual move). CHANGES BETWEEN 7.13 and 7.14: Chuck Martin -Added a braille option ("set braille" or ^Tb) with two different modes, which makes use of braille displays with sc much easier by judicious placement of the hardware cursor. -The "cellcur" option (current cell highlighting) is no longer saved with a file, since it's more likely a user preference and/or terminal dependent, and is more appropriate for use in a user's .scrc. -Split the last fprintf() in list_frames() so that the outside and inside ranges will be different (as they should be), even if neither is a named range, since r_name() uses a single static buffer. -The range copy command (/c) with only one argument will now use the highlighted range as the source if one is highlighted. Otherwise, it will copy the last copied range, as before. -The range copy command (/c) with no arguments will now use the highlighted range as the destination, if one is highlighted, and the last copied range as the source. -The addnote command with only one argument will now use the highlighted range if there is one, and the current cell otherwise, as the range to link to the cell specified by the single argument. -The frame command with a single argument will use the highlighted range, if any, as the inside range, and the single argument as the outside range. If no range is highlighted, the single argument will be used as the inner range, and the existing outer range containing the current cell will be used as the outer range, which which was the previous behavior whenever a single range was speci- fied. If the current cell is not in an existing framed range, an error message will be issued. -The frame command may now be used without any arguments, provided a range is highlighted (which will be used as the inner range) and the current cell is in a framed range whose outer range is to be used as the default outer range. -Fixed a bug that prevented defining a new range with a name that was the same as the beginning of a previously defined longer range name. -A new command line option, -a, will skip the autorun macro if one is defined. -Bug fix: if a cell contains a string expression, but no numeric value, pressing "e" to edit the non-existent numeric value will no longer bring up the string expression for editing (it wouldn't work, anyway, because string expressions don't work with the "let" command). -You can now use the cursor keys with ^Tr to set craction. -In numeric mode, entering insert mode by pressing a digit, '+', or '-' will cause the cursor keys to terminate an entry and move the cell cursor in the desired direction. Switching to edit mode will change the cursor keys back to their normal function (moving the cursor in the command line or history), even after switching back to insert mode. -Fixed @index function so that indexing by both row and column will still work even if there is only one row or one column (so that, for example, a macro could generically access the cell in the first row and first column of a range without regard for the actual dimensions of the range). -All flags are turned off in the clearent() function except is_changed and is_cleared, which are turned on. Also, the is_cleared flag is turned off in the fill() function after the cell is cleared and then assigned a new value. This prevents errors from appearing in expressions which reference cells in the filled range whenever the sync_refs() function is called, which happens any time any cell or range of cells is yanked, deleted, pulled, copied, or moved. -Each instance of @ext now saves its own previous value, which eliminates the longstanding bug that caused the last returned value to be used for all instances if external functions were enabled and later disabled. -Added a % command in edit mode that finds the matching parenthesis of a pair, as in vi (only works for parentheses, not for braces or brackets). -When starting a new command, the dot buffer will not be altered unless the command starts out in edit mode (like the "e" and "E" commands). All other commands will only alter the dot buffer after entering edit mode for the first time. This allows things like editing data, using "goto" to jump to a new cell, and then "." to make the same change to the new cell (previously, the "goto" command caused the previous edit to be lost from the dot buffer). -Numeric arguments are now saved for use with the dot buffer when editing a line, so the same argument will be used again when repeating the action with the "." command. -If a command line is identical to the last command in the history, it won't be stored in the history again. -The copy and move commands (/c and /m) no longer have an effect on the delete buffer. This allows you to do things like delete a cell or range of cells, move things around in the spreadsheet, and then pull the deleted cell(s) back in. -Implemented named buffers, "a" through "z" and "0" through "9", selected with the " key. Buffers "1" through "9" hold the last nine deletions, as in vi, and buffer "0" holds the last cell or range of cells yanked, as in vim. See the man page for details. (A "select" command was also added to allow the use of named buffers in macros.) -The format command now rejects a width of zero. -Column headings over columns of width 1, 2, or 3 are now displayed properly. If the width is 1 and the column name is two characters, only the second character will be displayed in the heading. -In navigate mode, v and ^V now place the numeric value from the current cell into the command line, freeing up the ^A command to be used as a synonym for the HOME key, as it is when not editing a line. -KEY_RESIZE is now handled properly so an error message is not issued whenever an xterm window is resized. If SIGWINCH is undefined, KEY_RESIZE resizes the spreadsheet to fit the window. otherwise, it is ignored, since the SIGWINCH signal handles the resizing. -Pulling the same range several times now works correctly. Pre- viously, some cell references were being altered after the first pull under certain circumstances. -Internal references are now adjusted properly when pulling a range with "pt" (pulltp). -The -R and -C command line options now work properly again. -The pull merge command (pm) now actually does a merge, instead of overwriting the destination cells, and a new pull command (paste, or "pp") pulls a cell or range after first erasing the destination cells. For macros, pull does the paste, while pullmerge does the merge. -The f (format) command now allows you to interactively change the column width, precision, and format number as well as enter these values on the command line as before. See the man page for details. -The "&" in the fractional part of a custom format type now works properly even if the precision is one. -When using "&" in a custom format type, and there are literal characters after the fractional portion, they will now be included properly even when the precision is zero. -Removed the "fill x y" (where x and y are numbers and the range is supposed to be highlighted) form of the fill command, since its usefulness and convenience leaves much to be desired the was sc now handles the /f command. It's much easier to use the full form now. -Added marks '1' through '9' to remember the locations of the last nine edits, and '0' for the current (or last, if not editing) edit. Hartmut Henkel -When saving a range with "Put", the "format" and "hide" commands are now written for the last column of the range, if necessary (needed to change a "c < cn" to "c <= cn" in the write_fd() function in each case). CHANGES BETWEEN 7.12 and 7.13: Chuck Martin -New column formats may now be defined with "format # = string", where # is a number from 0-9, and string is a format string like that used for formatting individual cells. Numbers 0-4 will replace the default formats (causing the precision value to be ignored), and numbers 5-9 will add new ones. -Format strings now interpret "&" in the fractional part to mean that the column precision should be used. This allows user specified formats to have their precision vary from column to column without having to create multiple formats (see the previous item). -The "vr" command now limits itself to the current framed range, if any, like "dr" and "yr". If not contained in a framed range, it works as before. -The "yy" command now yanks only the current cell instead of the current row, as this seems more useful. Likewise, "vv" converts the current cell from an expression to a constant value, and for consistency, "dd" erases the current cell ("dd" is a synonym for "x" now, instead of "dr"). -You can now unset mdir and autorun by setting them to "". -Both goraw() and deraw() do nothing if stdout is not a terminal. This prevents segmentation faults when using sc non-interactively with redirection or pipes. -The redraw command also does nothing if stdout is not a terminal for the same reason as the goraw() and deraw() functions (see the previous item). -doquit() and dump_me() no longer try to prompt the user about saving a file under emergency situations such as a broken pipe or kill signal if stdout is not connected to a terminal, which prevents even more possible segmentation faults. Also, SIGINT is no longer ignored, but calls doquit() instead. -Added a "usecurses" variable, and replaced most instances of "isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)" with "usecurses". The -q option also resets usecurses to 0, so echoing commands to "sc -q" now works from the command line. -Added another "usecurses" before the confirmation message in the writefile() function. -The error() macro now checks stdout instead of stdin before dis- playing its message. -find_char() now checks to see if the last character in the dot buffer is 'f', 'F', 't', or 'T', and if so, stores the next character after it. This causes these commands to be stored in the dot buffer if they are part of another command (such as 'df+'), but not otherwise. -Fixed a bug where numeric arguments could not be used in edit and navigate modes if quick numeric mode was set. -Added a new command, seval, that evaluates an expression like eval, except it evaluates string expressions instead of numeric expressions. -Added KEY_BACKSPACE and KEY_END to the control key handling part of the main loop, and removed KEY_END from nmgetch(). -Eliminated the hitwinch variable and moved all SIGWINCH stuff into the SIGWINCH handler (winchg()). Also, changed update() to use getmaxyx() instead of LINES and COLS. These changes make sc react immediately to resizing xterms (for some reason, this doesn't work with old versions of ncurses--at least not with version 1.9.9g, which seems to require restarting sc to make size changes effective). -A new Y command in edit mode that yanks to the end of the line, like y$ (I know this isn't the way Y works in vi, but it's the way it *should* work for consistency [cf. the D and C commands], and the way Y works in vi would be pointless in sc). -The "cellassign = 1" in slet() is now only done if the cell being assigned to is the current cell, like it was supposed to (I must have deleted that part by accident somewhere along the line). -The /S command now lists named ranges, framed ranges, and color ranges, one after another, along with definitions of any colors that have been changed from the default (no second letter required). -Colors may now be unset (reverted back to their default start-up values) by leaving out the expression (e.g. "color 3 =" will set color 3 back to it's original foreground/background pair). Unlike setting it explicitly to its original value, this will not cause the expression to be written to the file when saved. -Changed test in pullcells() function for checking if there is data to pull so that instead of testing the actual pointer to see if it's NULL, the index will be tested to see if it's negative. The old method was causing segfaults if the delete buffer was empty. -^A now goes to the beginning of the line in edit and insert modes. It retains its original behavior in navigate mode (the man page already stated that inserting the numeric value of the current cell into the command only works in navigate mode; now the behavior matches the manual). -Range names may now begin with a digit as long as there is at least one non-numeric character (alpha or '_'). -Added range name completion. -Fixed a bug that caused range names to match when they shouldn't when parsing a command (a range name would be matched by any string of characters that matched the beginning of the name, so that if "abc" and "abcd" are both defined, an expression using "abc" would end up accessing the wrong range, since the list is searched in reverse alphabetical order). -Cells with attached notes are now identified with an asterisk to the left of the numeric portion (using color 4, default black on yellow, if color is enabled). -The J, K, PageUp, and PageDown commands now use the pagesize setting even in navigate mode. -^B and ^F now do the same as PageUp and PageDown instead of moving left or right one cell. This is to be more compatible with vi, resulting in less confusion for those who use both. -Centered strings are now entered by pressing '\' instead of '"', so that '"' can be used for multiple delete buffers as in vi in the future. -If an autorun macro is already defined, pressing 'A' will include it for editing in the command line it brings up, as it should (it wasn't working properly due to a missing else). -In openfile(), check if rfd is NULL (signifies opening pipe to process for both reading and writing) before closing unused end of (non-existent) second pipe. This was causing intermittent lock-ups when only writing to a pipe because stdin was being closed. -The screen is no longer cleared or redrawn unless absolutely necessary after a macro is run, since most macros won't need it, and it causes screen flicker. Macros which need it (those that write directly to the screen, bypassing sc) will need to do an explicit redraw before ending. -SIGPIPE now causes a flag to be set (brokenpipe), which is checked a number of places so that nothing more is written to the pipe and an error message is displayed, instead of trying to save the file and quit (an annoyance when all you did was do a /S and then quit before reading the whole output). -If the last character in the string in a run command is '&' (signifying the command will be run in the background), the "Press any key to continue" prompt will not be displayed, and sc will continue with no hesitation. I use this in Linux to load another sc file in another virtual console with "openvt -sw" (assign it to a function key for ease of use). -Added @rows and @cols functions that take a range as argument and return the number of rows or columns, respectively, in that range. -Added a new error command for displaying error messages from macros (syntax: `error "message to display"'). -The duprow() and dupcol() functions now put the cursor in the original column or row, respectively, which, among other things, prevents sc from hanging when multiple rows or columns are appended. -A `put ""' command (with the empty string) will save the default name even in a pipeline, unless the default name is also the empty string, in which case it will be written to stdout. -Removing a function key definition by defining it to be "" (the empty string) now changes the pointer to NULL in addition to freeing the string, as it should. -When using goto (g) to jump to a specific cell address (as opposed to doing a search), only save the current address for the `` and '' commands if the destination address is different. -When inserting or deleting rows or columns, update the addresses associated with the last explicit goto. -Added definitions for color_set() and attr_get() to sc.h for older versions of (n)curses that have missing or outdated versions of these macros (not conforming to X/Open Curses). -Colors are now reinitialized in startdisp() (using init_pair()) so that they continue to work properly after resizing an xterm. -The -P command line option can now be used without specifying the source range, but the target address must be specified in such a case, preceded by a '/' (e.g. '-P/f23'). In this case, sc will be started interactively in navigate mode so you can highlight the source range you want to import. -The -P command line option may now be used more than once, and the specified ranges will be output one after another, however, the -v option must precede each instance of -P whose output is to be converted to values. This allows multiple ranges to be copied from one file to another without having to load and calculate the entire source file for each of them. -The destination given with the -P option may now be specified as either a cell address or a range. If a range is specified, the upper left corner of that range will be used. This allows named ranges to be used. -The initial allocation of memory for color pairs is now done in a loop instead of eight explicit statements. -Undoing changes made to a command now works after using replace mode. Also, backspacing in replace mode restores the original character instead of just deleting the new one and closing the hole. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.11 and 7.12: Chuck Martin -The yankrow and deleterow commands can now take a numeric argument or two numeric arguments separated by a colon to specify a row or range of rows to yank/delete. Likewise, the yankcol and deletecol commands can now take a column name or two column names separated by a colon to specify a column or range of columns to yank/delete. -Pressing y or d followed by any cursor movement, including PageUp, PageDown, H, J, K, or L, will begin highlighting full rows/columns to be yanked or deleted. Pressing TAB, '.', or ':' will terminate the highlighting and insert the range of rows/columns in the command line. Pressing the RETURN key, instead, will yank/delete the default range of rows/columns displayed. -Added a pagesize option that can be changed with the set (S) command. If nonzero, it will determine the number of rows to move up or down when using the J, K, PageUp, or PageDown keys. -The PageUp, PageDown, J, and K commands will now be multiplied by a preceding numeric argument like most other commands. -An improper test was causing the syncref() function to corrupt expressions which referenced empty cells every time anything was deleted or moved. This has been fixed (the struct ent now has an additional "is_cleared" flag). -When adding a note with "na", automatically start out in navigate mode. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.10 and 7.11: Chuck Martin -You can now use ~ in edit mode to change the case of a character, just like in vi. -In quick numeric mode, the + and - keys now switch to insert mode and append a + or - to the existing numeric entry, respectively. This is so that you can easily add to or subtract from a cell that already contains numeric data. -When attempting to edit the numeric value in a cell with e, +, or -, and no value or numeric expression has previously been entered in that cell, you will no longer be presented with a 0 to edit. -In navigate mode, the + and - keys now insert the current cell address, followed by a + or -, respectively, and remain in navigate mode, so that other cells may be easily added to or subtracted from the equation. -^E can now be used in insert mode to jump to the end of the line. -Check to see if $HOME exists before copying it to curfile to prevent segfaults if it's unset. -The deraw() function now sets the background to the default colors (white on black) before clearing the last line. -If piping from a command (as opposed to *to* a command), as in advanced macros, the cell cursor won't move to the last line and the last line won't be cleared, which avoids unnecessary screen updates. -Function key definitions are now saved with a spreadsheet file. It makes more sense to include them with the file than to consider them user preferences for inclusion in a dotfile. -Fixed a bug that prevented locked cells from being recalculated (this actually looked deliberate, but I don't understand why, so I "fixed" it anyway). -Locked cells now can't be changed even if the command is entered from scratch at the command line (previously, you were only pre- vented from using =, <, >, or " to enter insert mode while in a locked cell). -There are now openrow and opencol commands ("o" followed by "r" or "c") that work like insertrow and insertcol ("ir" and "ic"), except that the new rows/columns are added after the current row/column instead of before it. -When adding new rows/columns with a, i, or o, the new cells will always be included in the same ranges (named, framed, or color, as well as those used in an expression) as their counterparts in the current row/column. This is handy when adding rows/columns at the edge of a range, by moving to the appropriate side of the boundary and using the appropriate command (i or o). This is actually multiple changes, since each type of range had to be dealt with individually. -Added new command line options for use in piping data to another program or redirecting to a file. These are: "-P range" or "-P range/var" for writing a range in sc format to stdout (the "var" is a cell address used to adjust addresses for inclusion in another file starting at cell address "var"), and -v for causing values to be output instead of expressions when the -P option is used. This only outputs cell data and formatting, without all of the colors, range definitions, column formatting, etc., that are included with the normal put command or when piping the output without the -P. Also, piping in general has been much improved. -When using get to load a new file, all options are reset to their initial defaults, marked cells are unset, etc., and the user's .scrc file is reread. -Fixed a bug which allowed strings that are too long for the cell width to slop over into the next cell when they shouldn't (there is data in the next cell, for example). This bug only occurred in framed ranges. -The pipe symbol (|) is no longer required at the beginning of the "pipe" commands. The way the proper file descriptor is chosen has changed so it's no longer necessary. This makes it easier to use shell scripts for macros because there's no pipe symbol to quote (it should have been done this way in the first place--I don't know why it didn't occur to me before). -Added a "status" command for use in advanced macros that will return information about the current state, such as whether the file has been modified and whether stdin or stdout is connected to a terminal. -Added an "eval" command for use in macros to evaluate an expression without storing it in a cell first. This is a pipe command so the result will be piped to the macro. -Added a -q command line option to force sc to exit immediately after reading all files, including stdin, if that is being read as a file. This is useful for getting information from a file without entering it interactively (e.g. echoing the eval command to sc from a shell script, effectively using sc as a command line calculator). -Defining a function key as "" (the empty string) will effectively undefine it, so it won't be written to the file when saving. When used with F1, this restores the default behavior of reading the man page. -After doing a goto, update() is called, so that following a goto by a whereami in a macro will return the correct second address (the upper left corner of the current screen). -^E and ^Y both work in navigate mode now. ^E works both for scrolling and going to the end of a blank/non-blank region. The END key also works in navigate mode. -Fixed problem in the range commands (those initiated with a "/") where the cursor wasn't being positioned properly at the end of the command line due the the recent change in how insert mode is entered (for making the dot buffer work properly). -Simplified logic for doing autorun macros. -When starting to define a range from navigate mode with the TAB, ".", or ":" keys, a space is no longer inserted into the command line (there was an "ins_in_line(' ')" in the wrong place). -Added a new function, @err, that forces an error. If rows or columns are deleted and not pulled back in, all references to cells in those rows/columns will be replaced with @ERR until they are pulled back in (@ERR is equivalent to @err, but the caps show that it is due to a deleted cell being referenced). If the spreadsheet is saved to a file before pulling, the @ERR will be saved as a part of the expression, and will show as @err (lower case) after being read in again, since the deleted cell can no longer be restored. This is so that it can be fixed in a later session. Previously, the whole expression was lost if there was an error when the file was saved and reread. Also, if another deletion is performed before pulling the last one in, all instances of @ERR will change to @err, showing that these references may no longer be restored. -Fixed a bug when inserting columns at the end of the scrolling portion of a framed range, which caused formulas referencing the last cell in the scrolling portion to reference the new last cell (in the last newly added column) instead of the old one. -Added a command to sort the rows in a range according to either numeric or string data (or both) in one or more columns. See man page for details. -Added a "cslop" option (short for "color slop"), disabled by default, which, when disabled, prevents long strings from slopping over into a cell in a different color range, even if there is no data in it. When enabled with "set cslop" or ^Ts (to toggle it), this slopover will occur regardless of whether there is a change in color range or not. The default is very handy in framed ranges to get more data on-screen by including only the beginnings of row identifiers in the frame while maintaining a cleaner look, while enabling cslop still allows you to see the full string. -All options which can be disabled by using ! with the set command can now use ~ instead (handy for shell scripts because it doesn't need to be quoted). Some options worked this way before, but it wasn't consistent. -The move command will now accept the currently highlighted range as its second argument even if you don't press TAB, ".", or ":" to enter it into the line. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.9 and 7.10: Chuck Martin -Implemented "dd" command as a synonym for "dr" and "yy" as a synonym for "yr" (similar to the way these commands work in vi). -Added a vi-like y (yank) command to edit mode which copies from the command line to the text delete buffer without deleting. -Added two more goto commands: `goto #"regex"' to do a regular expression search through formatted numbers, and `goto %"regex"' to do a regular expression search through expressions. Both of these may take an optional range argument to limit the search to a specified range. -Added a |getframe command for use in macros to return the outer and inner ranges, respectively, of a frame, separated by a space. -You can now scroll up and down without moving the cell cursor using ^E and ^Y, as in vi. Since ^E also has another function, it only scrolls when immediately following a ^Y or another ^E. -Corrected man page which still erroneously stated that C centers the current cell (it is now used to define a color). -ZZ now only writes a file if it has been modified. It also gives an error message if there is no default file name. -If cell highlighting is turned off while color is on, the cell pointer (<) no longer leaves a trail through colored ranges (I don't know why anyone would use this combination of options, but it's fixed, anyway). -When writing a range with the put (P) command, format commands for columns outside the specified range are no longer written. -Removed "#include " from sc.c, vi.c, and xmalloc.c, since this is redundant when curses.h is included. -Added an autorun command (shortcut "A") to specify a macro to be run automatically as soon as the file finishes loading. Autorun macros will not be executed from a file which is merged (such as another macro). -When uninstalling, $(LIBDIR) (default: /usr/lib/sc) is removed completely, instead of just its contents. -When used in a pipeline rather than a terminal, the format command doesn't try to resize the column because the format is "too large" for the screen, which resulted not only in negatively sized columns, but also segmentation faults when switching to interactive mode. -Initialized variable "pid" to 0 in readfile() function in cmds.c to eliminate potential hangs when closing a file after reading. -A message was added to let you know when a file is being read so it doesn't look like the program hung when reading a large file. -When switching from reading from a pipe to interactive mode, there is now a stopdisp() before the freopen() and a startdisp() after to make sure the curses initialization is done properly. -Now checks to see if the stdin is a tty before trying to check if the terminal has colors (curses has_colors()) to prevent segfaults when run in a pipeline. -Modified both the sc and psc man pages for a more consistent look. -You can now use numeric arguments in the middle of a command in edit mode, as well as the beginning. For example, d3w and 3dw both do the same thing. If you do both, they will be multiplied. -sc now uses getopt() to parse its options. -If stdin is not a terminal (as in a pipeline) and a filename of "-" is not given, stdin will be merged in after all files on the command line have been processed. -Added a modflg++ to the frame-handling part of the deleterow() function in cmds.c so that deleting a row in a frame will cause you to be prompted to save the file if you quit. -Added an autoinsert option and toggle (^Ti) to automatically insert a row/column each time the last row/column is filled in the scrolling portion of a framed range if craction is set to move the cell cursor so that it moves outside this range. -Marked cells are now updated properly when inserting or deleting rows inside a framed range. -In both edit mode and navigate mode, "v" is now a synonym for ^V. -Moved savedot() out of vigetch() in vi.c so that the f, t, F, and T commands wouldn't be saved for repeating with the dot command. Added a ";" and "," command to repeat these commands instead, as in vi (the latter reverses the direction of the search). -Replaced all instances of "insert_mode()" in the main loop in sc.c with "edit_mode; write_line('A')" so that they are written into the dot buffer properly. -Pressing RETURN in insert mode enters an ESC into the dot buffer instead of a ^M so that the dot command only repeats the last change, without automatically ending the input. -Removed a sync_refs() from the frame-handling section of insertrow() in cmds.c so that deleting and then pulling a row in a framed range doesn't mess up expressions that referred to cells in that row. -When not editing a line, ^A goes to A0 like the HOME key. -Navigating with the HOME key, ^A, 0, ^, $, or # now saves the current position for returning with `` or ''. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.8 and 7.9: Chuck Martin -Fixed a bug where cells in the delete buffer were having their row and column numbers changed each time they were pulled to match the last pull address instead of keeping their original values. -Added two more options for the 'p' (pull) command, in addition to 'pr' (pull rows), 'pc' (pull columns), and 'pm' (pull merge). These are 'px' (pull exchange), which works like 'pm', but instead of leaving the contents of the delete buffer unchanged, exchanges the cells in the delete buffer with those being overwritten; and 'pt' (pull transpose), which works like 'pm', but transposes the rows and columns while pulling them into the spreadsheet. Also added equivalent commands for use in macros: pull (pm), pullrows (pr), pullcols (pc), pullxchg (px), and pulltp (pt). -Fixed bug when inserting rows at the end of the scrolling portion of a framed range, which caused formulas referencing the last cell in the scrolling portion to reference the new last cell (in the last newly added row) instead of the old one. -Added a 'yankrow' and 'yankcol' command for macros, and 'yr' and 'yc' equivalents for the user, which work like /y, but work on whole rows or columns instead of a range. 'yr' is limited to the current framed range, if any, just like the other row commands. -When deleting, yanking, etc., the upper left and lower right cells of the range are allocated if they don't exist, so that pulling them back in will always work correctly, even if all the cells in one or more edges of the range being erased are empty. Pre- viously, they might be offset due to the pullcells() function using the minimum and maximum rows/columns of any cell in the delete buffer to determine the range being pulled. -The closecol() function now only takes one argument, since the first argument was always curcol whenever the function was called. -If the color option is the only one that has been changed, it will still be saved in the file (the test was reversed). -Cells may now be marked while in navigate mode. -Can now 'goto' a cell, range, etc., while in navigate mode, without losing the command line being entered. -Added a |query command that allows a macro to display a question or message and obtain information from the user. -The 'run' command now frees up the space allocated to the command string being run after it's through. -Removed a '+1' from the coltoa() function because it was causing the column returned to be off by one. -Moved the gmyrow and gmycol variable assignments to the beginning of the RealEvalOne() function so that @myrow and @mycol work not only in numeric expressions, but also in string expressions. -Two variables in screen.c seemed to serve the same purpose. These were lastcol and lastcurcol. All occurrences of lastcurcol were changed to lastcol to eliminate the redundancy, and lastcurrow was changed to lastrow for consistency. -Numeric arguments are now accepted in edit mode and navigate mode. For now, the numeric argument must precede the whole command, rather than come in the middle. For example, "3dw" works; "d3w" does not. -The f, F, t, and T commands in edit mode now work properly even if the cursor is currently on a character matching the one being searched for. -More bugs fixed in screen.c dealing with framed ranges, one which was causing the row labels at the left of the screen to disagree with the actual cells being shown under certain circumstances. -Many more minor changes and bug fixes I've forgotten, and don't have the time to figure out from the diffs. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.7 and 7.8: Chuck Martin -Separated most of the code for framed ranges into its own file. -Inserting, deleting, or appending rows while in a framed range now only effects the framed range you're in. The old behavior of inserting, deleting, or appending the row or rows all across the whole spreadsheet is still the default behavior when done outside of all framed ranges. -Inserted columns are never hidden when created. Previously, the hidden flag was copied from elsewhere, resulting in new columns potentially being hidden for no apparent reason. -Columns may now be inserted at the end of the scrolling region of a framed range. Previously, they were added to the bottom of the frame instead. -Changed the behavior of the delete row/column (dr & dc), the delete range (/x), and the delete cell (x) commands so that subsequently pulling the deleted row/column/range into another part of the spreadsheet will cause references to external cells to continue to point to their original locations. References to deleted cells show as "ERROR", but pulling the cells back in restores the references. -Implemented a "move range" (/m) command, which, unlike deleting and pulling, will cause all cell references to move with the range (both internal references to external cells and external references to internal cells; see the man page for more informa- tion). -Implemented a "yank range" (/y) command, which copies a range into the delete buffer without actually deleting it. -The range-copy command (/c) may now be used without arguments, or with only the destination specified. See the man page for details. -Implemented colors and color ranges, with the ability to base foreground and background colors on a calculation or test, and to set colors differently for negative numbers or cells with errors. See man page for more information. -Writing a file now gives a message telling what it's doing, instead of only after it's done (useful for large files, so you know it probably didn't lock up). -The `, ', and * commands now work in navigate mode. -The yn_ask() function in cmds.c now ignores anything except y, Y, n, N, ESC, and ^G, instead of giving an error message and returning. -@pi now acts as a function instead of a constant, so it won't be optimized away unless the optimize option is turned on. -You can now "define" a cell (give it a name) without pressing TAB or equivalent to start highlighting a range. -The redraw command no longer sets FullUpdate (it may not be necessary). -Negative numbers are now treated as constants instead of expressions (required adding unary "-" operator to list of tests in constant() function in interp.c). -Changed isfunc from type bool to type int, since this is more in keeping with the way it's now used. -Moved test for KEY_END back into nmgetch(), since, not being a control character, it wasn't working properly in the main loop. -The |getnum and |fgetnum commands can now return ERROR and INVALID if the cell has a first or second generation error, respectively. -Removed "#include " from range.c, since this is redundant when curses.h is included. -Cursor keys now work properly with the END key (or ^E). -The goto command now works with all labels, including those which are the same as keywords. -ESC and ^G can now be used to cancel defining/undefining a framed range, and an error message is issued for invalid frame commands. -Strings can now be rejustified by pressing {, }, or | while the cell cursor is in the appropriate cell. -Documented the changes made to @index and @stindex in version 7.7 in the man page. -Fixed numerous bugs in the screen-handling code in update() in screen.c (mostly in handling frames). Hiding columns no longer causes sc to lock up, and column headings are centered better. This is terribly inefficient code, and a nightmare to debug, and really needs to be rewritten from scratch. -You can now use ":" in navigate mode as a synonym for "." or TAB. -Removed redundantant TAB description in list of keybindings for edit mode in the man page. -When defining a range with the cursor, "," will now insert the range into the command line followed by a literal ",", similar to the way ")" works now. Also, if the range is ended with a TAB, ".", or ":", a space will be inserted after the range in the command line. -In navigate mode, "c" will insert the color range, "f" will insert the outer frame range, and "r" will insert the inner frame range which includes the current cell into the command line. -Going through the command history now positions the cursor at the end of the line instead of the beginning. -The command for hiding rows/columns has been changed from "z" to "Z", so that "z" could be used as in vi to move the current cell to the top ("z") or middle ("z.") of the screen, and also to center the current column ("z|") or the current cell, both vertically and horizontally ("zc"), which aren't in vi, but are patterned after vi. Other "z" commands may be added later. Also implemented vi-like "ZZ" shortcut to save and quit in one step. -Added "tags" to the list of files to be removed during a make clean or make distclean. -Removed the "-lfl" from the LIBS line in the Linux section, since flex isn't being used (Was it ever? Should this also be done in the system V.3 section?). -Lots more minor bug fixes and things I've forgotten. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.6 and 7.7: Chuck Martin -The openrow() function has been eliminated, and insertrow() has been rewritten to eliminate looping. The closerow() function has also been rewritten to eliminate looping (it takes a second argument specifying the number of rows to delete). Also, the opencol() function has been eliminated, and its functionality incorporated into insertcol(). -New commands: insertrow, insertcol, deleterow, and deletecol for use in advanced macros. -Added rowsinrange and colsinrange variable assignments in doformat() function to eliminate potential lock-ups. -Changed many shorts to ints because they were actually increasing the code size instead of decreasing it, and slowing things down. -Added a cbreak() to the closefile() function so you can now "press any key" instead of "press RETURN" to continue. Also changed the main loop under "case '!'" in the same way. -Removed redundant v_name() declaration from write_fd(). -New command: run, for running arbitrary programs (useful in function key definitions). -The getnum, fgetnum, getstring, getexp, and getfmt commands may now be used with a range argument to get data from more than one cell at a time. -The @index and @stindex functions may now take a third argument to index into a two-dimensional array as well as the old one- dimensional version. Also, the @lookup, @hlookup, @vlookup, @index, and @stindex commands will now accept their range argument as the first argument instead of the second (the old order is still accepted), which makes more sense with the new two-dimensional @index and @stindex. -The goto command no longer duplicates the previous goto command if there is an error in the command (accepting the WORD token as an argument to mean "do nothing" fixed this). -"Showing" (listing) named ranges no longer pipes through sort, since that also sorted the headings and the following blank line with the data. Instead, named ranges are inserted into the list in sorted order as they're created. -Deleting a named range now updates modflg like it should. -The F1 key now defaults to running "man sc" if not redefined with the fkey command, and the default also works in edit mode, unlike the user-defined function keys. -When starting a range command with '/', if you change your mind and press ESC or ^G, the error line is now cleared. -When using 'ns' to show which cells have attached notes, a message is now presented informing the user what the highlighted cells mean (I know it should be obvious, but a message reminds you in case you get distracted, and forget your current cell isn't highlighted). -startshow() and showdr() were moved from sc.c to vi.c, where they can be used more easily. -RESCOL has been changed from a macro to an int, and renamed to rescol (lowercase), so it can be changed when the spreadsheet has too many rows for the row numbers to fit properly, causing problems with the first displayed column. -The default value of mode_ind has been changed from '.' to 'i'. -Renamed navigate_mode() to toggle_navigate_mode() to better fit its function. -Fixed history functions so that some lines aren't skipped when moving forward. -Fixed TAB behavior in navigate mode so it doesn't exit navigate mode, requiring you to press ^V to continue defining the range. -Implemented vi-like G, P, and p commands in edit mode, moved ^I (TAB) funcionality from main loop to write_line(), and added '.' as a synonym for TAB, and changed behavior of RETURN/ENTER key in navigate mode to end input as it does in insert or edit mode if a range is highlighted instead of entering the range into the line like TAB or '.' does. -The H, J, K, L, HOME, and page up/down keys now work in navigate mode. -The savedot() function now checks to see that there are at least two chars left in the dot buffer before saving if the last key pressed requires two chars to store (cursor keys, HOME, etc.). -Pressing ESC or ^G now cancels the r (replace a single character) command instead of being entered into the command line. -Implemented vi-like c0, d0, c$, and d$ commands, and fixed the dw command again (was deleting an extra char). -Replaced loop in del_chars() with a memmove(). -Implemented framed ranges, whereby rows or columns at the top, bottom, left, and/or right of the range will remain onscreen at all times whenever the cell cursor is in that range. -The set and goto commands now work properly again (set wasn't allowing multiple arguments and goto didn't accept error or invalid as an argument). -Defined ranges with names equivalent to function names (without the "@") or other keywords no longer cause errors when subsequently used. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.5 and 7.6: Chuck Martin -Fixed error() macro so messages are displayed like they should be. This should probably be rewritten as a regular function. -Added programmable function keys. -Added a navigate mode that can be switched to while editing a line, which allows movement around the spreadsheet using any and all cursor movement keys. In addition to the control characters and cursor control keys, this now also including 0, $, ^, #, h, j, k, l, H, J, K, L, b, and w, which used to be unavailable while editing. The arg variable was made global so that cursor movement keys can be given a numeric argument even when in navigate mode. Since ^V is the command to enter navigate mode, it must be pressed twice to get its former action: once to enter navigate mode, and a second time (after moving to the cell you want) to enter the cell address in the command line (the RETURN/ENTER key may be substituted for the second ^V). -The ins_in_line() function is now global, so it can be used from the main loop in sc.c. -The /d command (for defining a range) doesn't automatically start highlighting a range, since that would mean switching to navigate mode, and a range name needs to be entered first, but the rest of the range commands enter navigate mode and start a range immediately. -Special keys, such as cursor control keys, the END, INSERT, and DELETE keys, etc., are no longer converted to straight ASCII equivalents in nmgetch(), but are passed as-is to the functions where they're used. Also, the conversions made in nmgetch() for the wyse wy75 have been disabled because they interfere with the programmable function keys. -Using the TAB key to highlight a range and enter it into a command will now insert it at the cursor position instead of appending it at the end of the line. -When editing, the current command line is temporarily added to the end of the history so you won't lose your work if you go back through the history, although it doesn't become a permanent part of the history until you press the RETURN/ENTER key. -The savedot() and dotcmd() functions have been modified to save and retrieve special keys like the INSERT and DELETE keys as two consecutive bytes. -The default prefix in the Makefile has been changed back to /usr. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.4 and 7.5: Chuck Martin -Rewrote error() macro definition to fix segfaults in version 7.4. -Fixed division operator to eliminate segfaults in version 7.4. -Do NOT use version 7.4. The above bugs make it unusable. My sincere apologies for not testing thoroughly after some last minute changes. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.3 and 7.4: Chuck Martin -Added a BUGS file that lists known but not-yet-fixed bugs. -Lots of changes to allow -Wall to be used with gcc without too many warnings, including additional #includes in some files, parentheses around assignments used as booleans, braces in the sed files, and the removal of many register declarations. -Wall is not used by default in the Makefile because a few innocuous warnings remain that may worry some people if they don't under- stand them. Also changed -O to -O2 in Linux section CFLAGS. -Added an uninstall target to Makefile. -Before jumping to a new cell (any movement except simple cursor movements or half-screen movements), the location is remembered, and may be returned to by using either `` (to restore the cell cursor to its original location on the screen) or '' (to do a simple jump to the cell without regard to where it exists on the screen). This is similar to the way vi works. -The Write command now puts date formatted values in the correct columns instead of at the beginning of the line ("pline" was changed to "pline+plinelim" in printfile() function). -Added a check for rfd != NULL in openfile() function so /s command and writing to a pipe will work again without segfaults. -Notes can be attached to cells, which amounts to providing a link to a range that can be jumped to quickly. See man page for details. -Backslash-escaped double quotes now work properly in strings, such as filenames. -If stdin is not a tty, no attempt is made to write the data to the screen. Also, startdisp() and stopdisp() become no-ops, and the first startdisp() has been moved to just before the main loop. This allows sc to work better in a pipeline for non-interactive use. -Implemented vi-like F and T commands for moving backward in a command line in edit mode. -Deleting to a character in edit mode with dt, df, dT, or dF now works properly even if the character is not found. -If a cell changes from ERROR or INVALID to a value of 0, the cell will now be updated properly on the screen without having to force an update by moving it offscreen and back on or doing a ^L. -If the denominator of a division operation references a cell with an ERROR, the result will correctly show INVALID instead of ERROR. -More "style" changes to code for more consistency, and other minor changes of little real effect or consequence. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.2 and 7.3: Chuck Martin -Fixed doend() function to prevent occasional lock-ups when using ^E or the END key. -When outputting formatted data with Write or Tbl, dates formatted with Fmt are now converted and output correctly. -Makefile has been rewritten, with many unused targets removed, "clobber" target renamed to "distclean", ${prefix} variable defined to allow installation directory ${prefix} to be specified (/usr/local is now the default), among other things. -Added start-up files $HOME/.scrc and ./.scrc for configuration commands. New commands added for specifying default filename extensions are: scext, ascext, tbl0ext, tblext, latexext, slatexext, and texext. Also added `set scrc' (see man page). -If the filename ends in either .sc or the user defined extension for regular sc files (scext - see the man page), this extension will be stripped first before a new extension is appended by the Put, Write, or Tbl commands. If scext is defined, it will also be appended when saving a file with the Put command if it isn't already present. -Created temporary string variable for manipulation of filename when adding/deleting extensions before saving a file, since there wasn't always room in the existing space. This also fixed a bug when expanding `~/' or `~user/' into a user's home directory. -Expanding `~/' or `~user/' into a user's home directory now also works with pipes. -Much longer file names are now allowed when adding extensions on filesystems that allow them. The actual length allowed is filesystem dependent. -A filename of `-' can now be used to tell sc to read spreadsheet data from the standard input. Also, multiple files can now be specified on the command line, and they will be merged, with the default filename being taken from the first one if possible. -Added an "advanced" macro capability, where commands and data are passed through pipes. New commands added are: up, down, left right, endup, enddown, endleft, endright, |whereami, |getnum, |fgetnum, |getstring, |getexp, |getformat, |getfmt, recalc, redraw, and quit. Documentation is still sparse. Only available on systems which support pipes. -The mdir command no longer automatically appends a `\' to the path you enter, so that an actual filename can now be used (this is handy for advanced macros, which might contain more than one macro in a file, so you can add command line switches and arguments to the defined string instead of a filename). -Removed modflag++ from readfile() so sc doesn't assume the file was changed just because a macro was run. If a macro changes a file, modflag will be updated when the change occurs. -Significant digits in the fractional portion of a number were being lost if preceded by a 0 when the format specification used #'s. An "else break;" if a nonzero digit was found when looking for trailing 0's fixed this. -Decimal points are now suppressed if there are no significant digits after the decimal point in a formatted number. -The g (goto) command now has an optional second argument when used for searching that can be used to specify a range to search instead of always searching the whole spreadsheet. -Range names can now be less than three letters without being mistaken for column names, and may also contain any mix of letters, numbers, and underscores, as long as it isn't a valid cell address and the first character isn't numeric. -Rewrote the evaluation of the `-' and `=' operators and added an fflush(stdout) to each to force optimizing compilers like gcc to pop the FPU stack so both sides of the calculation have the same precision. Otherwise, comparisons would sometimes fail when they shouldn't, and subtractions that should be zero sometimes wouldn't be. This (differing precision due to the FPU) also turns out to be the cause of the spurious "Still changing after x iterations" message, which was fixed previously. -Removed toascii() in several places in nmgetch() to make sc 8 bit clean and suitable for international use (international characters can now be entered as data in cells). Also removed -DINTERNATIONAL from Makefile and elsewhere, since it should no longer be necessary. -Removed unused ClearScreen variable. -If the -e command line switch is used, rndtoeven is set both before and after loading the files, so that it will override the contents of any files loaded. -When editing a cell's existing format string, the cursor now starts out at the last character instead of after the last character. -No longer tries to center a range that's wider than the screen, which was causing lock-ups. -If current cell highlighting is on, turn the cell pointer (<) off (don't need both) and hide the hardware cursor at the lower right-hand corner of the screen unless editing a command on the top line. -Row indicators are now right- instead of left-justified. -Turn off highlighting on row and column indicators for the current cell so they stand out. -Implemented vi-like e command to go to next end-of-word in edit mode. Also, cw now works just like ce, as it does in vi and its variants. -If deleting the last character in a line, x now backs up as in vi et al. -Many more minor changes that will probably not even be noticed. Michael L. Hall -Don't quote (via a backslash) the "[" and "]" characters in LaTeX table output. CHANGES BETWEEN 7.1 and 7.2: Chuck Martin -A dummy fflush(stdout) was added to the RealEvalOne() function to work around a strange bug which causes spurious "Still changing after x iterations" errors when automatic optimization of expressions is off (the default). This still needs a proper fix. See the BUGS file for more information. -The goto (g) command now accepts an optional second parameter which specifies which cell is to be located in the upper lefthand corner of the screen, if possible. When saving the file, this parameter is included in the goto command that brings you back to where you left off. -The mark (m) command remembers not only which cell the cursor is in, but also which cell is in the upper lefthand corner of the screen. The ` command uses this information when returning to the cell, but the ' command does not, so you can decide whether to center the marked cell when returning (') (assuming the cell is not currently visible) or whether to try to restore it to its original position on the screen (`). -If the destination of a goto command is a range instead of a single cell, the whole range is centered on the screen, if possible, instead of the upper lefthand cell of the range. Named ranges in the tutorial have been adjusted to use this fact. -If quick numeric entry mode was enabled and you started to enter a number, then changed your mind and escaped out of it, any subsequent cursor movement (except h, j, k, or l; i.e. only control key combinations and cursor keys) would put you back into insert mode. Setting numeric_field back to 0 in the stop_edit() function in vi.c fixed this. -Cursor control keys now work properly while in quick numeric entry mode if craction is set to other than no action (it used to follow both desired cursor movement and craction direction). -Implemented vi-like C and s commands in edit mode. See the man page for details. -All instances of rndinfinity have been changed to rndtoeven and all tests have been reversed to make the old rndinfinity behavior the default rounding method and round-to-even (banker's rounding) an option. A new command line switch, -e, allows you to set rndtoeven when sc is started. Round-to-even may be superior for some applications, but it isn't the way most people round or expect rounding to be done. Spreadsheets which explicitly set rndinfinity will display an error when loading, but will behave as intended and will save without it. Those which don't set rndinfinity but depend on the former default behavior will have to either be started with the -e option or have rndtoeven set manually the first time they are loaded. The advantages of setting rndtoeven for some applications have been added to the man page. -The craction toggle has been redone (again) to prompt for the direction you want to move after entering data in a cell. See the man page for more details. Also, craction now only has an effect if data is being assigned to the current cell (i.e. the command just entered starts with either "let", "label", "leftstring", or "rightstring"). -Placed parentheses around all "OP_BASE + ..." macros in sc.h to stave off potential problems and increase robustness. -Many more additions, deletions, and changes (too numerous to mention) to remove unused and unnecessary stuff, fix minor bugs, and make for more uniformity of style. CHANGES BETWEEN 6.21 and 7.1: Chuck Martin -Converted function declarations and definitions from K&R style to ANSI style. -Removed unnecessary function declarations for standard library functions. -Multiple marks (up to 26) may now be set with m and copied with c. Marked cells may also be jumped to by using either ` or ' as in vi. For now, ` and ' work exactly alike, but this will change in a later release. -Expressions which resolve to a constant are no longer automatically optimized by default, but optimization may be turned on if desired with ^To or the -o commandline option. This allows you to edit expressions instead of having to reenter them from scratch. -Rewrote the @dts function from scratch. It is now Y2K compliant and allows parameters to be entered in y,m,d order as well as the old m,d,y order (the proper format is detected automatically). -Removed support for the undocumented feature added previously by David Fox (sorry, David!) which allowed dates to be entered as dd_mm_yy and replaced it with a similar feature which allows dates to be entered as y.m.d or m.d.y. This is actually just a shorthand way of entering the @dts function using only the numeric keypad, providing the year, month and day are all purely numeric (no formulas), and the year must include the century. -Rewrote the date formatting routine to use strftime() and added a second date format (format 4) identical to the regular one (format 3), but with a four digit year. -Cells may now contain date formatting strings, entered with F, which work similar to the standard numeric formatting strings, but allow all the same conversion specifiers as strftime() to format a date. A ^D as the first character in the string is used to distinguish a date format string from a standard numeric format string. -^L now redraws the screen as it was instead of attempting to center the current row. Added a C command for centering the current row. -Changed main() in help.c to type int (was void). -Cells in columns pi, ln, fv, pv, and if may now be referred to in expressions (they previously conflicted with two letter function names), but the number pi now requires the @ in front of it to work (@pi). -The Insert and End keys now work. Insert works exactly like i and End works like ^E. -Moving up and down half a screen at a time now works much better. -Pressing Escape to exit insert mode now backspaces to be more consistent with the behavior of vi and its variants. -Moved switch (craction) from ^M/^J part of main input loop to if clause in cr_line() so that pressing RETURN to enter input mode won't move you to another cell if newline action is set to something other than the default no action. -Added a test in deleterow() to prevent segfaults when deleting too many rows. -^Tr now enters a special toggle mode instead of just toggling the newline action, since there are three options instead of two. That way, if you need to toggle twice in a row to get the action you want you can use ^Trr instead of ^Tr^Tr, which I think is easier (the second r can be any key except ). -Removed a line from the tutorial because the first page was one line too long for a 24 line screen. This really needs to be completely rewritten, IMHO. -There are probably many more bug fixes and other changes including style changes to make the code look more consistent that I've forgotten or that I was just too lazy to figure out or document properly, but they're mostly minor. CHANGES BETWEEN 6.21 and 6.19 Mark R. Rubin -noted a problem using bison 1.16 (use any version but 1.16) Marco S Hyman/Ian */and others -Crypt/CRYPT_PATH define problem Paul Eggert -sc.doc $Revision: 6.21 $ 'buglet' Ulf Noren/Dave Lewis -AIX3.1/Microport System V/AT don't have notimeout() changed NONOTIMEOUT to NO_NOTIMEOUT, define if not present Niels Baggesen -function keys may not return ascii codes that isascii() understands -added an A command for vi mode (add at end of row). -Special key support: DC='x' (del char in vi mode), FIND='g' (goto), HELP='?', SELECT='m' Dave Davey -noted Ultrix 4.2 curses doesn't have idlok() [I added NO_IDLOK in Makefile] Kim DeVaughn -added ${RIGHTBUG} is now passed to sc.o && screen.o -suggested a better fix on SunOS 4.x dont use the Sys V package (CC = /usr/5bin/cc, etc), but use the BSD 4.3 defines David Bonnell -scqref [will produce] TROFF output instead of plain text, [when] you define QREF_FMT=TROFF in the Makefile. The resulting quick reference guide uses the MS macro set and you build with something like: scqref > quickref troff -ms quickref > Kurt Cockrum - sc.h: If not (defined(BSD42) || defined(BSD43) && !defined(ultrix)), include for the benefit of some USG systems... - screen.c: Repaired cpp logic: don't mention IDLOKBAD or idlok() unless SYSV3 defined; idlok() does not exist for USG pre-SYSV systems (may exist for SYSV{2,3,4}). - Repaired a number of off-by-1 errors. Mats Wichmann -cleaned up Robert E. Cousins MIF format support code which is compatible with FrameMaker. Neil Skilling -added @numiter which returns the number of iterations performed. It allows you to solve equations by direct substitution. Taking a guess from another cell if the first iteration otherwise taking the last best iterate. Other uses may be found. Martin MacLaren -MS-DOS cleanup of Makefile Art Mulder -^T toggle: don't list crypt if not available John Amanatides -pointed out a possible NULL ref in interp.c Phil Johnson -sc now appends: "asc", "cln", "tbl", etc. to output files -made the engineering format match that used by an engineer -deleted an unused engmult[] reference -added a fix to struct enode for the HP compiler Kevin Cosgrove -noted sc should use any predefined PI Jeff Buhrt -'make clean' now leaves the binaries and man pages [Jean-Pierre Radley] -'make clobber' cleans all built files (like clean used to) [""] -'-D' vs '-S' was needed on a XENIX2_3 line [""] -'quit()' -> 'doquit()', function conflict [""] -change xmalloc,xrealloc,xfree -> scxmalloc,scxrealloc,scxfree (xmalloc is a standard malloc) CHANGES BETWEEN 6.19 and 6.18 Tom Tkacik -sc.doc and CHANGES changes Edgard -moving right off the screen now redraws vs optimize Sisira Jayasinghe - added (VMS) and VMS fixes Jonathan I. Kamen && Charlie Shub -noted fmod doesn't exist on BSD4.3 and Mt Xinu Ben Priest -vi compatability: ' ' moves right as well as 'l' while line editing Jeff Buhrt -one more possible NULL pointer fixed -added NONOTIMEOUT for those that don't have notimeout() in curses -undef CRYPT=-DCRYPT_PATH... if crypt isn't available -merged simple fmod into interp.c if fmod() is not present CHANGES BETWEEN 6.18 and 6.17 James Dugal - NULL pointer fix for is_locked Kevin Pye - add a new mode suitable for entry of large amounts of data. moves to next cell on return, maxrow/col when to start entering in the next row/col. (see help screens B&C) COMMANDS ADDED: ^Tz, ^Tr, Srowlimit=?, Scollimit=? David Fox - added a date format so that columns whose values are the number of seconds since 1/1/70 will be displayed as dates in the format dd-mmm-yy, and a modification to the grammar so data entered in the format dd_mm_yy will be converted into the number of seconds since 1/1/70. COMMANDS ADDED: f # # 3 Teus Hagen - labels are centered strings - constant strings with '\' preceeding character will be wheeled over the column width - a restart of sc on an sc file will go to last used cel - added toupper, tolower and do proper word capitalization COMMANDS ADDED: @toupper(), @tolower(), @capital(), @pi, "\[String] Jeff Buhrt - external functions null/previous message was backwards - cleaned up help.c by inserting a new screen - found a possible NULL pointer in screen.c CHANGES BETWEEN 6.17 and 6.16 Ulf Noren - added cell locking, disallowing input, to ranges of cells Herr Soeryantono - I added ifdef's around curses KEY_* functions his curses didn't have (Sun/OS 4 on a SPARC) Jay Lepreau - changes to how to get out, should be used w/ 24 lines - IDLOKBAD was not passed to screen.c - suggested error messages if the execl of crypt fails - pointed out BSD's crypt is in /usr/bin/crypt Henk P. Penning - suggested Makefile list the mode of the man page & - make install will now install the psc man - yylval was not known in lex.c for HP-UX 7.05 Edgard - hitwinch fixes - KEY_HOME now takes you to 0,0 CHECK KEY_NPAGE/PPAGE Stephen (Steve) M. Brooks - suggested the man pages should include Sc's revision Dan Banay - code to set LINES and COLS after a window size change Bart Schaefer - @myrow/@mycol fix Bruce Jerrick - noted ln may not always work for the temporary source files Gene H. Olson - fixes for SIGWINCH for Sun OS 4.1.1 Teus Hagen - added three functions: 1) allow @PI as well 2) @upper/@lower for casing characters in a string 3) @capital for upper case first char of words in a string. Martin Maclaren - added MS-DOS support COMPILER USED: Microsoft C, 5.1 TOOLS USED : NDMAKE GNUBISON GNUSED PCCURSES Cuong Bui - has a working Vietnamese version of sc, noted a A_CHARTEXT mask problem Jeff Buhrt - when numeric prescale is on: 300 -> 3.0, now 300. -> 300. not 3.0 (numbers with a decimal aren't scaled) CHANGES BETWEEN 6.16 and 6.15 Tom Tkacik -fixed a bug in ^W Jonathan I. Kamens - added Makefile rules so scqref and psc don't clobber .o's Larry Philps - fixed a SCO XENIX vs M_XENIX problem - fixed a problem where dosval() might not xmalloc enough memory Dave Close - fix for Xenix 2.3 to reset terminal modes CHANGES BETWEEN 6.15 and 6.14 Lowell Skoog - fixed a bug in 'F'ormat Henk Hesselink - format.c double neg. sign - interp.c minr/minc bug, plus modflg wasn't set - fixed a hardcoded path in sc.doc - improvement: -show current cell format in top line -[buhrt: go into edit mode on the old format if it existed otherwise insert mode] Jonathan Crompron - made sure doformat() does a checkbounds() Stephen (Steve) M. Brooks - pointed out -s in psc was broke Michael Richardson - fixed negative numbers in exponential format CHANGES BETWEEN 6.14 and 6.13 Mats Wichmann - Sys V R4 patches, fixed 'Press RETURN ...' on a shell command Tim Theisen - changed #define for memcpy/memset under ultrix Rick Walker - Added @myrow and @mycol to give the row/col of the current cell 'The two functions are @myrow and @mycol, which return the numerical row and column of the calling cell. The cell directly above a cell in the D column could then be accessed by @nval("d",@myrow-1).' NOTE: @myrow and @mycol can't be used in specifying ranges. CHANGES BETWEEN 6.13 and 6.12 Rick Walker - pointed out a move(x,y)-> (y,x) in sc.c Glenn Barry - Further SunOS 4.X cleanups Tom Tkacik - made sure 'J' moves downward 1/2 a screen even at the bottom David I. Dalva - pointed out crypt may not be in /bin/crypt Gregory Bond - allows the vi-mode editing of very long expressions (> 1 screen width) to work on 2nd + subsequent lines Tom Anderson - "let A1 = aaa" (where aaa is defined as A0:A0) is now valid - added autolabeling 'When there is an empty cell to the left of a cell that has just been defined (with /d), a label is created in the blank cell. The label holds the definition that has just been created. This labeling is only done for definitions of single cells (and not for ranges).' 'The feature can be turned on and off with a toggle (^T) command' Petri Wessman - Added support for SLaTeX, 'a Scandinavian version of LaTeX, in intensive use ... in Finland and in Sweden' Jeff Buhrt - vmtbl.c explictly set arrays of pointers to NULL, vs memset() - psc [-P] plain numbers only:a number only when there is no [-+eE] [-S] all numbers are strings - psc: a number must end in [0-9.eE] anything else makes it a string (4, 4., 4.5, and 4e are numbers; 4-, 4+, etc are not). - psc: made sure we grow enough when we call growtbl() - cleaned up the Makefile w/ a few suggestions - SIGWINCH is delt with next time the screen would update (testing) - added IDLOKBAD to get around a SysV curses bug (see Makefile) - moved screen functions into screen.c (except for one indirect 'repaint()' call in sc.c, and help.c) CHANGES BETWEEN 6.12 and 6.11 James Dugal - added format.c to SRCS in Makefile - noted RETURN didn't enter insert mode Peter King - pointed out iscntrl is broken on some other systems as well - sent some lint cleanups Michael Richardson - patch to stop format looping when scientific notation was selected Glenn T. Barry - code to turn on hardware scrolling and added 'slow speed display' speedups, default for SYSV3 or see -DSUNOS41SYSV in Makefile. Tom Tkacik - fixes to make sure J and K move same amount, and re-added H code Jeff Buhrt - fixed a possible xfree(NULL) in getent() (found when adding K_VAL) - merged compiler cleanups * - added $(name)qref to print a Quick Reference card - got rid of INVALIDS that may have been left around * - pressing return on a empty line puts you into insert mode (like in <=Sc6.1). When entering you can also press ESC to go into the editor (no change); this is also documented now so it might stay around this time. CHANGES BETWEEN 6.11 and 6.10 Jonathan I. Kamens - sc.doc now mentions the tutorial file in the FILES section Andy Fyfe - pointed out 3 locations where a NULL should have been '\0' Robert Bond - pointed out the ERROR could hide a cellerror Piercarlo Grandi - H,J,I,K now move 1/2 screen Ulf Noren - changes for AIX V3.1 - defined CHTYPE and NLS for the preprocessor. CHTYPE is the type of every character in a curses window. - Added KEY_BACKSPACE to nmgetch - strtof ifdef - Iteration change: when Sc says: "Still changing after 9 iterations" Sc at that point will have eval'd 9 times Chris Metcalf - pointed out I broke setlist when adding 'goto {error,invalid}' James P. Dugal - iscntrl() wasn't handling TABS though CRs under Pyramid OSx4.1 Peter King - BROKENCURSES patch for nl()/nonl() bug on some BSD systems - backups, tutorial file, and man references now depend on $name - DFLTPAGER to DFLT_PAGER fix CHANGES BETWEEN 6.10 and 6.9 Tom Tkacik - when moving off the current table (resizing) now move the cursor on 'l' or 'k'. - patches to sc.doc to correctly format the vi-mode notes Jim Clausing - made sure / doesn't try to divide by zero. Tom Kloos - correction to substr() example in help.c Piercarlo "Peter" Grandi - Disable non-constant expressions while loading - Added extra code in dealing w/ floating point exceptions - #ifdef'd SAVENAME (vs hardcoded SC.SAVE) to allowing changing the emergency save name. Casey Leedom - Makefile changes: man extension, RINT note, make values should never be left undefined and then referenced, don't leave around *.old's Tom Anderson - patches to add type of column format (note format now has 3 args) Jeff Buhrt - xmalloc/xfree fatal() will now call diesave() (MAKE SURE the saved file is ok if this were to happen) - history[] is now a circular queue, this will cut down on the number of data moves and also xmalloc/xfree calls (idea from Keith Bostic) - cells with an error (ex: divide by 0) will show 'ERROR' - you can 'goto error' (or 'goto') to find an ERROR (for next ERROR) Robert Bond - When in numeric mode the ^B, ^F, ^N, ^P key will end a numeric entry. CHANGES BETWEEN 6.9 and 6.8 Jim Richardson - pointed out vi mode was not documented in sc.doc - found a nasty buffer limit bug in savedot() - a side effect was ^D could cause a core dump (-Jeff) Tim Wilson - Hints on compiling on Ultrix Eric Putz -patch for printfile() (sc died on huge # of columns in a W) Jeffrey C Honig -patch for lex.c which bombed on SunOS 4.1 if $TERM was not set Tom Kloos -psc now calls [+-.] strings vs numbers. -also pointed out a format reversal problem Jack Goral -changes to Makefile to compile under SCO Unix V rel 3.2.0 Mark Nagel -changes to allow arbitrarily complex formatting of cells Kim Sanders -^W generated an incorrect equation (line was not started at beginning) Mike Schwartz -a put command will use the same encryption key as when the file was read. >I have a suggestion for making the encyrption option of "sc" more >usable: Right now, if you use the -x option when you start up sc, it >prompts you for the key (just like "vi -x" does). But when you try to >write the file out using the Put command, it asks for the key again >each time. Why not make it use the same key you used before (as "vi >-x" does)? That would really help, because as it is, each time you try >to save the file you run the risk of mistyping the key. > >You might think this causes a security problem, since the key is then >an argument to crypt, and hence is visible from ps. But when crypt >runs, the first thing it does is to copy the key to an internal buffer >and then zero out the argv copy, so the window of vulnerability is >vanishingly small. Adri Verhoef - pointed out a ^D caused a core dump (fixed) Gene H. Olson - format now grows the spreadsheet before setting the column format. - removed an extra ';' that caused a possible column number trashing Paul Eggert -sc now also has round-to-even, also known as ``banker's rounding''. >With round-to-even, a number exactly halfway between two values is >rounded to whichever is even; e.g. rnd(0.5)=0, rnd(1.5)=2, >rnd(2.5)=2, rnd(3.5)=4. This is the default rounding mode for >IEEE floating point, for good reason: it has better numeric >properties. For example, if X+Y is an integer, >then X+Y = rnd(X)+rnd(Y) with round-to-even, >but not always with sc's rounding (which is >round-to-positive-infinity). I ran into this problem when trying to >split interest in an account to two people fairly. -While we're on the subject, @round(X,Y) should also work when Y >is negative. For example, @round(123,-2) should yield 100. CHANGES BETWEEN 6.8 and 6.7 Jeff Buhrt (with help from some beta testers-Thank you) 1) added a per row memory allocation -runs in about 1/2 run time and 1/3 the space of 6.6vm.1 -insert/delete row now just moves pointers (# == maxrow+1-currow) and blanks one row (of columns (maxcol)) -as the number of cells grows the size is more linear (no more ##Meg images except for 100,000's of rows....) -row to column pointer translation is done by a macro (ATBL) that returns a pointer to the cell pointer. *ATBL would be a pointer to a *ent (cell). -the maximum # of columns is limited by ABSMAXCOLS or sizeof(struct ent *)*maxcols (whichever is smaller) (702 * 4 = 2808 is no real limit even for 286 large model) -the maximum # of rows is limited by the virtual memory limit or sizeof(struct ent **)*maxrows (whichever is smaller) (4*X=64k, X=16384 rows (excluding malloc overhead) on a '286 large model. Even w/ 3.25Meg and 10Mhz) (plus of course any memory used for cells) 2) dolookup (int vs double) 3) dolookup calling eval w/ ent * not enode * (dolookup called w/ ent * not enode *) 4) cleaned up a lot of .... *x = 0 to (.... *)0 (cmds, interp) 5) psc: fwidth/precision were reversed on the output 6) Backup copy (on save) using same mode to [path/]#file~ (will prompt if a backup fails) 7) put y/n prompt function into yn_ask(mesg) 8) found a move(x,y) in sc -> move(y,x) and only move when needed 9) we use FullUpdate || changed (to see if ANY cells changed) before trying to redraw the screen in update (now we don't try to redraw every time a key is hit) -if we are stand[ing]out we do not create a cell just to force a standout inside the repaint section of update() -only draw blank cells if we cleared it or it is standing out reason: the less work (what to update) curses has to do, the faster a screen update will be (less cpu required) 14) {insert, delete}col replaced w/ {open,close}col(currow, numcol_to_insert) (limits looping) 15) goto nonexistant cell may loop 16) make sure that startup size will at least fill the screen w/ cells. 17) added version.c 18) When we would normally die w/o saving (SIGQUIT, etc), we now ask if people would like to save the current spreadsheet. If 'y', saves to the current file name, otherwise ~/SC.SAVE, then /tmp/SC.SAVE if all else fails. 19) don't use malloc.c for production code 20) progname is now truncated to just the basename (systems w/ long paths caused problems) CHANGES BETWEEN 6.1 and 6.7 Dave Lewis - Found and fixed a null pointer derefrece in the 'R' command. Rob McMahon - Changed the ctl() macro to work with ANSI style compilers. Cleaned up some non-readonly text problems. Rick Linck - Fixed a bug in lex.c - Ann Arbor Ambassadors have long ks and ke termcap entries. Sam Drake - A fix for undefined C_* symbols in AIX. Peter Brower - Cleaned up the INTERNATIONAL ifdefs with more portable code. Glen Ditchfield Cleaned up a problem in crypt.c when the encrypted file shrank. Bob Bond - Vi style editing for the command line. A bug in range name aliases. Jeff Buhrt - -Added "~" filename expansion. -702 columns (A-ZZ) and unlimited rows/cells based on max. memory -fixed a few bugs -slightly decreased CPU usage -MAKES backup copies of files -understands ~$HOME stuff CHANGES BETWEEN 5.1 and 6.1: Andy Valencia - xmalloc aligns data to a double boundary. Lawrence Cipriani - Fixed a bug in the "do you want to save this" sequence. Soren Lundsgaard - A null pointer derefrence. Rick Perry - Cleaned up a problem with modchk() in sc.c. Gregory Bond - Added code for multi argument versions of @min and @max. Tad Mannes - Added code to save/restore hidden rows and columns when the data base is saved or restored. Marius Olafsson - INTERNATIONAL changes. Allows full 8 bit characters (if curses supports them.) Kurt Horton - Added support for @pv, @fv and @pmt financial functins. Tested lots of different systems, linting. John Campbell - Support for VMS. See VMS_NOTES. Peter King - User selection of row or column order for recalculation. Also affects order of traversing regions in /f and /r User setting of automatic or manual recalculation. User setting of number of times to try recalculation. + and - commands when in non-numeric mode to do increment and decrement operations. @index, @stindex, @atan2, @lookup functions. Save/restore options. Support for TeX, LaTeX, and better support for tbl in "T" cmd. Provision of a copyent function to copy entries (same code repeated in several locations) Forwrow, backrow, forwcol, backcol functions to replace repeated code Correct interpretation of ESCAPE or ^G as an abort when in a two character command such as 'ar' or 'ac' Cleanup in eval() - catches non-trap function errors. Bob Bond - Added search options to "g". Added supression of hidden columns to "W" Added the mod operator "%" New help functions. Constant prescale "$" Added string matching to @lookup. Some more bug fixes. Testing, integration, documentation. Alan Silverstein- Greatly revised the manual entry. Added menus for ^E command and row/column commands, which involved a bunch of code cleanup. Changed top row display to clearly indicate string labels versus number parts, and to distinguish string functions from constant labels. When the character cursor is on a cell (not topline), ^H (backspace) is like ^B (move back one cell), rather than being ignored. When the character cursor is on a cell (not topline), ^I (tab) is like ^F (move forward one cell), rather than being ignored. ^R is no longer identical with ^L. Now ^R highlights all cells which should be entered by a user because they contain constant numeric values (not the result of a numeric expression). Added a ^X command, similar to ^R, which highlights cells which have expressions. It also displays the expressions in the highlighted cells as left-justified strings, instead of the label and/or value of the cell. Added indirection functions (@nval() and @sval()) for simple table lookups. Given a column name and row number, they return the numeric or string value of the selected cell. Added external functions (@ext()) for non-trivial computations. Given a command name and argument, it calls the command and reads back one output line. Added a ^T,e command to toggle enabling of external functions. Changed ^T,t to only control the top line display, and added ^T,c to control current cell highlighting. (Separated the functions.) "!" (shell escape) gives a vi-style warning if there were any changes since the last write. (No change to manual entry.) Fixed some startup, error, and prompt messages to be cleaner and/or more consistent. (No changes to manual entry.) Fixed a bug: If @substr() upper bound (third parameter) is past the end of the string operand, return the substring through the end of the string, rather than returning a null string. Fixed a bug: Reset SIGINT to default after forking before calling shell escape program and before starting pipeline (for commands which support this). Didn't reset SIGINT before calling crypt and external functions because in both cases it should be irrelevant. (No change to manual entry.) CHANGES BETWEEN 6.1 and 6.2: Chris Cole- Compatibility with Lotus 1-2-3 a) @hlookup(expr,range,expr) b) @vlookup(expr,range,expr) c) @round(expr,expr) d) @if(expr,expr,expr) e) @abs(expr)