Installation is easy; cd to the src/ directory, then type this: ./configure make If this went without errors or serious warnings type this to start tintin: ./tt++ Options configure current supports: --enable-big5 To use the big5 encoding If you wish, you can edit src/ before running ./configure. It shouldn't be necessary unless you have some unorthodox request (such as wanting to install tintin++ /usr/local). If you have any trouble with installing/compiling tintin, you can use ask for assistance on the forum. TERMINAL EMULATION: In order to run tintin full featured you will need a vt102 emulator. If your OS doesn't use one per default it's suggested to install rxvt (also known as wterm). If you are using cygwin for example you might want to do the following: cat x < rxvt -bg 0 -fg 15 -cr 2 -fn "courier-15" -fb "courier-15" +sb -tn xterm -e /usr/bin/bash --login -i& chmod 777 x ./x This will start up rxvt configured as an old school putty terminal everytime you type ./x and you can run tintin in split mode.