(B) Effect Commands --------------- Command-Overview (DT-LIKE commands): - - No Effect 1 - Note Slide Up G - Volume Slide Up 1F- Fine Note Up GF- Fine Vol Up 1E- Extra Fine Up GE- Extra Fine Up 2 - Note Slide Down H - Volume Slide Down 2F- Fine Note Down HF- Fine Vol Down 2E- Extra Fine Down HE- Extra Fine Down 3 - Note Portamento I - Multi Retrig Note 4 - Vibrato J - Tremolo 5 - Arpeggio K - Tremor 6 - ** not used L - ** not used 7 - Set BPM-Speed (Beats per Minute) 8 - Set Panning 9 - Set Envelope A - ** not used B - Position Jump C - Set Global-Volume D - Pattern Break E - Special-Commands (see below...) F - Set Speed E0- ** not used E8- Set Samplestatus E1- Pan slide left E9- Retrig Note E2- Pan slide right EA- Mainvol slide up E3- ** not used EB- Mainvol slide dw E4- Vibrato Wavefrom EC- Cut Note E5- Set Finetune ED- Delay Note E6- Pattern-Loop EE- Delay Pattern E7- Tremolo Waveform EF- Set Sampleoffset Command-Description: * 1xx - Note Slide Up This command slides the pitch of the note up.xx is the slide-speed (01-DF,00 -> take value from the last slide-command). * 1Fx - Fine Note Slide Up Slides the pitch up at a slower speed(only one time per row). * 1Ex - Extra Fine Note Slide Up Like the 1Fx-command, but this is 8 times more accurate. * 2xx / 2Fx / 2Ex - Note Slide Down These commands slide the pitch down. * 3xx - Tone Portamento This command will automatically slide from the old note to the new (up or down). The new note must stand in front of this command. xx is the speed.xx=00 means using the last speed. * 4xy - Vibrato This will give you a frequency-vibrato. x is the speed of the vibrato, y is the size (depth). x/y=0 means using the speed/depth of the last command. * 5xy - Arpeggio This command will produce a one-channel chord. x is the second halfnote(add to the main-note), y is the third. * Gxx / GFx / GEx - Volume Slide Up Acts like a 1xx-Command, but it slides the volume up instead. GEx is 4 times more accurate like GFx (look at the 1x command- description). * Hxx / HFx / HEx - Volume Slide Down Slides the volume down. * Ixy - Multi Retrig Note This will restart the note after y ticks. x determines the volume-change after every retrigger: Value Volume Value Volume 0 no change 8 no change 1 -4 9 +4 2 -8 A +8 3 -16 B +16 4 -32 C +32 5 -64 D +64 6 *2/3 E *3/2 7 *1/2 F *2 * Jxy - Tremolo The tremolo is similar to the note-vibrato (4xy), the different is, that it changes the volume. x is the speed,y is the depth. * Kxy - Tremor The Tremor-Command turns the volume on for x ticks and off for y ticks. * 7xx - Set Speed in BPM(Beats per Minute) Sets the song speed in BPM to xx (0-FF). xx<3 will stop the sound. * 8xx - Set Panning (stereo-position) Sets the stereo-position for this channel. Values from 00 (left) - 7F (right) are possible. * 9xx - Set Envelope Sets/changes the volume-, panning- or fre- quency-envelope for the actual instrument. x can be... 00-3F -> volume-envelope 40-7F -> panning-envelope 80-BF -> frequency-envelope This command makes it possible to play the same instrument with different envelopes. ATTENTION: Only envelopes, which are used in instruments, will be saved! So place the envelopes, which you are selecting by this command, also in an instrument! * Bxx - Position Jump This command will perform a pattern-break and let the tracker continue at position x in the songlist (in HEX!). * Cxx - Set Global Volume Sets the global volume(volume at which the whole song is played)to the new value (01- FF). * Dxx - Pattern Break Sure simple,this will end your pattern and go on with the next at note-position xx (this time xx in DEZ, don't forget it!) * Fxx - Set Speed Sets the song speed to xx (0-FF). * E1x - Panning slide left Moves the pan-position of this channel to the left. * E2x - Panning slide right Moves the pan-position of this channel to the right. * E4x - Set Vibrato Waveform Select the waveform for the vibrato (4) with this command: x=0 - sinus (default), x=1 - ramp down, x=2 - square. * E5x - Set Finetune Sets the finetune for the current note: 0=0, 1=+1, 2=+2, 3=+3, 4=+4, 5=+5, 6=+6, 7=+7, 8=-8, 9=-7, A=-6, B=-5, C=-4, D=-3, E=-2, F=-1. * E6x - Set Loop Point/Jump to Loop Point This command repeats parts in a pattern as often as you want. E60(x=0) sets the begin of the loop, E6x(x=1-F) sets the end. x is the number of repeats.Example: E60 ... E65 means, that the part between the two com- mands will be played 6 times(1+5 repeats). * E7x - Set Tremolo Waveform Select the waveform for the tremolo (7) with this command: x=0 - sinus (default), x=1 - ramp down, x=2 - square. * E8x - Set Sample Status x=0 no loop, x=1 loop, unidirectional, x=3 loop, bidirectional * E9x - Retrig Note This will restart the note after x ticks. * EAx - Mainvolume Slide Up Slides the mainvolume up. x is the slide- speed. * EBx - Mainvolume Slide Down Slides the mainvolume down. * ECx - Note Cut This will stop the note after x ticks. * EDx - Note Delay Delais the note and starts it (again)after x ticks. * EEx - Pattern Delay This delais the next note-position in pattern for x notes. That means that there is break which is as long as x note-posi- tions. * EFx -xx - Set Sample Offset This is a double-command. It starts the sample at adress xxx*256. Example: C-5 01 -- EF1 -23 ->starts sample 01 at address 12300 (in hex).